Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 681: licking the dog with parties

   Chapter 681 Licking the dog and parties

   "Eilistraee came to Kwai Lu?"

   "Still in Dugas with King Reid?"

  Waterdeep, Black Staff Tower.

  Layla, who was quietly returning from the Leyline Lost City, received a message from Kyriani, and for a while, the color-changing eyes couldn't help but look strange.

   The advent of Eilistraee.

This is a bit of an accident. After all, in the current environment, if the gods want to come, the price is far from what they used to be. Even with the anchor point of Sunflower, the price to pay is definitely not small. It is even less likely that more power will come.

   But at the same time... Laila quickly accepted the accident.

   After all, from Kuilu's initiative to request to borrow her identity, to borrow that year's appointment, to visit the King of Reid, she already knows it, and most of it is a dark girl's plan behind it.

   And since it came from the dark maiden... He came voluntarily, obviously because he was well prepared, not because of the attack of the Frost Seal or the other masters of symbols.

   However, even after realizing this, Laila still had a strange look on her face.

  Without him, Kyriani's summons, mentions another matter.

Eilistraee appeared in Dugas, and the King of Reid not only escorted the whole process, but even... Some observations from Kyriani, the relationship between the two seems to be a bit close. In the sword dance and singing, I actually got this endorsement, although this endorsement is a bit "out of tune" and "walking"!

   "What is Eilistraee doing?"

   "King Reid again..."

The thought of    quickly flashed, and Layla soon became the King of Reid, and actually sang and danced. It was even more conceivable that she was "clumsy" and turned to business.

   Eilistraee's purpose is naturally only for the drow.

  So, what did that one do to Dugas, and then, made him feel moved and grateful?

   Or, is it because of the purification ceremony of the "Dark Natural Disaster" and "Killing Storm", and the return of Lemanson City, and preparing in advance?

  Lyra vaguely judged Eilistraee's most likely purpose, and from this, to the King of Red...

   "What is he for?"

In the eyes of   , the strange color is no longer, replaced by some doubts, even some suspicions.

  Although in Kyriani's message, the King of Red was a little addicted to Eilistraee's charm, but...

  Laila shook her head slightly.

The level of the    King of Reid is not so simple, you can be charmed.

   Moreover, this green dragon has never heard of any scandals for so many years.

   In addition, the arrival of Eilistraee is not a real body after all, not even an incarnation, using the body of Kwai Lu.

   King Reid has never seen Kwai Lu.


   "Pretend to be charmed?"

   But if it is pretending, its purpose is to...

  Laila frowned slightly.

   For a long time, she, including Kelburn, thought that the most important evaluation of King Red was that there were only two things that he cared about the most.

   One, magic!

   Second, wealth!

   Even the latter serves the former.

   The huge business system that this person masters openly and secretly, just from her secret observation, she doesn't know how much to invest in the collection of magical resources every year.

   Such an investment requires a lot more resources than the entire Black Staff Tower, and even the "Xingyue".

  Only from this, we can also see that this most core pursuit lies.

   With this man's pursuit... Is it necessary for him to please Eilistraee?

  If this is not necessary...

   "Or, did you really meet Eilistraee?"

   This is not absolutely impossible!

Eilistraee even holds the "Ministry of Beauty", as well as "Singing" and "Dancing", "Moonlight" and "Swordsmanship", all of which are not only charming and combined, but also a more perfect combination of priesthood. .




  Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in my mind, and Laila's eyes froze.

   What age group is that person from now?

   is an adult?

   Or, prime of life?

   Could it be that there is also a reason for this?

In   Laila's eyes, once again, some strange colors emerged.

   At the same time, she forcibly suppressed the urge to contact Kwai Lu.

"hold on!"

   "Eilistraee won't stay on the Material Plane for long."

   "Let's see how everything goes when he returns!"

   "Before this..."

  Lyra still turned her thinking direction to the most important "Entanglement Mark" at the moment!

Various aspects show that King Reid's forcible intervention prevented "Frost Seal" from jumping into the net she opened in Waterdeep City, but King Reid made his move, even if "Frost Seal" still got it. The person who was suspected of being the Lord of the Supreme Symbols came to help, but it was not a good thing.

   And even the master of the highest symbol took action, but he still failed to completely stop King Reid's telecasting spell...

   How could the Lords of Symbols not have any taboos about their faint alliance with the King of Reid?

   Coupled with her team of Leyline Lost City this time, although Helast is in a rather poor state, he is also willing to make a joint counterattack!

  All of this…

   It's time to put a strong pressure on that side!

   pondered in his heart, Laila first communicated with Kelburn with the secret message of her real name.

   Soon, another light curtain opened, and he discussed with Kelburn and Marjo about the matter of Reid Kingdom and Helast.


   was around this time.

   is also paying attention to Dugas, and there are more sources than Laila, and there are other people.

   Tower of Shadows, a half-plane base.

  Eugene and Stadt were once again together.

   "It doesn't have to be so gloomy."

   "I know him, whether it's the one from the Tower of the Black Wand or the dark girl, it won't be enough to fascinate him."

   "Be patient and wait, it won't be too late for me to see him again when it's over there."

   Once again, Stutter, who hurriedly returned from Rayloran, only pondered for a moment after getting the relevant news from Eugene, not as gloomy as Eugene.

The cooperative relationship with Long Ma can be said to have watched Isaac grow up. So far, she has known her hidden abilities from a young age, such as awakening her acting talent, which makes her and Long Ma the one who has both lost sight of her. I can't get enough of his acting skills.

   Even though various phenomena showed that he was licking the dark girl, Stutter's heart was still stable.

   Of course, although she can hold on, she also understands Eugene's attitude.

   Both came from the place of immortality, worked as a shadow mage, and believed in the lady of the dark night. Like Eugene, she was born with a relative position to the dark girl who was closely related to the silver moon goddess.

Among the    drows, they prefer Velen, the "Masked King".

   Of course, it's just a bias, they don't have the time to interfere in Drow's affairs.

If it weren't for this time, the attack on the green of nature made them pay more attention to that side, and then they noticed Dugas, and then they noticed that it was Eilistraee who performed a miracle in Dugas. And Isaac actually licked this...

   At this time, Stat and Rodnick should have been busy in Rayloren.

   "No, that's not all I'm worried about."

  Eugene shook his head slowly, the gloom in his eyes did not dissipate.

Looking at Stutter and Rodnick, he said solemnly: "Since you are going to take over this matter, I will not say more until you understand it. However, there is another thing that we must have in advance. ready."

   "After Mr. Satan disappeared, there are fewer and fewer places for us to complement him in all aspects."

   "In recent years, although it is still only in the field of magic, he has been in frequent contact with some people outside..."

   Having said this, Eugene's voice stopped.

   However, Stutter and Rodnick both wrinkled their eyes.

   Naturally understood what Eugene was referring to.

   With the disappearance of Teacher Satan, with the explosion of the silver tower, the place of immortality, or even the entire Rayloran, there are too many lost inheritances.

   has been around for some years.

   The mysteries they unearthed and added to the Tower of Shadows were rarely the ones that caught his attention.

   On the contrary, there are quite a few that he has added to the inheritance, even the place of immortality in the past must be listed as the highest level of mystery.

  If it's like this, it's been like this...

   Green Dragon is not a kind dragon who only pays and does not ask for anything in return!

   Not only that.

  Although they didn't want to admit it, they all knew that after they entered the legendary rank, the gap between them and him not only didn't shrink, but it seemed to be getting worse.

  Especially in recent years, when discussing magic with him, he even gave them one. Even Teacher Satan is just like that, maybe even... Teacher Satan seems to be inferior to him!

   You must know that this person is also a giant dragon, and even more of a dragon of conferred gods!

   In addition, as this man's attainments in the field of magic become more and more unfathomable, his series of legions are also being comprehensively strengthened.

  Especially the Dragon Vein Warlock who was on a large scale, who was abruptly promoted to the second level by him, all had better!

   As for the Shadow Assassin Corps who cooperated closely with him, from Barrett’s side, they are more or less numerous, and his kobold army’s elite level and scale.

   Once again, even if you don’t want to admit it, it’s also a lot.

   Not to mention magic, it is difficult to help him, even if it is complementary.

   Even in terms of support, without them, it will not affect his stable control of the overall situation!

   Eugene's real worry is this.

The arrival of    Eilistraee just triggered his worry in advance.

   Before that, he had been in close contact with the Black Rod Tower for a long time, and that was the power of the Goddess of Magic!

   Not to mention, on the green side of nature, those academies, those temples, there are more levels involved behind them.

Understanding what Eugene was referring to, Stutter and Rodnick pondered for a moment with slightly wrinkled eyes, then slowly, Stutter raised his eyes and said, "Abel's progress needs to be accelerated. , and... I thought that he should be allowed to intervene to a certain extent, after all, he is the chief of our Tower of Shadows!"

The matter of   Abel is not only about the place of immortality, but also about the other three major institutions of Rayloren.

   can be said to be the most important thing they are currently paying attention to. Anyone who touches it will trigger a joint counterattack by the four major institutions.

   But Stutter believes that Isaac will not have any rejection of this matter!

If Satan can return, it also includes the two ancient lich, if all three of them can return...the existence of the place of eternal life, and then, the tower of ghosts, which is an important branch of the tower of eternal life, and then, as ghosts The chief controller of the tower, all of these are of great significance to Isaac!

  Abel thing, let him also participate, it is a hint of this!

   After all, with the continuous progress of research, they have become more and more sure that Teacher Satan and their location, with great probability, are there!


  Eugene and Rodnick's eyes moved in response, and a thoughtful look appeared again.

  Stuart's consideration...it's really a good idea!

   Although they gradually lost their qualifications to talk to him on an equal footing.

   But Teacher Satan and the others are enough to maintain an alliance with anyone, or even any existence.

   And with his long-standing habits, even traditions, he really cares about the stable relationship of the alliance!

After thinking about it in his heart, the gloom in Eugene's eyes subsided a lot, and he nodded slowly: "Yes, he is the chief of our Tower of Shadows, and he really should have participated in the exploration of Abel. If we neglect it, it is our fault."

  Stats went on to say: "When the Dugas affair is over, I will share with him when I visit him in person."

   None of the three had any opinions, and the atmosphere was calming down a bit.

   On the one hand, they continued to wait for the communication from the outside, on the other hand, the three of them communicated again about the latest progress on Rayloren's side.

   And they gradually relax.

   Far North.

   Beneath the mountains, the ruins of an ancient dwarven capital.

   A large number of Tanarok took over, and this ancient ruin was revived again.

   It's just that the vitality of Tanarok and even Tanari... This may not be a good thing for most people!

for example……

   Little Devil Modas!

   After all, he was the one who first took refuge in Isaac. When the lich Wilder's phylactery was also controlled by Isaac, and then succumbed to Isaac's rule, the lich obviously had the momentum to anger the little devil.

   is not used to the lich, Isaac forcibly assigned the little devil to Amarinda, which can be regarded as a temporary relief from the lich's punishment.

   It's just that Amarinda is full of Tanarok, and even a big man like Tanarri. This is not a good environment for the little devil who is one of the weakest Baatez.

  Although there is an decree from the Lord of Demon Flames, Modas still wraps himself as tightly as possible and hides his devilish characteristics as much as possible.

   huddled up in the arranged attic all day long.

  Tiantian is from the corner of the attic window, he is staring at the situation outside.

   In a blink of an eye, it was already the fourth day here.

   This time has exceeded the first order of the Demon Flame King.

   In other words, it’s time for the second order.

   Waiting for a Terran! ?

   (end of this chapter)