Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 768: One step two steps three steps

   Chapter 768 One step, two steps, three steps

   "Create, or integrate into a 'big environment'!"

  In Isaac's eyes, the light of wisdom at this moment is unprecedentedly brilliant!

  In his cognition, the core connotation of the elf high mage is that there is a common "longing" in the soul of the elf and the mind of the elf.

   The end of this "longing" is the hometown of elves, "Apan Germany"!

   From this perspective, all the sprites can be viewed as a whole!

   A whole of the "Net of Ethnic Groups" jointly formed by the common yearning for the "Apan German Capital" and the potential "spirits" inherent in the elves "Fairy Division" as a link!

  Each genie, its soul, is made up of a part of this "whole", authenticity.

   High Mage is no exception.

   In Isaac's conjecture and cognition, the essence of high magic rituals should be that high mages can be in this "ethnic web".

   maintains his independence, so he can perform rituals.

   At the same time, it can also unite with the surrounding spirits, in terms of mind, soul, emotion, responsibility, etc., through the "spirit" that they integrate into the "group network".

   In this way, one is the multitude, and the multitude becomes one.

   This should be the essence of the "unique ceremony"!

   At least, as Isaac guessed, the essence of high magic rituals!

   As for the higher-level "many rituals" and "infinite rituals", this should be based on the "unique ritual", and the high mage and the high mage continue to unite.

  Isaac's second thought is precisely in this "one is the multitude, and the multitude is one"!

Although the giant dragon itself is not a "spirit", there is no potential "spirit" of unity. From the premise, it is impossible to form a holistic "spirit of the ethnic group", and naturally it is impossible to perform "individual rituals". To leverage the "assistance" of the ethnic group.


   For the same purpose, this road is impassable, but it does not mean that there is no other way to go!

   Going back and aiming at the "end point", re-opening to find a way, or even opening a way...

   "Two directions!"

   "One, Faith!"

  Although Isaac had already suspended the promotion of "Dragon of the Conferred God" out of some "trust" in the Dragon Queen, this did not mean that he did not study "faith".

   Not to mention his early years, when he was "young", he had "reckless" blasphemy against digital gods.

  The green dragon crown has been in his hands for many years, and he has always observed the transformation of faith and divine power.

   Of course, what he is considering now is not the relationship between "faith" and "divine power".

   Now that "Dragon Conferred God" is not the first choice, his focus on "faith" is that all "faith" is also related to "soul" and also has "common yearning"!

  Is it possible to transform this "belief environment" into a ritual environment similar to "ethnic web"?

   "Two... Heaven and man are one!"

  During the period of   , in the process of studying the spiritual world, all the nouns that he had come into contact with slowly appeared in Isaac's heart.

  Heaven and man are one!

  Individual into the whole!

   And at the same time of integration, it can also leverage the help of the "whole", this "day"...

"From the perspective of 'camp', the composition of the world, especially the compositional essence of the outer planes, lies in 'ideas' and 'concepts', and is related to the soul, thought, belief, belief, and philosophy of all living beings. They are closely related, and are divided into 'camps' to gather various 'commonities', and finally form a perfect 'whole'!"

   "From this point of view, it is not impossible to define it as a 'Spirit of the World', or at least a 'Spirit of a Comprehensive Camp', a 'Spirit of Heaven' that is synthesized from the thoughts of all living beings!"

   "From this definition, the direction of 'harmony between man and nature' is completely possible!"

   Of course, direction and possibility, of course, absolutely exist.

   However, like a high mage, you must be able to maintain independence in this whole, and you must also leverage the union of the surrounding "spirits"...

   "This should be a manifestation of 'authority'!"

   "Like the great devil in Bato's hell, like the demon lord in the abyss, or those celestial lords, perhaps, also including 'that one', the 'that one' of Mystrono!"

  Isaac's eyes flashed, and he suppressed this thought again.

   If "authority" is the embodiment of "independence in the whole", then...

   "Mandate of Heaven is the threshold of its premise!"

   Think of this.

  Isaac is combined with the "High Mage".

   If this thinking is correct, the elf high mage should obviously be a destiny profession, at least it has the essence of destiny!

   The so-called "mandate of heaven".

  From his theory, the destiny lies in the thoroughness of his own ideas.

   Corresponding to the words of the Elf High Mage...

   "To implement the unity of the elf society, for the great interests of the elves..."

   "This is exactly in line with the 'whole spirit' of the elf tribe!"

   "From this point of view, the 'Elven High Mage' can be regarded as the exclusive destiny profession of the elf family!"

   "It is precisely because of this that Master Gao can maintain his own "independence" in the "Spirit of the Whole", so as to leverage the union of the surrounding spirits!"

   and go back.

   His combination of "harmony between man and nature" and "destiny" is not wrong. At least, there is no deviation in the current direction.

   On the contrary, since the "level of destiny" is the threshold of the premise...

   "The reflection of the nature of the world by the wheel of days is undoubtedly the way to achieve it."

   "And to actually begin to realize..."

   "The Destiny Advancement of the Wheel of Days!"

   However, even if Isaac already has a direction, the vacancy to be filled is still quite large.


   "The words of the Dragon Conferred God..."

In   's eyes, there was a slight contemplation.

  The Dragon of the Conferred God is a destiny profession, which is not a problem in itself.

   With this, Isaac can jump over the dragon queen and directly call on the power of "the origin of the dragon", which is also a certain manifestation of "authority".


   "It's different from 'Origin of Hell' and 'Origin of Abyss'!"

   "'Dragon Origin' is not one of the basic components of the outer plane, and therefore, it does not seem to be within the framework of the basic camp of 'World Composition'!"

   "He should be the creation of the racial concept of 'giant dragon' by the great dragon father? Investment?"

  Isaac felt that if the "Origin of Dragon" had to be defined...

  Perhaps, you can refer to the "Hometown of Elves", the "Apan German Capital"!

   The essence of the two should be that there is considerable commonality!

   However, the dragon gods related to the "Origin of Dragons", even if they have the core of "The Great Dragon Father", their unity is completely incomparable with the gods of the Elf gods, the Selderines.

   Even the gods of Seldeline have experienced the rebellion of the spider queen, and there have been several gods of dark elves, who were expelled from the Selderine **** system.

   "The core of the Dragon of Conferred Gods is not the faction!"

   "The giant dragon family does not have the 'whole spirit' like the elves!"

   "It is necessary to use the 'Dragon of Conferred God', through the 'unity of man and nature', to pry..."

  Isaac's eyes wrinkled slightly.

   is him, and he has not found a breakthrough direction for a while.

   With the "authority" of the Conferred God Dragon, at least the "authority" of his current level, except for those kinds of ritual calls, except for the use of spell-like abilities to achieve legendary spells, it seems like...

   "Related to 'the unity of man and nature', it should mainly focus on 'the formation of the camp of the world'!"

   "And like 'Dragon Origin', it is directly related to 'race' and 'God'..."

   "Go back, this may be the first idea to combine with 'belief'!"

   "And if the dragon of conferred gods and faith..."

  Isaac's slightly wrinkled eyes, although they never stretched out, it was no longer because there was no starting point at all.


   "Is it necessary to restart the advancement of the 'Dragon of the Gods'?"

   "Or, after the sublimation of the destiny of the 'Wheel of Days' is completed, let's see if it can be integrated?"

   Slight hesitation.

   But quickly, he restrained these thoughts.

   Even now the choice is made.

However, when it comes to the combination of "faith" and "dragon of conferred gods", this is almost what the further sublimation of the destiny refers to, not to mention, it has to be further transformed into "a large environment where individual rituals can be performed". It is not possible for him to directly complete the idea only by thinking.

  All kinds of things need to be developed step by step through practice, tried step by step, and even the real sublimation of the idea can truly determine the feasibility.

   This is definitely not something that can be done in a short period of time, let alone quietly!

   Moreover, since it is combined with "faith"...

   Can others still believe that his purpose is not the ultimate sublimation?

   "The lesson of the one Rayloran is still there."

   "The former witch king in the red robe was also trapped in **** for thousands of years."

   "To start this step, you must have the foundation of the Reid Kingdom, and you must not be reckless!"

  It is better to…

  In Isaac's mind, the names of some people around the kingdom quickly passed by.

   is to expand, these people, and even more people, also have to be wary, and even need to solve it!

"Not urgent!"

   "Step by step!"

   "Anyway, there is a direction!"

   Even more, from shallow to deep, it is a direction that can be realized step by step.

   "First complete the creation of the 'professional data card', and then decide whether to combine 'faith' and 'Dragon of Conferred God', or simply skip it and realize the destiny advancement of 'Wheel of Days' first!"

   "And, before that..."

   Put all the thoughts that you should have in the bottom of your heart.

  Isaac's eyes focused on the "Dark Crystal" again.

"If the meaning of the 'high-energy core' is to bind the 'high mage essence' and 'elf divine power' within it, the 'unity' of the elven society is mobilized, and it may be further related to the 'mysterious seed' ."

   "Then this completes the 'corrupted' dark crystal..."

  The will of the mind, through magical energy, is linked with the "Dark Crystal".

  Isaac can perceive the properties of the three "evil essences" within the "dark crystal".

  More, maybe because of "them", they are also bound with the power of the elf...

   Indistinctly, Isaac has a sense. "They" are still part of a huge "consciousness", at least, they are still closely related to this "consciousness"!

   In the case of continuing to bind the divine power of the elves, the corrupt manipulation of "them" can be completed, and another "union" of the "spirit of the whole" can still be leveraged...

   "If this corrupt ritual really comes from 'that one'..."

   "He and the elves, and the gods of Selideline, definitely have an extraordinary close relationship!"

   "Whether it is high magic, or the holy artifact created by high magic, for Him, there are almost no secrets at all!"

   "Which one would this... be?"

  Isaac's thoughts flickered involuntarily.

   But immediately, he quickly returned to the topic.

"The 'Corrupted Crystal' can still leverage the power of the 'Spirit of the Whole', however, the nature of darkness and evil, what 'they' leverage is no longer the 'unity' of the elven society, but the 'unity' Consistent' the 'instability' of the opposite!"

   "The more unstable the elf society, the more contradictions and conspiracies, the more powerful such 'corrupted crystals' are."

   "Just like the 'corruption enchantment' of Misdrono, it should be the same!"

   "And this is exactly what corresponds to, why does 'that one' attach so much importance to the demon elves!"

   Demon-born elves, this may be another perfect embodiment of the fall of elves after the dark elves settled into drow elves.

   Moreover, the main body of the demon elves, this has the most core position in the elves, and is the sun elves that hold the most secrets of high priests and high mages!

   This kind of mere existence can destroy the stability of the elf society, and naturally deserves the attention of 'that one'!

   But at this time, Isaac didn't think too much in this regard.

   What he cares more about is...

   "High Magical Ritual!"

   "No, it should be, an indirect high magic ritual!"

   "The strength of the ritual's 'assistance' is variable, corresponding to the instability of the 'spirit of the elf tribe' in the surrounding area!"

   "Sustainability, unlike the 'Storage Dragon Ball', after it is released, it must reabsorb its vitality."

   "However, it's not without flaws!"

   The link between the will of the mind and the dark crystal senses the ability of this "corrupted holy artifact", and Isaac's eyes flicker slightly.

   There is no doubt that the power of this "Corrupted Holy Artifact" is far greater than that of the "Storage Dragon Ball".

  More, with this "corrupted holy artifact", not only can it be applied to legendary magic, but ordinary magic can also be applied.

  It’s just that strong is strong, Isaac has a little grasp, but he is also keen to capture some of its flaws.

   On the one hand, it is related to the stability of the elven society, which needless to say.

   On the other hand, it's what really made Isaac frown...

   High magic ritual, which is also ritual.

   is a ritual, which means you can't do "instant casting"!

   In other words, although this "corrupted holy artifact" can add a full range of powerful "assistance" to spellcasting, but...

   Just like the "Days Array", all spells, including legendary spells, that are strengthened through it cannot be "instantly cast" in the first place!


   "The 'high magic ritual' performed directly by the High Mage should be the same!"

   After this grasp in my heart.

  Isaac's thinking finally turned to the last and most crucial point.

   The core of elven high magic!


   "Mystery Lock!"

   (end of this chapter)