Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 786: Elf civil unrest

  Chapter 786 Elf civil strife

  Kelburn's tone was heavy.

Although Queen Amlariel has a detached status, as the "chosen of the Goddess of Magic" and one of the founders of the Harper Organization, with his influence, even within the elves, he has the ability to meet in person. The Queen of the Island issued a questionable qualification.

   Not to mention, this principle is still on his side.

For the Evraska matter, he and Layla can be said to have put all their efforts into it. Even if they are not elves or even half-elves in Waterdeep City, there are many people who enthusiastically joined in. Reinforcements come.

   And they are all...

   As the core strength of the elves, Evergather Island is actually going to sit back and watch Evraska be destroyed?

   That's right, "destroyed"!

  If he didn't know the power of Fei Lin Mokui, how could he be so hasty, even bowing his head, to compromise with the entanglement talisman?

  Layla has to compromise with the one from Reid Kingdom again and again, isn't that why?

In the face of these, not only ruined the ancient magic kingdom, but also ruined the ancient era. The witch empire called "Istoise Pfeiffer" has always persisted, and even the more powerful ancient aliens. Strange.

  Unfortunately, the Sharon spirits who sealed these strange monsters under the great desert, for some unknown reason, most of the oldest, wisest, and most powerful elders mysteriously disappeared.

   Such a situation…

  Kelben is actually very clear in his heart.

Only with the current Evraska, only with the reinforcements he and Layla launched, and at most the harpist of another line led by Storm, with such power, even if Evraska is With the guardian of the Mysterious Lock Barrier, it is still impossible to really defeat, or even just repel those ancient strange creatures!

   But, at least now, this is the strongest force they can organize.

   At the same time, their enemies are not only Fei Lin Mo Kui!

   Kyle could never have ignored the "enemy" of the High Forest!

  The one from the Reid Kingdom, although under the name of "exploring the secrets of magic", occupied the Hellgate Fortress, but it is equally impossible not to be on guard!

Not to mention…

   One side is tacitly cooperating with Lord Imsford, sternly questioning Madam Anhalad and then the Moon Elf Queen.

   On the other hand, as a thought flashed by, Kelburn's heart, that one that could not be expressed to anyone, but was suppressed in his heart, has been a shadow for hundreds of years, and it is rising again.

   The period of prophetic prophecy is approaching!

In response to this prophecy, he even stole the "Scepter of the Warlock King" and reached a secret agreement with the one from the Zhentarim Society to eliminate almost all the Bane Liches from the "Dark King Sect" first. The Harper Organization, who directly participated in the creation and participated in the reconstruction after the "Battle of Cry", broke with him completely.

   For the same prophecy, he put unimaginable effort into the creation and design of the "Hidden City of Hope".

  If his sacrifice like this has not really faced the catastrophe of prophecy, but before the disaster of Fei Lin Mokui, and he is frustrated...

  Kelburn's eyes were solemn and stern, staring at the high priest of the sun elf.

   This one is the elect of the goddess of magic, the other is a sun elf noble, and is also the most respected high mage by the elves,

   The solemn stares of both of them at the same time…

Even if Ms. Anharad is a high-level healer, in Evergather Island, whether it is the queen and the royal family, or the chief priest, or the oldest, or even the leaders of the founding family of the sun elves, they are all in daily contact. arrive.

   At this moment, there was an unspeakable anxiety in her heart.

  This apprehension is not because of the awe of Kelburn and Imsford, but...it is because she is really unable to provide practical help to Evraska's kinsmen!

The complexion changed several times. After all, after Kelburn's questioning, after a brief silence, Anharad sighed softly, and said, "Since the Archmage knows about Sydney Mosin's rebellion, he also knows that this time. His rebellion was not just the sun elf who was bewitched by him, he even colluded with the drow elves, and even took refuge with Rose, and summoned the 'Spirit Eater' from under the abyss.

   In this catastrophe, the damage suffered by Yongju Island is difficult to assess, even the ‘Sun and Moon Twin Towers’ were destroyed, and Master Gao also sacrificed many…”

Kemir Nimosin, this is the chief guard of the royal family of Yongju Island. He has a high prestige in Yongju Island. The elven swordsman he cultivated is the elf army that spreads all over Yongju Island. From high-level to grass-roots level, everything is there.

  No one thought that he would rebel, let alone that he actually took refuge with the spider queen, colluded with the drow elves, and summoned the "Evil Devourer" to Yongju Island!

   According to legend, the "spirit-devouring monster" was born in the battle between the main **** of elves and the main **** of orcs.

   In addition, this sinister also feeds on elves, so it is called the "evil-devouring monster", and it is the nightmare natural enemy of all planes and all elves.

   The sun elf rebellion this time was positioned as a traitor. When the evil spirit was caught by spiders, it was directly put on Yongju Island through the Black Blood Beast King...

   This is the biggest catastrophe that Yongju Island has suffered in countless years.

most important…

An Harad's voice, after a pause, did not wait for Kelburn and the two to ask again, took a breath, and continued: "Not only the loss, but the most important thing is that the Queen and the High Mage finally exiled. Nimosin, who was sheltered by Rose, mysteriously disappeared after the 'Evil Eater'.

   Neither the Queen nor the Chief High Mage could predict his whereabouts.

   Because of his influence in the army, and because he led the fleet and participated in the naval battles of the Moon Shadow Islands and Luskan before his mutiny.

In order to stabilize the army, after several parliamentary meetings, Duchess Sersara and Governor Amisil, who insisted on the 'Great Retreat' strategy, won the support of the majority of parliamentarians and overruled the Queen and the High Priest of Severel The expeditionary force proposal..."

Ms. Anhalad is the confidant of Queen Amlarel and the right-hand man of the chief priest of the elf Lord God, Severel-Milita. Whether it is a personal standpoint or from a faction point of view, she is actually a supporter of Ivor. Rascal's reinforcement proposal.

   However, facing the decision of the Supreme Council of the Eternal King City, she had no choice.

  Unless the Queen forcibly vetoes with imperial power!


   As the Queen's close confidant, Ms. Anhalad has a number, and the Queen cannot forcibly veto it through the imperial power.

  Because now the leader of the Supreme Council is the "conservative" leader, Duchess Selsa!

   "Duchess Selsa!"

   "Governor Amisiel!"

   either Kelburn or Imsford.

  When Ms. Anharad said the names of these two...

   Even in Kelburn's castle, the brows were really deeply locked.

  The Duchess of Selsa, also known as the "Duchess of Durohill"!

  The Governor of Amisiel is "Count Verdan"!

Durohir, this is the oldest and most honorable first-generation royal family of the sun elves. In a distant era, before the elves migrated to this plane, the Tintagil Kingdom in the land of fairyland was already the royal family of the sun elves. !

Among the    sun elves, there is no noble family that can have the influence of the Durothil family.

Even, the Moonflower family can become the royal family of Yongju Island as the "Moon Elf Family". This is because the Moonflower family has had many marriages with the Durohill family, and there is Durohi in the blood. Er's Sun Elf royal bloodline.

The Verdan family is also the oldest sun elf family. It was far away in the "founding era". When Prince Durothil led his people and migrated to this world, they followed Prince Durothil's sun elf nobles. .

   The influence of these two families…

   One sentence can describe it.

  If they no longer support the "Moonflower Family", the Yongju Island, which is mainly composed of Sun Elves, will no longer be stable, and the royal status of the "Moonflower Family" will be directly shaken!

   This is a far worse disaster for Evergather Island, and for all elves, even than the rebellion initiated by Kemir Nimosin!

   Queen Amlariel could not have watched this disaster happen.

   And the reason why these two have to veto direct support for Evraska...

   This is not just because Kemir Nimosin is missing, and if the army leaves Yongju Island, will it be bewitched and manipulated by the former chief guard again.

  Kelburn and the two even heard another meaning from Ms. Anhalad.

   These two are conservative leaders who adhere to the "Great Retreat" strategy!

I hope that the elves will all withdraw to Yongju Island, even if they enter the fairyland through Yongju Island, they should not stay on the mainland, and do not contact those human races, those orcs, or even those drows, and then, to avoid being affected. "Pollution", and even the conservative leader who was eventually seduced and fallen by Rose like Kemir Nimosin!

   With these two dominating the Supreme Council…

   For a time, even the wisdom of Kelburn and Eamesford had their brows furrowed, and it was hard to be sure that they could be persuaded.

  More, let's not say without any certainty, they don't even have more time, they can go to Yongju Island in person.

   "How about?"

   "Could it be that you really want to interrupt the purification design of the Supreme Wasteland and interrupt the creation plan of Lemanson City?"

  Kelburn's eyes flickered.

If the plan of Lemanson City is interrupted, and the hands of the Saran spirits that were transformed by the Maierita people are released, and they are turned to Evraska and join hands with them, there may be The possibility of repelling the Fehling Demon Kui is now possible.

   In this way, if Minnis and Xinbu return, they will be completely defeated, and even seal these strange creatures back again, so it is not unsure.

  It's just, once the plan of Lemanson City is interrupted now...

   Over the years, whether he or the Maierita family, all the investment in that place is about to be wasted!

And this... This is the 10,000 years that Maierita died in the "Dark Natural Disaster" and suffered "Drow Settlement", and still remember all the remnants of the Maierita Kingdom, the biggest and most urgent looking forward to it!

   Not only them, but for this plan, Eilistraee also did everything possible to bring in a number of gods, especially the support and input of three powerful gods.

  If this plan is interrupted…

   Kyle couldn't make any decision on the return of Maierita and the dark elves!

   But without the help of this salon...

  Cormier is no good, Cormier is being prophesied by the prophets, and it is impossible to send reinforcements to the goblin war launched by the monsters who seek revenge against the "Obesker Royal Family".

  Baldur's Gate, Amn, and Tethyr's side are also impossible.

The    "Children of Conspiracy" incident has already involved all these kingdoms and city-states, and it is impossible to send regular troops.

   is the one between Amn and Tethyr, who has the power to reach out.

   It's just... Even if there is a relationship with Kwai Lu, Kelburn's biggest expectation is only to hope that the one will not make more moves and can stop from the High Forest as soon as possible, and he will be satisfied.

   He wouldn't really expect that one would lend a helping hand to Evraska because of the sunflower.

  It’s just that…

   There were repeated calculations in his heart, but there was no more clue. For a while, Kelburn was also silent, and it was difficult to say anything.

  In the secret room, there is an indescribably depressing and dull atmosphere.

   After all, it was the Sun Elf priestess who broke the silence again.

Looking from Kelburn's side to Lord Imsford, she said solemnly: "Your Excellency, although I can't promise you any assistance, but everything you and the Archmage said, I I will do my best to give the clearest statement to the Queen, to the High Priest, to the Supreme Council. I believe that there will never be any elf who will really sit and watch his fellow man, unable to breathe under the calamity of destruction, and truly of indifference.

  I will also initiate the priesthood to offer my sincere prayers to the creator of all elves, the guardian of elves' life, the eternal ruler of Avande, the great majesty of Corellon.

  When the eyes of the Lord God are cast from Afan Dedu to Evraska, all the darkness and evil will be dissipated..."

   Saying that there is no "guarantee", Ms. Anharad did her best to "guarantee" to Lord Imsford.

The golden lord could naturally appreciate her sincerity. Even if she knew that she had no confidence in affecting the decision of the Supreme Council, she nodded and said solemnly: "Then please, Madam. Please convey to the Queen and High Priest of Severel that I With Lord Dulsa, will live and die with Evraska..."

As a member of the Council of Elders of Evras Cahill, he and Queen Amlariel naturally knew each other for a long time, and between him and the High Priest of Severel-Milita, there is a very deep personal friendship. .

   "I will convey the words of the lord to the queen and the high priest in person." Ms. Anharad nodded.

  Kelburn also said at this time: "Lady and wait a moment. I have a secret letter, and I also ask the lady to transfer Prince Lanriel."

Prince Lanriel, Lanriel-Moonflower, is the son of Queen Amlariel, the holder of the "King's Blade", the heir to the throne of Yongju Island, and most importantly, his wife is Princess Mora .

   Mora - Silver Hand!

   (end of this chapter)