Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 707: two things

   Chapter 707 Two things

   However, what the Soul Judger thinks is only his personal thoughts after all.

  Isaac will not be influenced by him if he decides.

   Of course, Isaac also believes that these words of the Soul Judge are actually very reasonable. Walker's ambition that even Greensack can't suppress it is indeed difficult to control.

   However, he didn't think about it, he really took this Cambion under his command.

   For this Cambion, or for that hag, he is just a little bit of use, by the way... just to see if there is any deviation in his hunch about the essence of magic in the future!

   I ignored the sentence of the Soul Judge, but that's right, the Soul Judge pondered for a while about Alisa's evaluation.

   It should be said that Soul Judger's views in this regard are very consistent with his usual impression of Alisa.

   This Ai Lumo is indeed free from the natural influence of the succubus blood, and he is indeed in the field of magic, and he is very talented.

   At the same time, the description of that shortcoming is also in place.


   "It's okay to have this disadvantage!"

  Isaac never forced his subordinates to be perfect. If they were perfect, it would be difficult to be loyal to him, and even more difficult to gain his trust.

   changed the subject at will, after having some exchanges with the convict demon in the black prison, and the elves and demon elves.

   Soon, their destination arrived.

   "Your Majesty, this is the cell where Walker and Haggs are imprisoned. Do you want to talk to them outside, or what? Do you need me to retire temporarily?"

  Yale pointed to the two magical prisons, most of which were made of meteoric iron, and asked Isaac for instructions.

   These time contacts, although the new King of Demon Flames has no anger and demonic power, but... it gave him a kind of elusiveness that was even more difficult to grasp than Greensack.

   Even now, he is also cautiously putting away some temptations or provocations.

   "Let them out together, and you can take a break."

  Isaac naturally wouldn't care, as Cambion and the hag got out of the prison, so they could act in front of him.

  Similarly, although he knew that he had come all the way, there were multiple layers of bans. If the Soul Judger temporarily withdraws, it would be troublesome to open these bans together.

   However, he also didn't care whether the Soul Judge would do this.

   From his observation of the Black Prison, at least this surface level, is not able to constitute a substantial obstacle to him.

   Soul Judge really wants to try this way... That means that his previous judgments on Soul Judge are biased.

   And now you can see this deviation, which is naturally not a bad thing!


  Isaac's words made Yale's eyes flash involuntarily.

   All kinds of thoughts burst out in his heart, and his expression was as still as possible. He looked down a little, and with an answer, he turned around and walked towards the first cell.

  Walker and Haggs, even in the dark prison, are the first-class prisoners.

   Naturally, the only key that could open their prison was Yale himself.

In front of    Isaac, he did not hide it.

   Walking outside Walker's cell, the Soul Judge coughed, and unexpectedly spat out a string of secret golden keys from his belly.

   Insert one of them.

  This magic cage immediately vibrated with a resonance, and there was a dark blue arc light, like a wave, and it fluttered densely.

   The intensity of this arc, and the obviously unusual fluctuations, even though most of the Tanaris are immune to lightning energy, the Soul Judge still took a step back.

   Then, with the sound of gears turning, a door opened to the left and right on top of the seamless alloy cell.

   And with the opening of this prison door...

   "It's really wonderful!"

  Isaac's eyes flashed with some strange colors.

   He could see very clearly that this prison was made up of two parts, which were perfectly combined without even the slightest difference.

   The inner layer, that is the forbidden magic field, if it is a constant anti-magic field, it can suppress all prisoners, including "damage reduction" and other supernatural abilities.

   and lose the "damage reduction", which means that the prisoner's natural weapon, even if it is similar to the legendary rank, is suppressed to death.

Without such a natural weapon, facing the field of forbidden magic, but without any negotiation with the field of forbidden magic, all characteristics will not be affected in any way, and it is still dominated by meteorite iron from the sky, The magic prison created...


   The opening of the prison gate.

   A voice also came from inside.

   His voice was slightly hoarse, but... he could still feel calm.

In the voice of   , without rushing, Kenil Walker's figure is stepping out of the field of forbidden magic.

   Naturally, his eyes were on Isaac who had already seen the form of the Balor Flame Demon, and in his heart, he had already made a certain judgment about the arrival of this day!

   If he and Haggs were not used, how could this one just imprison them instead of removing them directly?

  Although this day came a little later than expected, but... he can still wait!

   "Long time no see, Lord Angus!"

  Walker's footsteps finally stepped out of the prison.

   As if his eyes were slightly stabbed by the light from the outside, he stared at the Balor Flame Demon with a squinty gaze, and suddenly, a smile spread to the corner of his mouth.

   "It seems that you are used to living here."

  Isaac also smiled, he could see that Cambion was not trying to calm down.

  Perhaps, this has something to do with his decades of experience here in his early years.

   "Not a habit."

   "This eternal darkness and loneliness is not a good taste."

   "So, what are your orders, but please be blunt."

  Kenil Walker knew very well in his heart that since this man had let him out, he naturally had a purpose, and he naturally had no other choice than to cooperate with this man's purpose.

  At least, until he really gets out of trouble, there is no other choice!

   As for this black prison, just forcibly breaking through...

   Ever since he knew that even the four of Muvassis joined forces, they were crushed by this man, and he had already put aside the idea of ​​how to retaliate.

   After really getting out of trouble, how far is it, how far is it from this one!

  The world is very big, and he has enough confidence to reopen the situation.

   The future of the future, who can know that he will not have the possibility of higher achievements for the latecomers?

   "It seems that you want to understand, and I hope, you really want to understand."

   "Let Haggs out too."

  Isaac glanced at him, and then gestured to the Soul Judge again.

  The Soul Judge then opened another prison door.

After    and asking Isaac for instructions, he temporarily withdrew.

   In the other prison, the witch did not come out immediately. It was only after the spirits and demons to be sentenced had retreated that they walked out of the darkness with heavy footsteps.

   At this time, the ghost hag has re-covered the thick robe and hood, and as soon as she left the prison's forbidden field, the ghost hag's natural deformation ability, her complexion is a beautiful sky blue color.

   Then, the hood was lifted slightly, and a pair of dark green demon eyes were looking at Isaac and Kenil-Walker.

   "Both of you are so calm, I can rest assured."

   "I want you to do two things for me, and when you're done, I'll give you back your freedom."

  Isaac glanced at this indifferently, and glanced at the hag who reappeared in the form of "Ms. Blue Bear".

   "Your Majesty's order, we naturally follow it."

   "I wonder what you want us to do?"

   The ghost hag leaned slightly, showing a gesture of submission and cooperation.

However, Isaac looked at her, but there was a little bit of a smile, not a smile: "You don't always want me to explore the 'grandfather's tree', just as you mean, I want you to at the right time, After receiving the order, lead the Blue Bear Horde and the Flaying Legion to launch a fierce attack on the 'Grandfather's Tree'!"

   Attack the grandfather tree?

  Kenil Walker and Tanta Haggs, although this was expected, Angus' affairs will never be easy, but...both, their eyes narrowed.

   Even if he is imprisoned in the black prison, Walker has enough information channels to know the general situation outside.

The Blue Bear Tribe, according to Haggs' information, is hidden in the high tree area, and the high tree area, that just foiled the disaster of the devil, and even the four giants of Tanari were broken there. The natural environment, this is definitely not something that can be stormed into casually.

   Not to mention, in the grasp of Haggs, the Grandfather Tree is even more dangerous!

   However, danger is danger. While the two of them instinctively shrank their eyes, they didn't immediately ask in-depth and rhetorical questions. Instead...

   "Blue Bear Tribe!"

   "Lash Legion!"


   At the same time, Cambion and the hag were pondering.

   Angus means, actually let them control the army?

  Inadvertently, the eyes of the two exchanged for a while, and after seeing some thoughts from the opposite eyes, Kenil Walker looked back at Isaac and asked in a deep voice, "I don't know what the second thing is?"

   "The northward strategy of the fortress is already underway."

   "When the grandfather's tree is over, I want you to cooperate with the northward strategy and start operations against the northern underdark together."

   Isaac this second thing to export.

  Walker's eyes flashed again.

Once upon a time, he and Gevox were the main planners of the "Northward Advance". They have always had the ambition to break away from Hell's Gate Fortress, the most important thing is to break away from the rule of Greensack, lead the Flogging Legion, and open up their own career. of.

but now……

   suppressed these thoughts again in a flash, looked at the Balrog, and Kenil Walker said solemnly: "We can do our best to do these two things, but I also have a request..."


  Isaac looked at him without moving.

In Walker's eyes, there is a little bit of hope: "I hope that after these two things, when you release our freedom, the two tribes of 'Flaming Horn' and 'Blood Hand', as well as the Blue Bear tribe, are willing to Those who follow us, also give to us.

  After this, we will leave the Northland and try not to appear in front of you as much as possible. "

   He can't, he always obeys what Balor says.

   The more obedient they were, the more Balor had to wonder if they had any other plans.

   It's better to make some requests. By the way, we can also test the true thoughts of Baluo Balrog from Baluo Balrog's response to his request!

   "People who are willing to follow you?"

When    met his gaze, Isaac could naturally sense some of his tentative intentions.

   Such a "lion with a big mouth", not to mention that he could not agree in essence, even verbally, it would be equally impossible to perfunctory.

  "You don't have to think about the two major tribes, 'Flaming Horn' and 'Blood Hand', but..."

There was a slight sneer in his eyes, and Isaac's voice paused for a while before continuing: "However, if you have the ability, take the followers away from the far forest. No matter what you can bring from there. No matter how much you go, I won't stop you!"

   To the far forest, the exiled Muvassis' territory!

  This takes followers from there...

   Kenil-Walker naturally understands, this is for him and his six-armed snake demon mother to fight with each other, and further, to differentiate the power to a greater extent!

   This is very much in Angus' interest.

   The more dispersed the power, the less it will pose a threat to Angus' rule.

   And so, if he can really do this...

   "Perhaps, there is a possibility of being released!"

   Kenil-Walker's heart was moved, and it was only at this moment that he really saw a little bit, how to make Balor Balrog accept the possibility of his final position.

   "I understand what you mean."

   "Then as far as the forest!"

  Walker nodded solemnly.

The ghost ghost also leaned slightly: "Thank you for your generosity. In fact, the Blue Bear tribe and I are also happy to serve you, just like we used to be loyal to King Greensack. If the king can give us this opportunity, This will be our greatest honor.”

   The ghost hag also doubts the "integrity" of the new King of Demon Flames. Until there is a real chance to get out of trouble, you might as well keep bowing your head.

   "We will talk about the future."

   "Let me see first, whether the barbarian warriors of the Uthgar tribe have the ability to join the Flaying Legion!"

Isaac glanced at the ghost hag, and did not consider her sincerity. He turned around with just one sentence: "Since you have all agreed, then come with me. Before the official start of the matter, you will temporarily hide yourselves. In my fire castle!"

  He turned around this time...

   In response to his voice, Kenil Walker and Tatan Haggs both wrinkled their eyes.

   Sure enough, it couldn't be that simple, so I released them!

   This will take them directly to the Fire Castle, I'm afraid...

   But the two of them didn't struggle, which was to be expected.

  How everything will happen will always be known in time.

  At least, at least now, they can't resist the power of this one!

  's eyes crossed, and both of them followed in their footsteps.

   In just a moment, the figure of the Soul Judge who was waiting outside also appeared.

   This black prison warden, as expected, did not dare to do anything.

   "Release the prisoner of Samuel, and I will take it with me."

   (end of this chapter)