Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 766: Corruption Trio

Chapter 766 corruption Trio


Darker than night, deeper than the abyss.

Underground hall, with the "corrupt ceremony" officially launched, along with that, "Dark Days" really reflected in the material world ...

All light, is already completely disappeared in here, even the fire of **** Balrog Isaac Barlow form, obviously there can feel that the destruction and burning, it seems as though the light of the flame is rendered into pure darkness, is thoroughly integrated into the side of being in the environment.




When underground hall at this moment, as if it were cast and Isaac "desecration of the domain," the general atmosphere of terror.

Indeed is the general nature!

The same is "the number of Tianlun" to the "dark days" as reflected way.

I must say the difference between the two ...

But is the "corruption ceremony" this first step, a higher strength than the "desecration of the domain" nothing!

Of course, if the more accurate ... this "higher" and "much higher"!

In "Days circle", with "the number of sheave", not a "magic time" reducing correction, at the same time, and even put Isaac withstand recoil energy of life, higher strength to the original prying magical energy, coupled with the "copper gate" so ceremonies instrument ...

Only in terms spell, his commitment to this "corruption ceremony," when even exceed had a series of "white drift preach," even if it is "absolutely dominant after dark," even if it is "off elements but the storm . "

So spell ...

That reflected in the material aspects of the "original evil", seems to be as deep as the sea!

Even if it is in the ground, even if also a multiple Ward shield.

Still ...

Far more than just fans of Adams - American Elf magic song rollers under that rubble.

Blackwater River front, some of the giant tower that PCT.

And the tower that PCT opposition, already some people converge to Ireland leaves the coalition.

More same time, there are those, always attentive to the fort gates of **** movement of people.

One after another, all are in color!

However, discoloration return discoloration, but no longer the same as the previous.

When that though they "immortal" Red Dragon, as it has been in top spell confrontation, but no further solid shot at random.

When the real "immortal", in the case have been face to face once, and also no longer reach.

Laila more Needless to say, regardless of Isaac and it is reached by a secret treaty or on the "entangled token" and "Ivor Raska" That double scruples, obviously is not the case in hand.

This time, Isaac carried out from the time of "corruption ceremony" of even potential terrorist strength, alerted to a large number of people.

But no longer have any one person, hastily room, directly from the probe to be here.

And less of this outside interference and obstacles ...

Isaac a claw across the emptiness Press "copper door" to the original vast as the magical energy of the deep, strong control of all forces of darkness, the endless horror of evil and boiling in force despair, it is up to him to " giant technique "and" cow power "combined, is able to bear the sky's copper giant doors, this moment actually seemed weightless central general, floating in the darkness forces.

And it is with the "copper door" of floating into the sky ...

Dark, not depending on the material.

Dark, but still swallow everything with sound.

But the darkness, and it is one that, as it boils, the same also in the hustle and bustle of the sky evil arrogance, this is like the dark, the "torch" lit in general conspicuous.

More, far from being a two's "Torch."

The level of the soul, the short time, as if many of the sound Li Xiao, a Road "Devil's Shadow" from the inside "Copper Gate", in rapid pour out of the current.

More intensified, far from being "profane Land" can be compared.

At this moment, these were also instill "original evil" force, only by the "extended atmosphere of" abruptly into "shadow form" demons ...

They exclude the "shadow" Essentially, they exclude non-entities, only to perception, then ... their breath, even as the real devil that PCT tower, then almost exactly the same!

Of course, this "real tower that PCT Devil", the corresponding form is not entirely clear that Francis, who is Moissac.

Strength "corruption ceremony" is certainly hard to imagine, but I will not speak call "original evil" force, constitute only the first step of the ceremony, even if it is not, even if all the strength, all concentrated in this step, obviously also not possible, create so many "advanced higher tower that PCT," especially where there is the "tower that PCT seven giant"!

The "real", corresponding to, but these "higher tower that PCT" normal morphology in terms of race nothing!

But even so, it is also hard to imagine.

When these "shadow demons" have profiling.

By that same nature, and they are an unknown level, produced a strong resonance ...

"Got you!"

Isaac eyes a turn, if through the endless darkness, also penetrate the barrier material, even the space where a saw incredible.

And this with his eyes a turn.

He was taken from that void of "copper door", is also a spin in the sky.

Only a blink of an eye, is pointing to is back, and cast it at his eyes.

"Fact and Fiction of the cross!"

Eyes can see, Isaac Mouguang slight squint a little, but in the hands of any action but did not slow.

"Inverse mapping!"

Has shown a tendency to catch imaginary, Taking taken to live "copper door" claws, Shu opened at this moment.

And that is as it Shu open.

Has been tightly closed, even if they stand by him, even if he was carrying into the sky, do not have the slightest loosening of the "copper door" Suddenly, the sound is "Kaka" sound up.

As if being driven by the endless power of the general, "copper door" Before Isaac Juzhua, slowly turned in.


Isaac case of "dark whisper" sound.

Together, that this is more than just the roaring sound of "Shadow demons" who seems to smell fishy taste evil flesh, is the tide suddenly flew into the sky toward the copper door.

And they put this one to fly and to ...


An unspeakable wave of shock, both in the sense of like it, but I do not know exactly how it feels come, as if both exist, and is not generally exist.

But even with the vibration.

Behind the doors of copper, the darkness of space, an invisible ripples, rippling in the sky.

Calm as a lake just like a mirror, the floating into the leaves have slight ripples general.

Isaac's eyes, this moment is suddenly starting in Yao.

"Really is true!"

"The reality woven into the unreal, the reflecting mirror, illusory reality is not a bad idea!"

"The Mirror month, also is the month!"

He's manipulated by all the "Shadow Demon", are rushed into "copper door" and into the "ripple" at home.

And with these "shadow demon," the initiative to put ...

Before Isaac penetrate the "dark" eyes, as if it is a truth of the "mirror" in the show out.

He's budget, no deviation.

When completely different with the "desecration of the field", so to now, almost in Thane cent higher body strength race "Devil Shadow", take the initiative to put "seal the core."

The proportion of some kind of balance, "Seal core" is also hard to hide its essence.

And when the "seal core" appeared imbalance, when this will be real and unreal weaving as one of the mysterious level, behind the "copper door," the reverse is reflected out ...

Even if Isaac was to give full cast, all eyes can not help but repeatedly flashed several times.

His "eternal round" direct imprisonment "thought" and then by "thought" Taking a retrospective soul, this is the extreme divergence of the imagination.

But this time, with this weave reality to fantasy than a mirror of the seal, but still a lot less.

Fortunately, there is an approximate effect of "Eternal Wheel" basis, and it has conducted in-depth thinking, at this time, a complete "reverse reflected", although only one, Isaac but still see through the "mirror" of the many Nature.

"Silin Xi of the mirror!"

"Only this ..."

"Wizard Julien greatest high mage!"

"The magic of the secret guardian!"

"Leila's reputation, on the terms, but it is not the slightest exaggerated, worthy of a high-high veritable legend Master Master!"

One side is the heart, this one with the same praise.

While, in the hands of Isaac action, it is still not the slightest bit slow.


Calling the "dark days" of force or.

By "copper door" reverse reflected "Mirror's level" worth mentioning.

But this is a prelude.

"High energy core" final corruption, the ceremony is the final and only purpose!

By control of the raw magical energy, the mind will perfectly control the "original evil" force.

Instilled by the force of the "original evil" and, further to completely dominate the "Devil Shadow."

When the "Devil Shadow" give all the input "Mirror's level" ...

Isaac slightly narrowed eyes, the day that Yao general lasing out of blazing fire, even this moment is consistent absolute darkness broken "primordial evil" is formed.

The eyes of the meaning, pierce "Mirror's level," the illusory, that the core of the "reality weave" of ...

"Captures you!"

Nether single claw outline.

More mysterious evil, despair and thorough destruction of the dark end of the speech, Dangzhuo in silent earthquake.

All raw magical energy, this moment completely burning.

The number of rounds of the day reflecting on dark days.

The number of days the circle to the original magical energy, and thus control of the original force of evil.

All in all, the shock in the dark at the end of words, as outlined Isaac Juzhua, it is condensed into the endless darkness streamer.

All of the streamer, through the "copper door" through consistency and "Devil Shadow", such as a waterfall, into the endless "Mirror's level."

But not as "Devil Shadow", that was not sealed with the "devil essence" in binding.

This endless "Dark streamer waterfall", the focus is set at one point, penetration unreal, weaving in reality!

American Elf magic combination of corruption ceremony, but also into Fuluo Xin family unclean ceremony of "Eye of the ancient" sects, and also incorporates some nature "eternal wheel" ...

Isaac while engaged in this final step.

That is beyond the servant who can provide an upper limit of power, we are leveraging the power of magic to force him into the sky, which at the moment is constantly on his body, his soul, in the formation of the recoil.

In this "original evil" in the case exhaustively instill into the "Mirror's level", absolute darkness has begun to retreat.

It is already visible, Isaac Barlow Balrog on the body shape of a piece, in the case of magma, blood still burning, with a strong flavor of vitality, constantly shoot out the collapse.

Barlow Balrog damage reduction and regeneration ability, so recoil damage, if absolutely no weakening effect, and even there is no resilience in general.

However, everything is so, and to Isaac, but it is already accustomed to.

He already overriding Pacific Green Dragon vitality, it is easily able to withstand.

Control of "Dark streamer waterfall," he was just an absolute combination of intellectual perception, sophisticated locks of "Mirror dimension" at the heart of most of that "real", but also did not affect the composition of "Mirror dimension" itself.

With ...

By that core.

As if a bright light, and through broken lights in the dark.

Not only sacred, but also wisdom and mystery intertwined in them.

"Wizard god!"

"Wizard divine magic associated with the clergy!"

Isaac's heart, such as a needle, has a synchronization sensor.

High energy core to the nature of the Master of the high binding divine live elves say, this really is in accordance with the!


I did not have any close hand!




The "original evil" as the essence, even based on the number of days from the circle of the call, the "dark streamer waterfall" is not only the level is high enough, enough strength is equally strong.

Under full manipulation of Isaac.

"High energy core" rebound, that is, instinctively jumping tap at a few, and soon, this endless "Dark streamer" is swept away all obstacles, radiation to the "high-energy core" backbone!

Li is caused by a "backbone" of strong resistance.

High Mage binding nature of them, maybe there is no sense of independence, but apparently, not all of the "certification", who had invaded thing, there is the most fundamental resistance, and even be destroyed.

Mirror's level, and that illusory existence of space, light blazing arc of a road, abruptly ejected from Yao.

In the more "high-energy core", combined with a "divine spirit," a revealing the divine nature, is both illusory, but also the real will of ...

"Will a combination of three!"

"It is through the high magic rituals that 'the mode ritual' created!"


Still useless!

Isaac side is careful observation and grasp all this.

Side, the absolute rolling and controlled the "dark streamer", he was quickly overwhelmed by all there is resistance.

"Original evil" force, embodied as "corrupt" and "erosion" It will be a combination of three completely enveloped them.

Elapsed time of anxious hurry.

"High energy core" of the divine nature, in despair twisted and evil.

The dazzling brilliance of this, but also constantly to deep darkness.

And with this process ...

The core of the seal, as if this was sealed with "Devil essence", gradually began to have consistency!


Master Yi Sike angle early years, through evil ritual, make permanent tower that PCT call.

Perhaps that is positive and so the "consistency", has similar.


This is not Isaac wanted!

"Half of the planes also the time to create it!"

   (end of this chapter)