Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 705: Another Soul Convict

   Chapter 705 Another Soul Judge

   The person who spoke was on the left of Isaac.

   The giant with fangs, which is as fat and ferocious as a wild boar, with his bloated body, and relative to his body, it looks like a very small devil's wing.

   This is like Vikas, one of the seven giants, and he is also a soul judge.

   And since he was able to follow Isaac's side, and it was him who introduced the situation of the black prison...

   Obviously, even among these elite Tanaris, this Soul Judge still has a leading position.

   Naturally, he is the master of the black prison, the warden Yale!

  This is, among the many tanari demons in Hellgate Castle, second only to the seven giants, and only in individual strength, even stronger than the Flomor leader Victor and the ape demon Theon and others.

   The other elite Tanaris around him are either his deputy or the captain of the Black Prison Guard.

For hundreds of years, there has been almost never a successful escape from the Black Prison. Of course, the magical confinement of the Black Prison is indeed difficult to break through, but it is also because Yale and his Black Prison guards are enough to break everything. .

   Of course, even Yale, his deputies and capable subordinates, don’t have to give anyone face. Sometimes, even some of the Big Seven are not immune to opposition, but…

In the face of the current owner of the Upper Hell Gate Castle, in the face of this casual hand, he solved the big four, and also exiled Muvassis and Vikas together. In the eyes of the devil who worships power, it seems that he has surpassed. In front of the majestic "First King of Demon Flames".

   Naturally, no one has the confidence to stiffen their necks.

  Isaac glanced at what the Soul Judge was pointing at.

   Actually there is nothing to see.

   The cell where the purple-robed person is imprisoned, this is shaped by the steel prison combined with the field of forbidden magic.

   In addition to using a special key to open it, it can only be opened on the heavy iron door, one from the outside, only one hand can barely reach into the protruding round hole, and you can observe each other inside and out.

  So, after a glance, he looked back again.

   Of course, this trip is here, and it is time to take this purple-robed man out.

   However, this is not in a hurry. Explore this prison first. After seeing Walker and Haggs, it is not too late to come and take away the purple-robed man.

   Of course, there is no need to tell Yale and others more about this, Isaac just nodded slightly, as if to say "I already know", but the words...

   "The black prison is in your hands, it should have been five hundred years, right?"

   The voice was flat.

   However, when it falls to Yale, it also falls to the ears of other Tanaris...

   Several people's hearts moved at the same time.

   This is to say, should it be moved?

   was already someone, and his eyes flickered secretly.

   If Yale is forcibly relocated, it is natural that whoever gets the trust and respect of the "King of Demon Flame" first will be most likely to be in the top position!

Yale naturally had this consideration in his heart, his eyes flashed, and his fat and hideous face cracked a few smiles with some emotion: "Yes, in a blink of an eye, it has been five hundred years since he followed His Majesty. For such a long time, being able to keep mastering this important place is something you have always valued, Your Majesty. In the end, I should have never failed your trust.

  Your order, whether in the black prison or any other place, whether it was once, now, or in the future, will always be the first rule I respect. "

  The Soul Judge is distinctly different from the usual Tanari.

   Whether it is Vikas, who was exiled by Isaac, or the warden in front of him, they all have their own set of rules.

   Of course, there are guidelines, but that doesn't mean they are lawful, even neutral.

  The principles they follow have always been in line with the inner workings of the abyss.

   And on the basis of this principle...

  The boar head can talk!

   is already a tanari elite, and he hummed in his heart.

   is Isaac, and he couldn't help but glance at this boar-headed demon's interest.

In this way, he first admitted that he was the real King of Demon Flames, and expressed that he would remain loyal to him as always, and, as always, take his will as the highest criterion of the Black Prison... This is naturally true, and I still want to master it. The meaning of black prison is expressed.

   But at the same time, he is still saying that even if he is no longer in the black prison, his loyalty will never change now and in the future...

   I'm afraid that if the King of Demon Flames has already made a decision and he can't resist, he will not reject it, and he will really change his position.

   Moreover, such a retreat is the way forward, if the King of Demon Flame wants to change his position...

  Yale thinks, at least it won't be the kind of casual position.

Moreover, although people are in the black prison, they hardly pay attention to the outside world, but Yale also knows that the Tanari and the demons who come and go here from time to time, the current Hell Gate Fortress is just on the way to the conquest of the outside world. road.

Under the general trend of   , he really did not reject the plan to go out for a while.

   But he is a little bit like this, but... Isaac never thought about it!

This is a gesture of surrender and cooperation to the Soul Judge, but Isaac just nodded slightly again, without any in-depth, and without any attitude, and the meaning has changed again, at least, for these Tanners For Li, the meaning of the words seemed to be turned away: "You have mastered the black prison for so many years. If you want to come here, you should know it like the back of your hand. Do you know and master its origin?"

  The origin of the black prison?

In Yale's small eyes squeezed by the fat, a thoughtful look flashed, but he responded without any hesitation: "First of all, it should have been formed in the early days of Esko Corner at least, and its core Those areas in the area all have obvious elf styles, and they should not be directly related to those human wizards in the later period of Esko Corner.

   However, if this is the earliest secret prison built by the Yeerlan elves, judging from the secrecy and firmness of the place, the prisoners targeted here are obviously not simple.

If your Majesty is interested in this, I think that perhaps we can compare the history of the early years of Cape Esko, or the early history of the Yellans. "

   Soul Judger has not considered this aspect.

   However, he is familiar with this place very well. When Isaac threw a question over, almost instantly, he had a relevant direction of consideration.

   "Compare the history of Cape Esko to the history of the kingdom of Yellan..."

  Soul Judgment Demon's words, rarely, Isaac's expression changed.

Several thoughts flashed in his heart, his eyes flashed, and he asked again: "A few days ago, Alisa accompanied the demon elves here, but found out that those demon elves should have something to do with this place. Some other purpose. What do you think their purpose came from?"

   Another purpose of the fiends?

   Yale, including other Tanari elites, all moved in their hearts.

  Yale just mentioned that it is necessary to consider the history of Esko and Yeerlan people, and the King of Demon Flame asked this question. It is not difficult to guess what this means...

   And if there is something in this prison that can attract the special attention of those demon-born elves...

   Several people frowned slightly, thinking for a while, but they all slowly shook their heads.

   They have been here for at least a hundred years, and they can't understand everything here.

  If there is any place in the Black Prison that even they can easily set foot on, it is definitely there.

   But if there is something, there is something that makes the demon spirits have a different meaning, and even makes the king of demon flames interested...

   For a time, everyone was unable to relate to each other.

   Yale is also paying attention to their expressions. Seeing this, he knows it well, and it is basically impossible to find relevant clues directly.


   The Soul Judge pondered for a while before finally replying: "Your Majesty asked this question, I'm afraid I have no direct clues. However, when Your Majesty mentioned these demon-born elves, I also remembered some things in the past."

  What happened in the past?

  Isaac's gaze turned to the Soul Judge.

   Even though he had only been in touch at this time, he already had a feeling that the Soul Convict Demon could firmly control the Black Prison for five hundred years, not just because of its power.

   Even, compared to his strength, Isaac felt that his intelligence, his thinking logic, was more useful.

   At least, for him, that's it!

   In this short period of contact, the level of intelligence and logic shown by the Soul Judger Demon is definitely higher than that of the Fly Demon and Ai Aluminum Demon.

   Of course, it’s not really surprising to be strictly speaking.

After all, even in the high tanari, the innate intelligence of the Soul Judge is far ahead of the vast majority of people. The only one who can compare with them is the Baluo Flame Demon, who stands at the top of all the abyss demons. .


   looked at the Soul Judge, and Isaac had a different meaning in his heart.

   "Your Majesty also knows that in the special environment of the black prison, it is almost impossible to escape from captivity."

"So, whenever there is any chaos, it is usually an attack by outsiders, through the infiltration of the guards, to attack the inside and the outside. And because the guards are either Tanari or Tanarok, if you want to infiltrate, this is basically the case. It all means that it must be related to the people in the fortress..."

   The words of the Soul Judge, as always, carry a careful logic.

  Isaac also nodded slightly.

   "However, in the five hundred years I have mastered the Black Prison, I have also encountered some infiltration incidents with unknown purposes."

Yale's words took a turning point, pointing directly to some anomalies: "Once, it happened twice, and a red-robed mage quietly sneaked into the fortress and sneaked all the way to the black prison. There have been several incidents. Duo, who is also a spellcaster, also secretly sneaked into this place.

   And all these people.

   The one I caught with my own hands was like a dead man. He didn't even have time to interrogate him, and ended his life with a special magic.

   There are still a few people, and even in the black prison, they all escaped the blockade of the enchantment by unknown means.

   For this reason, I have specially designed it, under the condition of maintaining a certain degree of surveillance, allowing such infiltrators to move around at will, in order to observe and analyze their real intentions.

   Indeed, I waited two more times.

   But it seems that this observation and surveillance could not be concealed from them. In the end, they still passed through the barrier and still escaped..."

Having said that, Yale paused for a while, and looked at the King of Demon Flames, and some strange colors flashed in his small eyes: "Your Majesty, you mentioned the purpose of the demon elves, and I am too. think of them.

   These people can sneak into the black prison, obviously far from one or two attempts.

   Such attempts, if they have no special purpose, it is certainly impossible.

   So, I am thinking, will the reference of these demon-born elves come with these people for the same purpose? "

   An unknown intruder.

   In the past five hundred years, there have been many times.

   Moreover, even the red robes can actually get involved!

   This connection of the Soul Judge.

   On the one hand, some of the tanari elites once again called out "Wild Boar Head" in their hearts.

   On the one hand, Isaac slowly nodded thoughtfully.

   "Through the barrier of the black prison..."

   Black Prison, in his eyes, is intrinsically related to the "Hell Gate Castle Sealed Barrier".

   Moreover, the weaving effect of the ancient magic of the elves can never be easily cracked and worn by anyone.

   In other words, some people in the red robe, or other spellcasters, can escape through this "enchantment", its essence...

   "Do you have a detailed grasp of where they last disappeared?"

  Isaac's eyes flashed.

   "Your Majesty, please come with me."

   Yale leaned slightly, leading the way, and took a slight step forward.

   He had a layout. Although the layout was useless in the end, he still had a deep memory of these things.

He quickly passed through two prison areas. In a wall full of force fields, it was sometimes visible that there was a magic field similar to the rainbow effect. Even Isaac could see that this prison area was , not only the structure of the prison itself, but also the surrounding large and deep rocks are deeply woven into a whole with the spell.

   Such a magical field, such a scale of structure, even if he had seen the "Landline Lost City" for a while, he was a little surprised for a while.

   I feel more and more that what the Soul Judger said is right. It should indeed be the ancient Esco corner, or even the Yeerlan elves of a higher age, used to seal and imprison some evil places.

  Elves are the best at it. This is the kind of seal that they have sealed. I don’t know how many ancient evils they have sealed.

   Of course, Isaac does not think that the so-called "ancient evil" will be targeted here.

   The ancient evil seal does not need so many "prison cells"!

   Therefore, this is the most likely place, and it also attracted both the Frosin family and the Elorossi family...

   "Look, Your Majesty, this area should be where two secret infiltrators finally disappeared thirty years ago."

   "In recent years, I have been paying attention to this place."

   "Your Majesty, look here again..."

  The Soul Judge walked to a place with a stone wall, and pointed his fat claws to a corner of the stone wall.

  Isaac's eyes looked over, but he nodded.

   A secret mark!

   Moreover, it actually penetrated into the rock woven with magical effects.

   Such a method means that the Soul Judgement Demon itself has "true vision", so it can be seen at a glance.

   That's why there is, what the Soul Judger said, the reason why he has been paying attention to this place in recent years.

   "Being able to infiltrate the mark into the rock... This infiltrator really has a lot of mastery of this black prison."

   "Then he disappeared, but it can't be ruled out. He did pass through the barrier and escaped directly."

   Of course, this possibility cannot be absolutely ruled out.

   But Isaac was more skeptical, but it was always in the other direction.

   As, his exploration of the "Three Swords Family Inheritance Mausoleum"!

   Eyes closed first, the "True Wisdom" that had been prepared for a long time...

   (end of this chapter)