Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 704: exactly

   Chapter 704 Just Right

   "Your Majesty!"

  Isaac just left the lab.

   Apparently, he had been waiting at the Fire Castle for a long time, and Samuel the Fly Demon came to meet him.

   "But those savage things have been resolved?"

  Isaac's heart moved, that is, he counted his intentions.

Counting the time, it has been more than a week. If the Fly Demon understands what he means and exerts strong pressure on the Blue Bear Tribe, with the current situation the Blue Bear Tribe is facing, in addition to taking refuge in the Hell Gate Castle, There is almost no second way.

   Naturally, it's time for the painting to come to an end.

   "I can't hide it from Your Majesty."

The Fly Demon's huge compound eyes showed some earnest smiles: "Under the circumstances that I asked Lord Panrono to respond, the Blue Bear Tribe has completed the complete separation from the Wood Elves and those in the Mist Fortress. Now Having settled in the surface fortress, Hruvigson requested to be summoned by you."

   Hluvigson, the chief of the Blue Bear tribe who combined with Tanta-Haggs and gave birth to Hagar, the "son of the bear".

   However, he is a chief in name, but the Blue Bear tribe doesn't say everything, at least the vast majority of people regard "Ms. Blue Bear" as a spiritual leader, and even Heluvigson himself is the same.

This is also true, even if Tanta Haggs is hooked up with Kenil Walker again, the chief is still clinging to the hag's thigh, unwilling to relax at all, and even earlier, he wanted to take refuge in his allegiance, In exchange for the release of the demon hag...

   "No hurry."

Isaac was not interested in summoning this kind of puppet, and said indifferently: "I am going to see Walker and Haggs, about the Blue Bear Tribe, and I will see them after I see them. how to use it."

  See those two?

The Fly Demon's heart suddenly moved, but some red light flashed secretly in his eyes, he didn't ask more, just nodded to show he understood, and then said: "There is one more thing to report to you. I am here. The spies installed in the far-flung forest have found that although Muvassis is still entangled with Turang, some phenomena show that her movements are slowing down, and therefore, those treemen seem to be heading towards the high forest. The tendency to withdraw here.

  Those spies are under Muvassis, so it is not good to do too much action. In the forest environment, they are not suitable for tracking the tree people.

   So I sneaked out another group of Flos from the fortress to see if I could find the exact movement of the Treants. "

  The tree man of Tulang!

  Isaac's eyes became serious about the matter related to the ancient tree man elder.

   The Fly Demon's reaction was undoubtedly correct.

  In the forest environment, no matter how many spies, it is impossible to trace the trail of the tree man.

  Only a Tanari team like Flomo, who not only has excellent flying ability, but also masters the "advanced teleportation technique", can "fairly" spy on those treants.

   Of course, it's just spying.

  The information that Isaac has mastered is closely coordinated with the army of tree people, as well as the most elite Pegasus Knights with excellent air mobility.

   Unless a large-scale army is dispatched to fight, if two teams of Flomos encounter the Pegasus Knights, they will still have to dodge as their first choice.

   "The Treant Retreat!"

With the undetermined information about the fly demon in his heart, Isaac's eyes suddenly moved: "On the way of the Blue Bear tribe's withdrawal, how did the Mist Fortress and the Wood Elves move? Also, recently, Do you have information on Gao Shu's side?"

If the    Treants really retreated, this should not be a separate event.

  Especially, this still happened when he made the layout based on the matters of "Demon-born Spirit" and "Seal Enchantment Core".

   and if not alone...

   On the side of the Highest Forest, there will be a close relationship with the Treants, and the elves and druids of the tall trees are indispensable, and there may also be the one from the Mist Fortress. Or, it should be Evraska!

   "The range of motion of the Mist Fortress and the Wood Elves?"

The Fly Demon's eyes were slightly wrinkled, and after a look of thought, he said ponderingly: "I didn't pay attention to their attack strength. On this trip, I asked Lord Panrono to respond, the one from the Mist Fortress. The legendary warrior monk did not dare to fight head-on against Lord Panrono, so there was no high-intensity battle during the retreat.

  The tall tree is not easy to judge.

   Recently, the elves of the tall trees, as well as the druids, have significantly improved their patrol strength. Not only is it difficult for spies to penetrate, but even small-scale harassment is becoming more and more difficult.

   However, Your Majesty, since you are paying attention to these, I will make special arrangements later. Once it is confirmed, I will report to you as soon as possible. "

  The slaughtering demon Panrono, as early as when Isaac responded to Jolaila, had secretly ordered him to leave the fortress temporarily and carry out various destruction and harassment in the forest.

  Fly Demon, please move him to respond, which is just a matter of the way.

  Isaac nodded slightly: "Stop this matter a little. In addition, call Marina, her cooperation with Talia, to see if the spies can penetrate directly into the elves through those demon-born elves."

   Demon-born elves are born with the ability to change their form, and can freely switch between the elf form and the demon-born form. If they are used as spies against the elves, they are much more secretive than any other creatures.

   Of course, this is not something that can be done in one or two days.

   So Isaac didn't use "SMS" directly, but let the Fly Demon send the message.


  The Fly Demon took the lead and left soon after.

   Behind, Isaac pondered for a while.

   He had a hunch that there was nothing wrong with the movement of the tree man.

   The Yeerlan people may be more concerned about the "demon-born elves" and "the core of the seal enchantment" than he expected.

   Of course, this one…

   "Is there you, is there 'you' pushing in it?"

   His eyes flashed slightly.

   The messengers of Mysdrono who said their farewells decisively, and the one who had guesses about the demons behind Mysdrono, came to mind once again.

   According to his assumptions, if that one is really among the elves, especially among the sun elves, if there is a wide range of secret agents installed...

   This needs to be promoted. Under the premise that there are "demon-born spirits", "seal enchantment cores", and even "elven holy swords", it is more convenient.

   "If you push..."

   "This is to start a decisive battle with the Hell Gate Castle with the Yeerlan camp."

   "Then, your Mysdrono demons, come to take advantage of the fisherman, and by the way, also bring those demon-born elves into control?"

   A faint sneer appeared at the corner of Isaac's mouth.

   He felt that this judgment would not deviate too much, which could also be related to the resolute farewell of the messengers of Mystrono.

Moreover, all of this, if it wasn't because of his judgment on the "Battle of Crying", he had some doubts about the existence of "that one", and then he was also linked with Aerivanda. I'm afraid that it will be difficult for him to directly relate these to Misdrono's side.

   After all, one is in the High Forest, the other is in the Cormanthor Forest, and there are elves on one side and demons on the other. Who would have thought that there might be a hidden connection between them?

   "What is the power of Misdrono, and how much will come, it is difficult to judge for the time being."

  Isaac doesn't have the most direct information on that side after all.


   "The words from Yeerlan's side..."

   "Tulang and his army of treants!"

   "Evrasca's Sun and Moon Elves!"

   "Those from the Mist Fortress!"

   "The ones from the Tall Tree Druids!"

   "Plus the Yeerland elf itself!"

   "Perhaps there may also be some interference from Elathrow's side..."

   In Isaac's mind, being quick means having the greatest possible estimate of the power he may face.

   In fact, this was already in his estimation, and he had already made a lot of preparations for it.

  It's just that there are more Misdronos now!

   "Master Mist's 'Gatekeeper Crystal'!"

   "Evrasca's possible elven holy artifact!"

   "If Alastro can come here, you must be on guard!"

   "Besides, on Misdrono's side, if it's just catching fish in troubled waters, that's fine, but if you're going to take advantage of the fisherman to catch everything in one net..."

   Thought in his heart for a while, but Isaac's expression did not change much.

   Of course the force we will face is extremely powerful, but...

   Not to mention that he was already prepared, and if he really wanted to do it individually, these people might not be able to do it even if they were united together.


   The "Storage Dragon Ball" that he has been hiding!

  He summoned the assistant of the Mage Corps who never really showed up here!

   In this way, to deal with these, his advance and retreat control is too abundant!

  More, he was thinking...

   "With the power of Hell's Gate to smash the wood elves' ambition to restore the country?"

   "Or...pull Mystrono into the water and let these demons fight them hard?"

   Is he the one who lets people take advantage of the fisherman?

   To perform such manipulation, it is still a sufficiently secret manipulation...

   "It's not difficult either!"

  In the depths of Isaac's eyes, a strange color flashed.

  Those who are fans of Strono are, of course, extremely secretive, and they dive deeper into the water.


   "It's just right!"

   "The harvest of 'Black Hand's Grave' has just come to fruition, and it is coming to the test object!"

  The Tomb of Black Hand, from the "Information Flow Impact" of "Immortal", after having a deeper definition and cognition of the ideological level.

   In this week's closed-door research, Isaac not only combined it with the creation of "Eternal Wheel", but also had a deep idea of...

   "'SMS' and 'Suggestion'!"

   "'SMS' and 'Domination'!"

Combining the definition of "information" with magic, and using "SMS" to project "information" from a distance, is even more convenient than locking the "Wheel of Eternity". Of course, it is only convenient. In other respects it is difficult to compare.


  SMS, level 5 spell!

   Suggestion, level 3 spell!

   This combination of "SMS hints" will directly reach the level of an 8th-level spell.

   Domination is even more extreme.

  Two dominations.

   Dominate humans, this is a level 5 spell!

   Dominate monsters, directly a 9th-level spell!

  The former is combined with SMS, which requires a level 10 spell slot!

  The latter... directly to the level of a 14th-level spell slot!

   Moreover, this is only in theory, in fact, because of the restrictions on spells above the ninth level due to the nature of magic, the two cannot be directly combined with SMS!

   Of course, it is a limit, which is always relative.

  If this limitation can be circumvented, and still in a way that the system can accept... This can be achieved even without the development of legendary spells.

   "From the perspective of 'knowledge difficulty', combining the two with 'Short Message Technique' is nothing more than dividing the overall difficulty into two parts.

Part of    is to prepare for the investment in the 'spell slot', which is to determine its spell level.

The other part of   ...the most suitable operation is nothing more than prolonging the casting time! "

For example, the ninth-level spell "create a half plane", this is not a ninth-level spell that can be directly completed, so the version mastered by Isaac, the casting time is half an hour, and it also deprives the permanent , requires a later stage for "magic constant".

  Isaac's thinking on "SMS Domination" is exactly the same principle.

   and prolonging the casting time, this obviously has no effect on the "message-like" spells that project "information flow" in the air.

   In this way, he doesn't even need to show his face, he can easily guide some people and discover some "conspiracies"!

   This is also true, it is a conspiracy of some people!

   "It depends, in the end, who will take advantage of this fisherman!"

  's eyes flashed, and with a wave of his hand, he re-sealed the enchantment in the core area of ​​the castle.

  Isaac's figure walked out of the Flame Castle.

   Not much time.

   The Hell Gate Fort is the most secretive, before the magic prison that is not directly related to the seven military camps.

   "Sure enough, something extraordinary!"

   "It's no wonder that Walker was imprisoned here for decades, and he couldn't escape!"

   "Now that I'm locked up with the demon hag again, I still can't escape!"

   Surrounded by several elite Tanaris, Isaac's eyes, with some interest, were observing and analyzing the famous black prison of Hellgate!

   At a glance, he will have a judgment, this is genuine, and it comes from the methods of ancient elf mages!

   This method of perfectly weaving the magical effect with the regional environment is a little bit inferior to him now. Apart from the ancient magic system of elves that he imitated, what other possibilities are there?


   "Is it the High Mage?"

   Slowly entering the black prison, and closely observe the general magical fields in it...

  Isaac's eyes moved again.

From his more in-depth understanding of the "Sealing Barrier" and his further perception of this place, it can be clearly seen that this place has a certain similarity with the inheritance tomb of the "Three Swords Family", which is similar to the "Sealing Barrier". It is quite closely related!

"The birth of the Black Prison, long before the formation of the Hell Gate Castle, will be related to the 'Sealing Barrier', which should be the same, because, like 'Tekira', it is also related to 'High Mage' and 'High Magic'. Or it is directly related to the 'high energy core'!"

   "So, this is the reason why the Demonborn Elves are focusing on this side?"

  Isaac's eyes glanced, and his mind flashed.

   "Your Majesty, the important criminal sent here by Lord Samuel is to be locked here."

   (end of this chapter)