Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 767: Knowledge inheritance

   Chapter 767 Knowledge Inheritance

   Isaac would never really trust something like Tanari.

   Don't talk about the Tanari giants like Muvassis.

It was once that, from a natural point of view, it was closer to the devil, and all power was completely reliant on him. Without him, even the Flogging Legion would not listen to his orders. In a sense, it is basically impossible to betray him. magic.

  Isaac has actually never given him the true trustworthiness of a kobold's loyal servant.

  Without him.

  From the perspective of his academic cognition, all Tanaris are inherently chaotic and evil. No matter how the Fly Demon looks like Baatez, its true nature will never be an exception.

  Compared to the Fly Demon, Ai Lumo, who has gotten rid of the influence of the "Succubus Bloodline" to some extent, is actually more weighted by Thaksin.


  If Kurz and Curry were attacked by death, Isaac would definitely be furious.

   But the death of Samuel the Fly Demon... In the context of the destruction of Hell's Gate Castle, this matter passed through his mind a little bit.

   And the same for the flies...

   One can imagine how much he trusts the "High Tanaris" sealed here!

   Rescue these tanar'ri from their troubles, which was never in his plan.

   On the contrary, to control the life essence of these Tanaris, and then truly control the life and death of these demons, this is his only purpose.

   is also because of this.

   As the "Corruption Ritual" gets closer to completion.

   grasped the consistency that gradually began to form between the "sealed demon essence" and the "sealed core".

Isaac knows that, even if this does not mean that Moissis and others can be directly freed, but, there is no doubt that this "seal" has the effect of "binding" for them. was greatly weakened.

  From a theoretical point of view, this "seal" has been gradually transformed from "repulsion" and "exile" pointing to the "mirror level" to "summoning" and "swearing".

   Just like the "Permanent Summoning" that was performed during the Esco Corner period.

   Now, what is "binding" these Tanaris is precisely the "oath-like effect" that is related to this "summoning".

   However, this effect is not very stable. It can be seen from the fact that Greensark was able to crush Dorsal Manas to death and imprison his soul.

   Of course, Isaac was well prepared for this.

Based on his research on the "mirror of Slinky", and his thoughts on the corruption of the guardian enchantment of Misdrono, combined with the corruption ritual, he has long been aware of the high magic enchantment after the "core of the enchantment" was corrupted. What kind of changes will occur, there are deep projections.

The "reversal" effect of    is quite consistent with his calculation results.

  To solve all this, it is also simple, at least, from a theoretical point of view, it is not a difficult problem.

   "Using the 'Evil Primitive' as the source, the creation of the 'Hellgate Castle Half Plane'."

   "And the consistency of the nature of the 'corrupted high-energy core' and the 'evil primordial' is precisely what can be perfectly integrated into this half-plane, or even use it as the core to create and stabilize this half-plane."

"Then use the connection between the 'copper gate' and the 'high-energy core' to carry out 'reflection', and bind all the demon essences together to the 'hellgate castle half plane', the 'copper gate' is It will be the channel for their death and resurrection..."

  All the ideas, Isaac has long thought.

   Even after the creation of the demi-plane, he has prepared for further stable and constant materials.

   Even the reserves of legendary spells, he has planned in advance.

   His current total life energy level is 42, correspondingly, the number of legendary spells per day is 4 times.

   However, in daily terms, because he always maintains the state of the legendary trigger technique of "Despair of the Primordial Dragon", his actual number of daily spells is actually 3 times.

   Taking into account the current environment and after considering the "Corruption Ritual", it must be necessary to complete the "Half Plane Creation" as soon as possible.

   At present, with the continuous and rapid increase of his spell ability, especially the continuous improvement of "over-limit spellcasting", he already has it, and he can break away from the "spell slot" system at any time to cast spells at will...

   The meaning of this Legendary Trigger has actually been weakened quite a bit to him.

   For this reason, before preparing to launch the "Corruption Ritual", he had already released the "Legendary Trigger" in advance.

   In this way, even if it is the "Corruption Ritual" and then the "Half-Plane Creation", he can still reserve two spell transmissions.

   This is enough for him to deal with all the changes.

   However, of course, everything was well prepared.


   Along with the underground hall, all the "primitive magic energy" and "primitive evil power" were transformed into "dark streamers" and put into the "mirror level".

   With the "Corruption Ritual" truly completed.

  Isaac did not wait, and immediately began to "create half planes".

   Compared with "Half-plane creation", compared to "Controlling Tanari", for him, there is one more important thing!

   "High Energy Core!"

   "Spirit High Magic!"

   "It's time to verify whether the biggest inference I have obtained from all my research in the past two years is correct!"

   Compared to this…

  's absolute manipulation of Tanari is nothing but idleness!

   His gaze penetrated the "mirror ripples" and directly stared at the "high-energy core" that was still in the state of "reality in illusory".

   This sacred stone, which has been completely transformed into a "dark crystal", made Isaac's eyes glow like never before.

   Endless spiritual power blazed out from the light of his eyes.

  Isaac is also raising one of his paws, and strong magical energy is condensing at the same time.

   The two are blending perfectly again, turning into a "splendid" dark light, passing through the "red copper gate", submerging into the "mirror level", and shooting onto the "dark gem".

   The "corruption" has been completed, and within the "dark gem", the "consciousness" of the three high mages have no resistance at this time.

  Isaac's psychic will, through "magical energy", a link to it.

   A flash of inspiration, and from the "Dark Gem", countless information rushed to the ground, like a flood, pouring into his mind.

   However, although this information is extremely huge, it is also intellectual, and it is related to magic.

   But Isaac, not to mention that his intelligence is above the transcendent, his physique is comparable to that of the Taikoo Red Dragon. No matter how huge the information instillation of the "Dark Gem" is, for him, it is just a matter of frowning slightly.

   And with the instillation of this "information"...

   "Sure enough!"

"Whether the high-energy core, the Tequila Stone, the Serujira Stone, and the Maierita Stone, all of these, the ancient elf magic gems similar to the holy artifact, are all at the same time. It has the effect of 'high learning gem'!"

   Generally speaking, elves, especially sun elves and moon elves, have the most responsibility to inherit and protect knowledge.

   And the gem of knowledge is the universal means by which they store and transmit knowledge.

   However, because of ordinary knowledge gems, not only the "storage space" is limited, but also the "anti-theft" and "anti-cracking" effects.

   Often, it involves extremely important information, such as high magic, or the inheritance of certain elves' unique spells, and the elves have specially created "higher knowledge gems" for this purpose.

   Named "Higher", the "anti-theft" effect of these magic gems is beyond imagination.

   In Isaac's understanding, these so-called "higher learning gems" may be similar to the "Techira Stone", and are related to the life essence of elf mages.

   And since this is the case, in turn, it also has the "essence of life", and even more is the "essence of life of the High Mage" bound in it.

   With the nature of elves to inherit knowledge, such as "high energy core", such as "Techira stone", it should be a higher form of "higher knowledge gem"!

   At this time, the information poured in is just to verify this.

   "Ancient elven magic, nothing to do with 'spell slots'..."

   "This high-energy core was created at least two thousand years ago."

   "Myth-Crolla, Mystery Lock Spell, Repel Demons and Orcs..."

   "The High Mage with descendants has also added knowledge to it..."

  Continuous infusion of information, Isaac accepted it calmly, and even had redundant mental strength to "read" and "think".

   For the elves, he did not like it.

   But he has always had enough respect for the magical achievements of the elves.

   At this time, the knowledge and information directly related to magic instilled by this "high-energy core"...

   While "reading", "thinking".

   Even in the past two years, he already has a considerable understanding and mastery of elf magic.

   Even his own magical attainments are extraordinary.

   But as he continued to receive these information, Isaac's eyes were still filled with brilliance from time to time.

  The magic that can be stored in the "high-energy core" is naturally not ordinary, nor even low-level.

  Especially, from Isaac's understanding, some of the spells, at the root, are directly related to this "high-energy core".

   Not to mention, there is actually a record of creating a "mystery spell".

Myth-Corolla, the guardian enchantment of the Mystical City that also fell to the orc disaster during the process of Esko's Horn becoming Hell's Gate Castle, its record is created right here at the "high-energy core" among!

   "Mystery Seeds!"

   Constantly flipping through the pages, especially the interpretation of this "mysterious record", Isaac's eyes flashed with splendor, and from time to time, they were lightly wrinkled.

   Elf High Magic is not only the secret lock, but there is no doubt that the secret lock is definitely the most splendid and core of the Elf High Magic!

   Just like the creation of legendary spells, the premise is that the corresponding legendary seeds need to be researched first.

  To create the Mystery Lock Spell, you must first master the "Mystery Lock Seed"!

   From the perspective of legendary spells, this "mysterious seed" should also be one of the "legendary seeds".


  Isaac's eyes wrinkled slightly.

   "It's Legendary Seed!"

   "But, there should be a prefix!"

   "Mysterious Seeds, Legendary Seeds unique to the Elves!"

   "It is associated with..."

   "Elves! Group concept!"

   "Magic! The concept of realm and authority!"

   "At the same time, it should also be classified in the 'plastic energy' department, and its extension to the lower level is the 'weaveability' characteristic of elf magic!"

   Understanding of these three points.

  Isaac combined it with himself and also with him, thinking about the "drowga magic" that was only rumored for the time being.

   "The priesthood of the Masked King involves the concept of the group of 'drow', and its philosophy is also in line with 'the unity of the group', which is obviously satisfied."

   "However, I don't seem to have heard that he has a clerical field related to 'magic'..."

   "This is purely an investment of divine power, can it also create?"

   "Or... In addition to him, other people also intervened?"

"Or, his purpose is not to create the 'mystery-like seed', but to use the spellcasting of the 'high mage' that is beyond its own ability, and then combine it with a holy artifact such as a 'high-energy core' to carry out the so-called "high energy core". 'drow magic'?"

   The level is limited, Isaac can't be sure of this.

   However, because of this, his thinking about himself has other directions.

The core of the    elf's high magic is the lock, the seed of the lock.

   However, the Elven High Mage is not just about the casting of Mystery Locks.

The    high magic ritual is the essence of the elf high wizard.

   That "unique ceremony"!

   That "multiple ritual"!

   That "Infinite Ritual"!

In Isaac's understanding, all these ceremonies must be related to the elves, the soul is born with the common connection with "Apan Germany", and then forms a kind of "whole", a kind of "presence", A kind of "ethnic effect" is an internal correlation, which is the resonance of the "whole" by individuals or combinations!

  For this reason, when this "group effect" is united, high mages and high magicians can exert their greatest abilities.

   And when the "group effect" is disordered, the High Mage may not be able to perform even normal rituals, and the stability of High Magic will also be weakened from within himself.

  Dragon, undoubtedly does not have the racial characteristics of elves, not to mention, the dragon has no tradition of unity.

   From this point of view, the dragon family must have no "high magic ritual" premise.

  Not only dragons, such as humans, dwarves, and gnomes, but also do not have such talent.

It is necessary to achieve "ritual casting" directly through "resonance" by individuals, and to cast spells that can be performed at any time and beyond one's own level, it is not necessary to pay various costs, such as "exceeding spell casting II". Applied to legendary spellcasting...

   "Two ways to realize!"

"On the one hand, using the 'master control terminal' to force the 'potential connection' to the 'professional data card', the soul of the 'professional data card' is forced to yearn for the 'master control terminal', so there is no need to What 'unity' is pursued!"

   Of course, this is also obviously limited.

   The creation of the "professional data card" is based on the essence of his life. No matter how strong his soul is, it cannot be divided infinitely!

  This determines that the scale of this "ethnic effect" is very limited.

   He is able to "extract" more intensively, but after all, it is still far inferior to the "ethnic group" in the true sense!

   "Another way of thinking..."

   (end of this chapter)