Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 663: half drow

   Chapter 663 Half Drow

   Hearing the sound, Kyriani turned around quickly, and just as she saw, Laila opened her eyes and looked at her calmly, as if with a kind of penetrating power.


   The half-drow girl was busy meeting her.

   It should be said that from the heart, Kyriani has respect, admiration, and even admiration for Laila, but there is nothing close to him.

   It's not that she is ungrateful or something, it's really... a natural personality that doesn't match!

   She is of the Drow bloodline, just like the Drow who follows the dark maiden, passionate, unrestrained, and passionate.

   And Ms. Laila, although tolerant, although she can accept the shortcomings of others, she is relatively conservative when it comes to emotional matters.

  Because of some lover things, Laila talked to her, not once or twice.

   Of course, the main reason for talking to her is not because she has many lovers, but... Her maintenance of some lovers is indeed a bit too much.

   She actually has a number herself.

   It’s just that when you’re emotionally overwhelmed, you can’t think about anything else when you’re impulsive.

   Therefore, although she has lost that closeness to Laila because of the frequent conversations, but in a rational situation, her admiration for Laila has not changed, but... she has a little reverence instinct to stay away.

   is the same at this time.

When   Laila spoke from behind, Kyriani's heart tightened instinctively, and there was a little bit of embarrassment in the gesture of turning around to greet him.

This allows……

   "You are also afraid sometimes!"

  Kwailu snickered in her heart.

   It was decided long ago that "Lyla", who came to visit the King of Reid on this trip, was naturally changed by her.

   She is all too familiar with the change "Layla", after all... This is an old craft with hundreds of years of proficiency! .

  Her "Lyla form" is not only completely indistinguishable in shape, but when needed, even her personality, she can perfectly simulate it.

   has come all the way, even a senior adventurer like Kyriani, who is quite familiar with Laila, is completely unaware of the difference.

   "appreciating" her "good sister" restraint all the way, Kuilu couldn't help but want to laugh several times.

   She has always had a close relationship with Kyriani.

   In fact, she has a friendly attitude towards most drows that are not of the evil alignment.

   And the fact that Kyriani can come out of the "heart of darkness" and come out strong, which in itself has won her respect.

   Not to mention, even if it is only a half-drow, but Kyriani's enthusiasm and unrestrainedness resonate with her.

   Many contacts in Waterdeep City, the relationship between them seems to be close like sisters.

   It is precisely this close relationship that Kwai Lu will make Kyriani's jokes "out of sight".

It's just that she didn't expect that Kyriani would be so cramped when he was alone with Laila. He had been here all the way, and he still couldn't notice the difference. The adventure experience is completely unmatched!

   Several times, Kwai Lu wanted to "sneer" out loud.

   After all, she thought about whether Kyriani would lose face, and furthermore, whether her whereabouts would be exposed in advance because of this, she forcibly endured it.

   But now... it's already approaching the green of nature, and some things have arrived, and it's time to tell Kyriani!

   "Kenny, you made another mistake."

   Peaceful tone, but open mouth, Kwai Lu is "discipline wind".

   Half-drow's head, a circle of question marks, then floated up, and his face was full of innocent expressions.

  Because of the war with the entanglement talisman, for a long time, she didn't care about those lovers at all, why did she make a mistake again?

   "Don't understand?"

   "Then I'll ask you two things."

  Kuilu of course could see what she was thinking, but she still said in a calm voice: "First, do you know the purpose of our trip? Maybe guess?"

   Very serious question.

  Keriani didn't hesitate: "The one from Reid Kingdom, and...for the sake of entanglement?"

   She looked over with her searching eyes, but Kuilu didn't reply directly, but continued to ask: "Second, do you know why I brought you and only you?"

  This is...

  Keriani pondered for a while, or spoke out some of the existing ideas: "Are you for the underground city of Dugas in the Red Kingdom?"

   "It seems that you still don't realize that you are wrong there."

Kuilu slowly shook her head, her eyes were filled with "disappointment", she sighed, and then said: "First, since you have questions, why don't you ask? It's not Kyle who is leading you... …”

   Her words...

   Kyriani's heart suddenly moved.

   Not only understand the connotation... just do it, don't ask too much, it's Kelburn's consistent style!

   Also...Ms. Laila never seems to make fun of Kelburn in front of others, right?

   "Secondly, do you think that if I need your help, I should come from Waterdeep City, to the Red Kingdom, and come from thousands of miles to help. It will be disrespectful, and I will not even inform you about the most basic things?"

   "Do you think that because you have too many lovers, I think you can't keep a secret?"

   "Or, your usual bragging is really just bragging. In fact, the three of them took you to lie down and win?"

  Kwailu's voice grew faster and faster, and the tone was also a serious "Lyla style", which quickly revealed a style that Kyriani was familiar with.

   This made Banzhuo's pretty and dark face reveal an unstoppable surprise at first.

  Then, the silver-white hair that was combed left and right was automatically moving without wind, and her beautiful eyes with a mysterious purple luster were revealed. In her eyes, there was an angry indignation: "Verazzo, you did it on purpose!"

   At this time, how could she still not know that the "Laila" in front of her was changed by Kwai Lu.

   Came all the way, out of the "awe" of Laila, for several days, she didn't notice anything unusual at all.

   And Kwai Lu... just looked at her like this on purpose! Just waiting for this time to "mockery" her!

   This is really her "good sister"!

   Kyriani groaned angrily, and the figure rushed towards Kwai Lu.

   But Kwai Lu is not used to her.

   A mage who doesn't change shape, why can't he still wrestle with her?

   held her back, pressing Kyriani on top of her round legs, and slapped her firmly on the part that was thicker than hers.

   "Talk softly. I came to see that person as Laila, and I have a secret to discuss with him, so don't go out in advance to reveal the news."

   "Also, I've given you a lot of time. All the way here, for so many days, you've been completely unconscious. This is your own alertness problem."

   "Stop talking about that. Let's get down to business."

   "This time, I specially invited you here, not only for me, but also for the lady's intention, and He and Ms. Baiyin also had a tacit understanding in advance..."

  Kwailu was pressing Ban Zhuoer while turning around again and again, and with a few strokes, the topic was staggered.

   Madam, is this a dark girl? Or, the goddess of magic?

   The tacit understanding between Him and Lady Silver in advance...

   involves such two people.

   For a while, Kyriani's struggles and embarrassment slowed down as expected.

   "Ma'am, I hope you can temporarily stay in the Kingdom of Reid and the Kingdom of Tethyr..."

   (end of this chapter)