Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 784: Keeper (below)

   Chapter 784 The Secret Keeper (Part 2)



   is not dark.

The infinite and more intense and boundless power of nature, the entire earth is sprouting the faint emerald green light, such an environment, even if it is underground, even if there is no fire, it is a natural The shimmering background is mysterious and more beautiful, just like being in a fairyland.

   is through such a "shimmer background".

   From the tunnel, it can be clearly seen that there are countless root systems, which are densely packed, like a net, completely intertwining everything here, even this piece of the earth, in its encirclement.

  These tree roots, the thick ones are as straight as giant pillars, they are the main trunks of the root system, and the serpent generally runs directly through the endless earth.

   There are countless branches spread out from it, and even this branch is thicker than the root of any giant tree.

   With the extension of these branches, the backbone of each path is a web of its own.

   And all the backbones come together…

  With the shimmering background of the underground, and the natural aura of the trees themselves, they continued down the tunnel...

   End of the tunnel.

  Underground space with emerald green background.

One is obviously completely different from the present era, even from the Elf era, but from some special buildings, it can be seen that this should be a temple, one that has continued from ancient times to the present, but cannot be seen. To any ancient temple with signs of abandonment and dilapidation!

   Of course, the temple is not a temple, ancient is not ancient, this may not be the point here.

   At least, that doesn't seem to be the point in relation to some of the surrounding existence.


   It is obvious that the countless main root systems are all converging here, and the underground space and this ancient temple are densely wrapped in it.

   is more than simple interweaving and wrapping.

  If there are any spellcasters, they can bless the "True Wisdom" with a high enough caster level, and then observe these tree roots and the "giant net" they compose...

   These tree roots seem to be born with the essence of "flowing" "magic runes", and these huge "magic runes" are compiled together...

   This "giant net" is a powerful natural protection barrier!

   Of course, the premise of this "natural" must be... it must be really "natural"!

at this time.

   It was from within this "giant net", from the orderly and smooth flow of the "magic runes", as if a sudden shock appeared.

   A silent voice sounded!

   is at the soul level, the voice transmitted by the majestic will like the earth!

   Accompanied by the vibration of the "magic rune" and the spread of the emerald light, this "voice" was rushed to the temple from the "giant net".

   first passed through the gate of the temple guarded by two giant stone golems in the form of "tyrannosaurus".

Walking through a long corridor with golden light all around, looking closely, the walls and ceilings of this corridor are all kinds of exquisite works of art, as if they are really frescoes carved from gold. .

   And the central theme of all these murals...


  Golden Snake!

The "voice" has been meandering along the promenade. There is no slight dispersion in some forks along the way, and it has not disturbed the various magical guards in the temple, and even the endless protective formations of the temple seem to be indifferent to it. There was no hindrance until it passed into a magnificent hall that looked like a mausoleum hall with eight ancient coffins inlaid around the hall.

  This palace is completely different from the magic environment of the outside world.

   Obviously, even the space is filled with dark smoke, evil and filth intertwined, and it is also full of terrifying negative energy.

   "Voice" came here...

The power of nature is in sharp conflict with the attributes here, the dark evil power in the temple seems to have consciousness, and the consciousness is awakened again. Two, space ripples like a dark vortex.

   And they are surging...

   At the junction of the tunnel and the hall, a golden magical barrier appeared immediately, isolating the turbulent power of darkness in the hall as much as possible.

   At the same time, it can also be seen that around the hall, above the eight vertical coffins, there is also a golden color and different ancient runes, which are flowing with magical aura.

From these golden runes, countless golden lights were quickly intertwined in the sky, and the surging power of darkness seemed to have been ground into flames, and then, the two paths that were created and continued to grow. The dark vortex gradually began to calm down.

After the    "voice" reached this side, he stopped moving and waited quietly.

   has been waiting until the dark vortex has completely disappeared, and the evil power is no longer raging.

  This is...

  The golden rune is still in operation, and continues to suppress the surging of the power of darkness with golden light.

  , however, there was a burst of "Kakaka", as if the gears were turning, from the left and right of the hall, it was inside the two opposite vertical coffins, it sounded.

   At the same time, on the two coffins, there are dense golden patterns like a net, which are constantly lit up until they are dazzling.

  Following, again at the same time, there was a "creak" sound of the door being pushed open.

  The casket is opened from the inside out!

  The two gorgeous robes were still intact, but they looked like humanoid creatures covered with a layer of skin on top of the skeleton, and simultaneously opened their eyes with pale electric lights.

One of them seemed to be able to directly see the will that conveyed the "voice", but without seeing any movement, a mind wave connected to the past: "Respected Elder Alaho, what's the matter with you awakening us this time? "

   These two people, not to mention the appearance, nor the death atmosphere that pervades the body, even at this time, the movement of this spiritual power shows obvious characteristics of undead creatures.


   Although the appearance is ugly, the two have a natural elegance.

  The power of death is originally biased towards evil, but it permeates them, but it also does not make people feel any sense of hostility for no reason.

   A special naturalness that is so wonderful, almost "nature", is intertwined in their existence.

   This "nature"...

   is the one that conveys the "voice", the will of the true nature, and it has no resistance to it.

This connection of the power of the mind came, and the will also "speaked" again: "The consciousness of the forest is warning me that there is an unprecedented powerful evil force that is looking at us. Not long ago, the guardian knot of the Hall of Fog The hidden and disturbing effects of the world's world have also been almost completely penetrated. Therefore, according to the covenant of eternal guardianship, I have awakened you again."

   The anti-detection effect of the "Guardian Barrier of the Fog Hall" is almost completely penetrated?

  Elder Araho's voice, the two people floating out of the void, the eyes of the soul like electricity, couldn't help but congeal at the same time.

  The fog hall guards the enchantment. This is to prevent the evil diffusion of the fog hall. They join forces and create a high magic ceremony.

   And, the creation of this high magic enchantment also combines the natural essence of "Elder Araho".

   is especially focused on concealment and distraction.

   is almost the same, "not allowed", then "not visible" and "not perceptible".

   But at this time, the elder Araho actually said that this anti-detection effect was almost completely penetrated?

   They will never doubt the judgment of the elder Araho. After all, the guardian enchantment itself is centered on the existence of the elder Araho, and all the creations and magical effects are closely related to him.

   It’s just that, with magic, or similar abilities, such penetration can be carried out…

   It is no wonder that the unknown evil has not really come yet, and the elder Araho is the first to wake them up.

   This is probably the biggest threat that Elder Araho has perceived during the countless years they have slept here, and because of this, it is named "unprecedented powerful evil force"!

   This confirmation, the two eyes met again.

   Immediately, another person's voice sounded: "Has the elder ever asked Yeerlan Kingdom for help?"

In the countless years of sleep, either due to powerful threats or mysterious thieves, there have also been visits from some sages. They have been awakened many times. Naturally, they know that Aerivanda has disappeared from its own. Aggressive, and a kingdom built by the Yeerland elves in the High Forest.

   As the most respected elf family, the keeper who guards the "ancient evil".

   added to this responsibility, not only transformed himself into a "Belem Lich", but also used eternal sleep to resist the erosion of time and permanently bound himself here.

  The High Mage of the Yeerlan Kingdom, after meeting them, made an agreement with them long ago. Once the "Mist Hall" is attacked by evil forces, the Yeerlan Elf will be their firmest ally.

   "It's a very sad news, as early as hundreds of years ago, the Yeerland Kingdom had perished in a plague of demons.

   Today, although the wood elves have returned to rebuild the Yeerland Kingdom, they are still facing a powerful demon force. At this time, they should be in the eastern part of the forest, and they are in a full-scale war with the demon army. "

  Elder Araho, also known as the "Grandfather's Tree", in normal times, his consciousness is like "sleeping", blending into nature.

   However, after this war has directly invaded here, it has caused heavy casualties to the tree spirit tribe and the many "tree spirit" children born from him.

   He had already woken up from his "sleep".

   Through the prayers of many believers and the transmission of spiritual thoughts from the children of the tree spirits, I learned about the current situation.

  This is, those Uthgarians who were expelled by him back then came back with an army of evil!

  More, among the evil army, there are not only the demons and demons of "Hell's Gate Castle", but also the equally evil fire giants.

And that almost penetrated his obstacle, almost directly located where he was, and, if not directly glanced at it, the area centered on him and directly covered by the "fog hall protective enchantment" is even him The consciousness that is one with nature has not been able to detect the strange magic detection in the forest area outside the enchantment...

   He has doubts, and this is probably from the Demon King of Hell Gate Castle!

   That one, before that, the entire consciousness of the High Forest was the evil demon king who had dealt a heavy blow!

   Only such a demon king has the ability to forcibly break through the interference of the "Protection Barrier of the Fog Hall"!

   "The Yeerland Kingdom also perished?"

   Elder Araho's words sank in the eyes of the two Beren Liches at the same time.

  The last time they woke up was when the "Tower of Windsong" Terran sage Akmana-Truesilver came to visit.

  The kingdom of Yeerland was still prosperous at that time.


   "After all, there is no eternal prosperity. One withered and one with prosperity, and withered prosperity is reincarnated. This is the way of nature."

   "Tintagil is like this, Erivanda is like this, and Yeerlan is inevitable after all."

   "Only hope that after they wither, they can recreate a new prosperity."

   Merstel sighed as he spoke, his eyes meeting Oswell's, and both of them shook their heads again.

  As the most prosperous High Mage of Erivanda, and a member of the ancient secret-keeper organization, the ancient secrets they master can even be traced back to before the elves appeared in this world.

The origin of the    Sun Elf is also the origin of Erivanda, which can even be traced back to the "Land of Wonderland", which is now called the "Fairy Wilderness" and the "Wild Wilderness" of the Elf Kingdom Tintagil.

   This is the holy land of all the fey races, and even the Aphanddudu of the Selderling pantheon was established here.

   But even though it was built in such a holy place, the Tintagil Kingdom was still destroyed.

  In the end, only Prince Durothil, through prophecy, brought a part of the sun elf people and the only moon elf lady to this world.

   This is also the predecessor of Airvanda.

With the withering of Tintagil, with the creation of Erivanda, and the prosperity and withering of Erivanda, there is the opening and prosperity of the elf king's court, and the birth of Evraska and Yeerlan. Now, Erlan again...

   One withering and one prosperity, withering and prosperity reincarnating, the way of nature is nothing more than this.

   However, despite their long life, the two of them have seen through all of this, but they are still unable to be normal about the decline of the Elf Kingdom.

   "Stop talking about that."

   "Since there is a big enemy coming, we have made preparations early."

   "Ask the elders for advice later. This is another change in the past 800 years."

   The Beren Lich from the famous Oswell sighed, and finally regained his senses.

   can be described by the elder Araho as an "unprecedented evil force", which naturally cannot wait for it.

   Moreover, they not only have to join hands with the elders to repel the enemy, but also guard against the ancient evil here, whether there will be any changes.

   "I'm up there, waiting for your arrival."

The will of the grandfather tree fluctuated for a while, and after all, he did not say it at this time. Even the "elf king's court" has declined. The entire continent, except for Evraska, has always followed the "secret" tradition, which has been almost forgotten by the world. Cai is still out there, and all the other elf kingdoms have disappeared. To this day, perhaps only Yongju Island is still prosperous.

   (end of this chapter)