Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 793: Fighting (Part 1)

   Chapter 793 Fierce Battle (Part 1)

"Ha ha!"

   "You are courting death yourself!"

   The four-headed six-armed snake demon rushed in from all directions, bypassing the wall of fire.

   The terror and despair formed by the "evil aura" were integrated, and the vicious darkness almost covered most of the battlefield.

At this moment, even if their goal is to focus on the fire giant, all the Tanaris around them that are in a state of hostility to them are unable to restrain themselves in fear, even the two mad war demons can't help shrinking. neck up.

For the six-armed snake demon, even in the bottomless abyss, it is known for its superior combat power. Its evil, its brutality, and even chasing the Balor fire demon, in the high tanari, there is nothing. The cold-blooded demons that are second to none have no tanari, and can see them without fear.

   However, Tanari can't stand the deterrence of the "evil aura" of the six-armed snake demon, but the fire giant is different.

   All fire giants are born with the expertise of "iron will", and this elite team of fire giants is even more extraordinary.

   Needless to say, the two fire giant elders who are close to the legendary rank.

   All other fire giant warriors are also elite warriors trained by "Son of Hell".

  Have been trained under the awe of "Son of Hell" that is "Lord's Imposing" and "Desperate Darkness" all the year round, they have the toughest resistance to all "psychic effects".

   The "evil aura" of these six-armed snake demons is extraordinary, but compared with the aura of the lords of "Son of Hell", it is far worse.

   The six-armed snake demon rushed in.

   These fire giants are not only fearless, but also have a high fighting spirit, like blood rushing to the top, and their orange-red hair like flames seems to be really burning.

   That just blocked the elder Carlos with a "Fire Wall Technique", laughed wildly, and faced Salien who was charging ahead, his giant flame warhammer only raised.


   The entire warhammer was directly transformed into a huge steel fireball, like a meteor, and it was thrown out with boundless power.

   As the elder of the Fire Giant Tribe and the high-level priest of the "God of Fire Giants", he naturally recognized what the spell-like ability that Salien cast was.

  The sword-blade barrier, the sixth-level priest magic, is also the sixth-level domain magic of the war realm.

  Like a wall of fire, or like a wall of circular rotation, these two spell forms.

  Obviously, what Salien created is the second form.

   In view of the fact that once the "sword guard" is shaped, it can no longer be moved at will...

   Carlos can see at a glance that the purpose of the six-armed snake demon releasing this spell is not to crush the fire giant together, and it is impossible to crush it with the vitality of the fire giant.

   This is just... to break up their camp!

  Once the Fire Giant camp is divided because of the "Ring Power Blade Wall"...

   With the demons' general flying ability and teleportation ability, under the free entry and exit, it may really be possible to be broken by them one by one.

   However, since Elder Carlos has already made a judgment, it is naturally impossible for the six-armed snake demon's calculation to succeed.

On Salien's side, with "multiple control", while rushing to kill, while maintaining the "sword guard wall" at the critical point where the shaping can be completed at any moment, once the critical distance is approached, the fire giant can be divided immediately. camp.

   Elder Carlos did not give her a chance to approach at all.


   "Pull back!"

  The two flaming hammers burst into flames at the same time.

   In response to the sound of wild laughter, one of them turned into a huge steel fireball and threw it towards Salien.

   His move.

  Elder Dennis and those fire giant warriors are not slow either.

  The fire giant warriors on the periphery roared and swung flaming giant swords, fighting in groups to meet the six-armed snake demons.

  The fire giant warriors in the inner circle raised up one after another, like a "dagger" that was directly inserted into the belt part of the "small flying axe".

   And Elder Dennis swept his eyes around, seeing those tempting demons and soul judges, who were releasing the "Hammer of Chaos" and "Thundering Technique".

   quickly called the spell, and he also immediately cast the targeted magic.

   And on this main battlefield, a handover will directly enter the climax.

Around   , those Tanaris also started fighting.

   is not the same as the fire giant who is not proficient in spells, but is the most powerful warrior by nature.

   These tanaris, even if most of them are low-level tanaris, when one fights, they kill from the ground to the sky, and then teleport here, and have a spell-like ability there.

   Such a fierce battle...

   "Your Majesty, with Elder Dennis, the war has begun."

   "The hostile side of Hellgate Castle is extremely hostile, and it actually launched an interception without even a basic greeting."

  The underground dark space.

   Always through the "eyes of the hag", while paying close attention to the burning giant, the green hag duo immediately reported to the half-purgatory fire giant.

  Kogoth - Son of Hell is no accident.

   A few moments ago, with the establishment of Elder Carlos' "transmission beacon", he and Flomo advisors had already counted, and the war over there was approaching.

   However, there is no accident...

   "Pay attention to all the changes over there, don't miss Haggs, and report any changes at any time."

  Kogoth's deep voice contained the breath of fire, which was constantly sputtering out of his throat.

   As if, from the heart, from the soul, from the body of this half-purgatory fire giant, the fiery and violent energy like a volcano is endlessly brewing, but it is forcibly suppressed by him.

   But the more you hold back, the more terrifying and devastating the final outbreak will be!

   At this time, it’s just the sound…

The three people around   , whether it was a green hag or a Flore demon, seemed to be thundering directly in their souls, a sense of shock that could not be disobeyed.


   The two green hags bowed their waists at the same time.

   Fromo advisor flashed a faint light in his eyes: "Your Majesty, do you need me to find out what's going on over there?"

   is already the moment of direct war.

   It's not enough to just listen to the green hag's report.


   But as soon as he said that, the two green hags stopped at the same time with a shrill voice.


   Skullox's eyes jumped, and he looked at the two of them gloomily.

  Kogoth's gaze also turned around.

   But facing their gazes, the two green hags did not evade for the first time.

The old face looked serious, and the green hag who was famous for Sama said solemnly: "It's not that we want to block the direct observation of the battle by the king, but, based on our understanding of the **** gate castle over the years, if we directly use 'detection' I'm going to watch the battle over there... I'm afraid, when we don't know anything, the one who can trace our knowledge in the opposite direction will capture it here.

   It is also for this reason that these days, Haggs has not dared to take the initiative to contact us.

   It is also the particularity of the 'ghost's eye' that can be deceived to that one. "

In   's words, she made no secret of her taboo towards the "King of Demon Flames".

   Whether it's their sisters or Flomo's advisor, she doesn't think there is any possibility to compete with that one in the field of magic.

   Even, let alone fighting, there is no comparability at all.

   When that person is obviously prepared, he directly observes that side with the "detection technique"... This is almost equivalent to sending his own location directly to that person's eyelids.

   "What Sama said is exactly what I want to say."

   "If Your Majesty is concerned about the situation over there, I would suggest that it is better for Lord Skullocks to contact Elder Dennis with the 'SMS' technique, rather than directly observe with the 'Detective Technique'."

   The ghost hag Mackay also echoed.

   They made a statement at the same time…

   Flomo's gaze couldn't help changing.

   However, he didn't wait for him to speak again.

   The low voice of the half-purgatory giant resounded again: "The King of Demon Flame can rule the Hell Gate Castle, after all, it cannot be underestimated. It's up to you."

   I can't tell you how to trust the green hag.

   However, Kuggs has enough confidence in the fire giants that he cultivated.

   Not to mention the Tanaris reported by the green hag before, no matter how many incidents there are, he also believes that with Dennis and Carlos there, the most basic warning messages can still be sent back.

   And here…

   Either he or Skullocks has already completed the preparations for the teleportation, just waiting for the "change" over there!

   The half-purgatory giant has made a decision, and the Flomo advisor will not do any more.

   At the moment, the two green hags are your words, and I reported the situation on the battlefield in real time, and occasionally added a few words, about the demon hag, and the information related to the Flogging Legion.

   And their descriptions…

   Everything is like the conceit of the sons of hell.

   There are two fire giant elders as leaders, and that team of 16 people not only have occupational enhancements, not only all standard magic equipment, but also an elite team that cooperates with the tactics of the army...

   Even Salien and the others have performed the "Summon Tanari", and their combat power has almost doubled.

   is still no match for such a giant elite army.

That is to say, they are demons, have the ability to fly, and have the ability to teleport. In the case that the fire giants are generally not proficient in spells, this is the only way they can temporarily fight in full swing. At least, the purpose of holding these fire giants is. It's done.


  These demons are so desperate, they even give up their lives...

   And these fire giants are so powerful, so elite, and so cooperative, they are the most orderly, and they also have a tactical iron-blooded army...

   Such a war.

   Not to mention the two green hag, while reporting, while having all kinds of thoughts in their minds.

   where the grandfather tree is located.

   After the quickest information transmission by the Dryad, the Druid made an urgent direct report using the "communication technique".

   "So it's not a gang!"

   has already come to the ground, and has long known the information that the fire giant and the demon are mixed together.

At this time, when the two Beren Liches "scanned" the eastern forest with magic from a long distance, and quickly passed through the extremely strong battle fluctuations there, those fire giants, and those high Tanaris , all reflected on the high magical barrier integrated with the "Grandfather's Tree".

   Looking at the magical light curtain, the scene of the fierce battle between the fire giant and Tanari.

   There are some surprises in the spiritual thoughts of these two Beren Liches, and even the "Grandfather's Tree", accompanied by some surprises.

   I was still thinking about it, it was the Fire Giant and the High Tanari. The successive appearances must mean the arrival of the Hell Gate Fortress attack.

   Unexpectedly... Before the general attack, the "infighting" started first!

   "Is there any information on these fire giants?"

   "This should also refer to the 'Mist Hall', and since they are not in the same group as the 'Hellgate Castle', then they are hidden in the eastern forest, I am afraid they have the intention of the fisherman's benefit."

   "Dare to stand behind the 'Hell Gate Castle' to take advantage of the fishermen... Their strength, I'm afraid it is more than what they have shown now!"

   Surprise and surprise did not affect the sanity of the Lich of Beren.

   looked at the battle situation in the light curtain, and in Merstel's eyes, some thoughtful colors were revealed.

   "The reply from Mrs. Mu suspects that these fire giants are from the eternal wilderness, under the command of a fire giant lord with purgatory blood."

   "Since this fire giant lord is not a group with the 'Gate of Hell'... His purpose should be related to the 'Gate of the Abyss', or the sealed dark magic weapons."

The will of the   grandfather tree silently communicated with the Lich of Beren.

  The lord of fire giants, and the blood of purgatory…

   Even the Lich of Beren couldn't help but secretly rejoice.

  Fortunately these guys are not a gang.

  Otherwise, Zhenruo "King of Demon Flame" and "Lord of Fire Giants" will join forces to use the high-level combat power that is fighting fiercely over there, combined with the already dominant military power...

   Even if they are combined with the "grandfather tree", it is hard to say that they have absolute certainty to expel these guys!


   And it was Melstel, who was rejoicing in his heart.

  The other Beren lich whose eyes had been on the magic light curtain all the time, in the pale eyes of electricity, at this moment, a ray of suspicion suddenly appeared.

After pondering for a while, his claws were dry as bones, only covered with a layer of hard skin, and on top of the skin, there were another flowing form, and the claws of the runes of magic aura flashed, with a bit of elegance, gently lifted. , and go a little further to the Magic Light Curtain.

  Damn, countless runes, as if they flew directly from his body, were quickly thrown into the light curtain.

   And the rapid investment in these runes...

Yuna and the "grandfather's tree" are integrated, and in the high magic enchantment that is acting as the carrier of the light curtain at this time, the splendid and wonderful streamer is flowing brightly, and the picture reflected by the magic light curtain is also becoming more and more. The reality, and even the various textures of the space, are loomingly illuminated.

   And with this change…

   "Is this the 'King of Demon Flame'?"

   "Such a magical ability... if it's just like rumors, I'm afraid even us will be inferior to him."

   stared at the sky that was supposed to be nothingness. At this time, where the wonderful texture of the wisps was, Oswell's eyes, from the erratic light of lightning, strong magical energy radiated out.

   is clearly extremely solemn, and even taboo!

   "It's really extraordinary!"

   "Such magical abilities... 'Gate of the Abyss' is probably not his primary purpose!"

   Merster's expression also became solemn.

   Oswell used a "unique ceremony" combined with a "high magic enchantment" to barely reveal the signs of detection, and it was impossible to trace it further.

   Just this…

   The power of the "King of Demon Flame" is worthy of the name.


   And this is it.

  Oswell seemed to have found something, raised his claws, and once again touched a magic light curtain.

   The light curtain screen turned away from the battlefield unexpectedly.

  A figure appeared immediately.

   And the light curtain is reflected to the person's location.

   seems to have sensed it immediately, and when he raised his eyes, this person's eyes were actually those of Oswell and Geek, and they looked at each other.

   (end of this chapter)