Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 785: The last High Mage

   Chapter 785 The Last High Mage

   "Ms. Anharad, how is Lord Eamesford doing now?"

  Waterdeep, Tower of the Black Rod, a hidden layer entirely private to Kelburn and Lyra.

Finally, the two-year war with "Tangling Talisman" ended, and through the Council of Lords of Waterdeep City, the contradiction between "Xingyue" and "Harper" was at least suppressed. The red line of direct confrontation under.

   Only then, Kyle took a breath.

   Ye Cai, finally had time to visit his old friend.

At this time, if Isaac was there, the Black Rod Archmage would have been able to see that compared to when they met in the green of nature, the Archmage had lost a lot of weight, and his cheeks were was flattened.

   And let a voter, appear this kind of thin...

   Obviously, in the past two years, this archmage has suffered a lot in terms of mental strength and labor.

   However, it is true that he is thin, but in the eyes of the black staff archmage, which are as deep as the night sky, and contain infinite wisdom and knowledge, at this time, they are more fierce and determined, and their eyes are shooting out like a flame burning in them.

   This is, no matter how bad the situation is, it will never be possible to overwhelm him, all the pressure will only make him burn with more fighting spirit!

   And just before these eyes.

  A white priest's robe, surrounded by the breath of peace and life, faintly, even in the air, is the sun elf lady with natural vitality in Yayoi, said softly: "The golden lord is no problem.

  Before this trip, the queen learned about the attack on the lord, but she specially asked me to bring a soul leaf.

   With this, I have healed Lord Imsford's most serious soul wound.

   With the combination of 'Medical' and 'Regeneration', his physical injuries have also fully recovered.

   In addition to the part of the magic power that was damaged in the battle with the 'Felin Demon Kwai', he also needs to recover by himself.

   The current lord no longer needs any medical treatment. "

   This sun elf lady is obviously a priest, and she also specializes in the field of healing.

   "But there is Ms. Lao. I also thank Queen Amlariel, who is still concerned about the safety of the lord from Yongju Island."

Hearing that the old friend inside was no longer a problem, Kelburn's always solemn and dignified face was also showing some warm smiles, and he thanked the sun elf therapist and the moon elf queen who was farther away on Yongju Island. .

   "The Archmage is very polite. Compared with the assistance you and Ms. Lyra have given to Evraska, I can only do this, and I feel ashamed."

The lady    Sun Elf shook her head and sighed even more, with a look of regret and guilt evident in her expression.

   "Only so!"

   Her words made Kyle's heart sink.

This high elf priest from Eternal Judgment Island is the messenger of the Queen of Eternal Judgment Island, Amlarel-Moonflower. Come.

  In the past, in Galeron-Nehmedu and other tomb guards, because of the pursuit of the remnants of the Vassan family, under the ancient tomb of Vassan, the "Wall of Saron" was accidentally damaged.

   In order to repair this damage, the Fei Lin Mokui was further sealed under the desert.

After the decision of "The Council of Elders of Hill", it was ordered by the high lord of Evraska, Erland-Dulsa, and the leader of the tomb guards, the leader of the tomb guard, Master Kolbasin personally led the escort, including Lord Eamesford. Inside, Evraska's only three elf high mages were all dispatched, ready to repair the "Wall of Saron" before all the Faerin Demons were alerted.

  However...everything is a nightmare!

   Fei Lin Mokui had a premeditated plan for a long time, and he had already carried out an ambush there.

  After a big battle, the elf expedition team was almost wiped out.

   One of the three high mages perished on the spot, Lord Imsford and the other, as well as Master Kolbasin, and was even imprisoned in the ground by the Felin Demon.

   If it wasn't for the critical moment, Galeron, who had been in trouble before, and another mysterious mage suddenly appeared and rescued them from the prison, the three of them would have been tortured to death underground by Fei Lin Mokui.

   But even if they were rescued, because of the special environment on the other side of the Wall of Saron, they could not directly teleport away.

   was hunted down by Fei Lin Mokui again.

On the way to the chase, another High Mage fell again, and Lord Eamesford also almost survived, because there was a resurrection arrangement on the Black Wand Tower of his old friend Kelburn. It was at the moment of death that the soul was transferred to the Black Rod Tower.

   But that's it, the injuries Fei Lin Mokui caused him were extremely severe.

   Even Laila couldn't cure it completely.

In the end, the message went to Yongju Island, and the Moonflower Queen of Yongju Island sent Ms. Anhalad through the "Gate of the Elf", and also brought the leaves of the elf treasure "Tree of Soul". It was the soul that finally warmed up Lord Emsford.

   Of course, all this is a tragedy, but there is a prophet, and there is a response, Kyle will not have another gaffe.

   What really made him frown was... the hidden meaning in Ms. Anharad's words!

As Queen Amlariel's messenger, Lady Anharad can only heal Lord Imsford... Doesn't this mean that Evergather Island will most likely not be able to do anything to Evraska either? for support?

   For a while, even if you know about Yongju Island, there have been many incidents and even disasters in recent years.


  Kelben's heart was disappointed after all.

However, he has always been deeply in the city, and no matter how disappointed he is, after all, he did not show anything on his expression, and he did not rush to ask the reason. He just nodded slightly, as if he did not hear any meaning, and said again: " Since the lord has recovered, ma'am, would you like to go in with me to visit?"

   "Archmage please!"

   Priest Anhalad did not refuse.

   Immediately, the two walked into a phase gate and directly appeared in a secret room with various crystal instruments.

   One of the most conspicuous instruments is the crystal cabinet in the center of the secret room, like a column, filled with dark blue liquid.

   At this moment, suspended in this dark blue liquid, there is a blond sun elf who is almost naked, only the most crucial position is slightly covered, and his eyes are closed.

   And even so, the elf's tall and sturdy body on this day still does not hinder his handsomeness and majesty.

   When Kelburn and Anharad walked in.

   seemed to have sensed it immediately, and the closed eyes of the blond sun elf suddenly opened.

   Followed, another look of joy was revealed.

   couldn't wait any longer, and he didn't even see any movement from him, and even the fluctuation of magic was minimal. In an instant, his figure disappeared into the crystal cabinet and flashed directly into the secret room.

   "Old friend, you are finally back. Is everything going well?"

The   Sun Elf opened his arms to give thanks to his old friends.

   However, Kelburn's black stick was slightly stretched forward, blocking his enthusiasm.

   waved his staff again, and another elf robe was summoned.

   This is when the sun elves put on their robes in embarrassment, and the priest of Anharad smiled knowingly.

Kelburn nodded slightly and said: "The matter of the Lord of Symbols has come to an end for the time being. The first team led by Laila has also arrived in the High Forest. Malcho is organizing the second reinforcement team as quickly as possible. In addition, Laila has all the resources ready, and within three days, we will be ready to go."

   Unlike the first reinforcements, they had to be secretive enough.

   After reaching a compromise with the Lord of Symbols, the formation of this second reinforcement team can be launched directly with sufficient strength.

However, Kyle didn't say "break with the harpist" in front of his old friends. Of course, this break will affect the formation of the second reinforcement team to a certain extent, but... whether it is because of the Lord of Symbols, or Because of his early preparations for another prophecy, this "break" was actually already in his plan.

   "Thank you, I won't say more."

   "However, from today onwards, Waterdeep is Evraska's forever ally and forever partner!"

   Putting on the robe, Kvass opened his arms again, and finally hugged his old friend heavily.

His relationship with Kelburn is like a teacher and a friend, and he has a centuries-old friendship with Kelburn's sister, Ms. Farr-Horson. Moreover, the Imsford family and the Meldlin family also have a long-standing alliance. .

   Therefore, whether Kyleben or Laila, the assistance to him and Evraska, he remembered in his heart, but he did not need words to express.

   However, this is only for Kelburn and Laila, but it is not just the Tower of Black Wands who aided Evraska this time.

   That was secretly launched by Laila, and at this time, Malcho was once again organizing reinforcements in the name of the Black Wand Tower...

   This golden lord of Evraska knows it well, but to a large extent, this is the assistance of the Council of Lords of Waterdeep City to Evraska!

It is precisely for this reason that the Sun Elf High Mage, who has always been arrogant and even unfriendly to the human race, truly put down all prejudices in his heart, and with the consistent seriousness of the Sun Elf, told Kelben and also through Kelben. , to the Council of Lords of Waterdeep City, to express a formal thanks, and also to be friendly!

  Elves never forget their friends.

   Waterdeep has helped Evraska today, and Evraska will be rewarded tomorrow!

Kelburn naturally understood what he meant, and he patted him heavily on the back twice, and then, while releasing, he asked: "Tell me about those Feline magic sunflowers. It has always been Lai I'm preparing, but I don't know much about it."

   This "not too deep"...

   Emsford's heart moved.

   Others may not know, but he knows that, as the elector of the Goddess of Magic, Kelburn is much older than him.

   The "Battle of Crying" that year had no real name. Kelburn, who participated in the war as "The Unknown Voter of the Goddess of Magic", was recognized and respected by all elves just like Minnis.

In particular, in the battle that year, Kyle was about to fall, and finally the "trigger technique" at the dying moment, teleported him to the vicinity of Silvermoon City, and obtained the creator of Silvermoon City, "Ai". The rescue of Kemana-True Silver, which was finally recovered after years of recuperation.

   And because of his direct participation in the "Battle of Crying", and later, the various contributions to "Misdrono", Imsford knew it, and it was not that Kyle really didn't know about "Felyn's Sunflower".

Whether it's the Felin magic flower under "Misdrono", or the "Wall of Saron" that these Felin magic flowers have been trying to break, Kyle knows the secret, I am afraid that it is better than him. Want more!

   So, this question at this time...

   Just a move in his heart, Imsford knew it, the old friend asked him to unfold the severe situation facing Evraska to Yongju Island through Ms. Anhalad.

   Even, cry!


The golden lord of Evraska, in the council of elders of Hill, second only to the great lord Erlan-Dulsa, and the elf above the sword saint lord of "Sword of Evraska" Master Gao, all the arrogance he had on weekdays is now being put away.

   There was grief in his expression, and he didn't say anything, first he let out a long sigh.

   Only then, under the watchful eyes of his old friend and the high priest of the sun elf, he confided in detail what Evraska had faced and what had happened.

   That tracked down the "Remains of the Vassan Family" until the secret tomb of the Vassan Family, and suddenly caused an unknown disaster, which in turn led to the damage of the "Wall of Saron".

  Evraska's most elite expedition team tried to repair the "Wall of Saron", but it was almost wiped out.

After the "Wall of Saron", the horrors of those Felings, especially the great desert of Anook formed because of them, are even the same as the worst "dark natural disaster" in the history of elves in a distant era. All are bigger.

Not only that, but as a member of the High Mage, Evraska is also the guardian of the "Wall of Saron", and Imsford even shared the two ancient and even ancient times he knew with Fehring. The disasters related to the magic sunflower are all narrated with some "artistic colors" added.

  These Fei Lin magic flowers not only led to the demise of the most prosperous human magic kingdom in the history of the North!

   In the ancient times, it was one of the three great witch empires that were considered to be the head of the creator race, and it was suspected that it was because of them that they really declined!

   Facing this strange siege called "ancient evil", the situation facing Evraska is so severe that it may collapse at any moment.

   At the same time as he said that, Lord Imsford stared deeply at the priestess, and there was no hidden meaning in it...

   "Ms. Anhalad, what's the situation on Yongju Island now?"

   "The mutiny caused by Kemir Nimosin hasn't subsided until now?"

   "Does Queen Amlariel really want to sit back and watch, is Evraska really destroyed by the Feline Demon?"

  Kelburn and the High Mage cooperated tacitly.

   (end of this chapter)