Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 838: Solution (4)

   Chapter 838 Resolved (4)

   When the otherworldly **** servant was thrown out, the "imploding technique" of the Balor Flame Demon was just in progress, far from being completed.

   However, the spell-like ability does not require specific language and spellcasting actions. While the "imploding" is performed, this does not prevent the Balor from being able to attack.

   The otherworldly **** attendant was hurled towards him, with a deep malice in his eyes.

   "Advanced Dual Weapon Attack!"


   With a low roar, the flaming whip of the Balor Flame Demon, like a python with life, threw out only one, like weaving a web, and entangled it towards the **** servant of the other world.

   "Strike Attack!"

   The flaming giant sword was also waving, and the more violent power of the evil immediately set off a terrifying momentum.

   At this moment, whether it is this flaming whip or this flaming giant sword, both of them reveal an extraordinary and more vicious characteristic.

This is…

   The supernatural ability "Decapitation" is activated!

   With the "decapitation strike", all weapons in the hands of the Baloo Balrog naturally have the characteristic of "decapitation".

   Such characteristics may be slightly weaker for the giant size of the "Heavenly Pengbird".

   However, like the gods of the other world, the celestial angels who are not as good as the Balor Flame Demon, but this "decapitation" feature has no advantage in terms of immunity.

   Even, not only is there no advantage, but perhaps the opposite.

For the "celestial creature", the damage reduction ability restrained by "evil power" also includes regeneration ability, but between the "decapitation-evil-flaming great sword" of Balor, there is no additional resistance at all. of!

   The whip is flicked, wrapped, and pulled.

   Another horizontal slash followed by the flaming giant sword…


   was also enveloped by the slashing of the dragon wings due to Isaac's sudden burst of speed.

  I was prepared to take this blow hard, and I wasn't going to use the "Legendary Dodge" and "Frequent Jumping" Storm-Silver Hand, and his mind suddenly jumped again.

   The emerald leaves given by "Grandfather's Tree" have the effect of "continuous medical recovery".

   The "regeneration ring" worn on the hand not only has the effect of "continuous recovery", but also has the effect of "regeneration". As long as it is not beheaded, any limb damage can be quickly regenerated.

   The combination of these two pieces of equipment…

   As long as he is not directly imprisoned like an "otherworld **** attendant", Storm-Silver Hand doesn't care about eating a few claws.

   is exactly that.

   Before Isaac's bite, when the "Legendary Dodge" did not recover, and she knew that Isaac's magical ability, her "frequent leap" might not be absolutely safe, she directly teleported to avoid it.

   But at this time, the slashing of the dragon wings did not have the effect of grappling and imprisoning!

  's reaction at the first moment, Storm-Silver Hand was preparing to take this blow, and then to see if Isaac would be locked by Melstel's "dimensional anchor", and then decide how to launch the next offensive.


   Legendary Reflection!

   is almost the next moment of this moment.

  When the otherworldly **** attendant flew out of Isaac's claws...

   "Koschurch, the Dragon of Light!"

   "Baluo Fire Demon, God of Another World!"

   The sudden unpleasant feeling in his heart, Storm-Silver hand's plan a moment ago, suddenly changed.

  The azure arc is an instant flash.

   Isaac's dragon wings slashed past, this arc, and her figure, shattered and dissipated at once.

   at the same moment.

   was thrown, and immediately, the same azure arc flashed out from the side and rear of the otherworld **** attendant who was entangled by the flame whip of Balor.

   "Lightning Speed!"

   The long whip of the Balor Flame Demon pulled the otherworldly servant who was caught off guard and dragged it directly to the edge of the flaming giant sword.

Legendary Specialty "Lightning Speed", but one step ahead, a flash of blue light, the figure of Storm-Silver Hand, which was already one step earlier, appeared in the flame giant sword. Under the edge.

   There are too many battles with demons, and even direct battles with Lord Balor, Storm-Silver Hand is very clear about the ability of Balor to "decapitate".

  The otherworldly **** servant was not "decapitated" in the entanglement of the "flame whip".

This is not only because the physique and toughness of the other world gods are not bad, but also because the "flame whip" is only a light weapon after all, that is, it has the characteristics of "decapitation". Big deficit.

   But the flaming greatsword is different.

   Under such a "beheading giant sword", not to mention the otherworldly **** attendant who was entangled by the long whip, even Storm-Silver Hand himself, was not absolutely sure that he could directly suffer this beheading.

   In addition, she also understands very well that the Balor Flame Demon still possesses the ability to "burn and explode" when he dies...

   The explosive state of "Lightning Speed", I didn't prepare a sneak attack to see if I could kill this high-level Tanari, who was seriously injured.

   With one sword, Storm-Silver Hand blocked the ground and faced the flaming giant sword that slashed horizontally.

   And at the same time as she was in contact.

  The **** servant of the other world, who was thrown by Isaac and bound by the long whip of the Balor, finally recovered from the state of being caught off guard.

   immediately started struggling again.

The otherworldly **** attendant, although all-round attributes, especially in terms of strength, is quite far from the Balor Flame Demon, but only entangled with the flame whip, especially with the "high-level dual-weapon attack", while waving The flaming greatsword, it was obviously impossible to trap him.

   There was only a roar, and his arms and four wings were writhing at the same time, and the whip of flame was immediately propped up by him, and he was able to escape from the predicament when he saw it.

   At the same time, after the celestial Pengbird summoned by him escaped from the "flame storm", although the injury was quite serious, the roaring sound was also flying back.

   However, at this moment, whether it is Storm-Silver Hand or this otherworldly **** servant, there are no surprises at all.

   looks, both of them are solemn and dignified.

  Baluo's "imploding technique" is about to be completed!

"Implosion", a ninth-level destruction spell, even if it is a spell-like ability, it is not subject to the enhancement of many specialties or other abilities, but the increase from the powerful "charm" attribute of the Balor Flame Demon is not. still works...

Not to mention the **** servant of the other world, she just let Storm-Silver hand eat raw. With her extraordinary physique, extraordinary toughness, and further enhancement of her professional ability, I dare not say that she can absolutely complete these nine. saving throws from level spells.

   In this regard, they must take it seriously!



At the moment when the "implosion technique" of the Balor Flame Demon was completed, a sword block blocked the storm-silver hand of the flaming giant sword. Although the figure was knocked back a few steps, it was still in the "lightning speed" state. Immediately, it flew in like an electric light, and the long sword burning with silver flames slashed the face of this high tanari.

   Before such a blow...


   The spell of the Balor Flame Demon does not need any hesitation.

  The powerful magic constructed by pure destruction and destruction energy directly points to Storm-Silver Hand.

   And it was almost at the same time as this.

   "Dimension Anchor!"

Projected by Melstel's mirror image, a dark green ray shot out from his claws, and in a flash, it shot to Isaac's place, and it turned into a ray again, with a dark green shimmer. The force field, like a shield, enveloped Isaac's body under it.

   "Higher Teleportation!"

   On Koschurch's side, the teleportation arc also exploded like lightning.

With a    roar, this lightning bolt landed directly on top of the shining dragon that was turning and was once again brewing the "shining dragon's breath".

   "Myth - Evil Shadow Strike!"

   One teleportation came out, "Frostfire Roar" was only one swipe, and once again, this "spell-like ability" performed by the "mythical power" of the abyss lord was only being cast, and it was not yet completed...

   Endless darkness and evil power suddenly came, and at this moment, even the sacred and splendid brilliance of the Dragon of Radiance was dimmed.

   At the same time, the "disgusting" and "sluggish" effects are constantly radiating out.

   Especially the "sluggishness" that ignores saving throws.

   The speed of Guangyaolong's flight is all under this giant mallet, and it is sluggish.

   "Shining Dragon Breath!"

   Without any thought or hesitation, Guangyaolong turned his head back, a burst of blazing white breath, and an instant eruption, which suddenly penetrated the darkness and evil, and poured directly onto the "Angry Lord".

   But at the same time, the huge hammer of the "Angry Lord" suddenly fell down like a steel hill.

   "A visionless guy!"

  Isaac's eyes flashed at this time, and a look of disappointment passed through it.

   Not a disappointment for Coschurch.

   It's Balor's side!

  Although the "imploding technique" was cast, and it also locked the storm-silver hand that rushed away, but...

  Isaac clearly saw it. At this time, Storm-Silver Hand, the hands holding the silver sword together, wore a platinum ring on the left and right.

   The platinum ring on his left hand, which he has been wearing all the time, Isaac naturally recognized it long ago, it is the "regeneration ring".

   The platinum ring on the right hand is more simple in style, but it has just been switched.

   At this time, from this ring, it was a powerful magic wave that was flowing.

   Obviously, this is an enabling magic ring, and, at this time, the completion effect is enabled!

   With Isaac's ability to discern spells, he could see the essence of this "magic effect" at a glance.

   This is the nature of the seventh-level spell "Spell Reversal"!

   With "Spell Reversal", you can get a "Reflect Spell" effect.

   The total level of spells that can be reflected is between levels 7-10.

   However, this "rebound spell" is not random, and it has great limitations.

   Only spells of the "target class" can bounce back.

   And yes, long-range dispelling like rays, effects, and area spells are all ineffective.

   At this time, the platinum ring of Storm-Silver Hand just activated the effect of "spell reversal".

   This is the "Spell Reversal Ring"!

   Originally, with "spell reversal", in the "level 7-10" area, there is only a half probability that the ninth-level spell can be reversed.

   However, Isaac's gaze, looking at Storm-Silverhand, saw something even more unusual!


   "Temora's Smile!"

   "Blessings from Goddess of Luck!"

   "From her 'Master Harper' professional ability!"

   With this "Lucky Blessing" and the activation of this "Spell Reversal Ring", it directly reaches the level of level 9 reversal!

   Correspondingly, the "implosion technique" performed by the Balrog is also a "target-type" spell!

  When the Balrog targeted her, the "implosion technique" was locked...

   shook his head secretly in his heart, and in the dark green shield of the "Dimension Anchor", the emerald light was in full bloom again.

   The huge green dragon body disappeared.

The form of    "King of Demon Flames" changed again.

   did not help Balor.

   The destruction and destruction of the "implosion technique", if this Balor Flame Demon can complete the fortitude save, it is to eat the sword followed by Storm-Silver Hand, and it will not fall directly, and it will not be too late to help.

   On the contrary, if he can't even endure his "implosion technique" in reverse, he doesn't need to help!

  Compared to helping the Balor...

   "Joining forces with Koschurch to completely eliminate that glorious dragon is the top priority!"

   The Dragon Might of the Brilliant Dragon, even if it is just an old Brilliant Dragon, is comparable to the ancient green dragon.

   Such a level of dragon might, and the conflict of majesty and aura, it was difficult for Isaac to directly deter the opponent.

  If it is optional, Isaac will not hesitate to exchange the Balor and the shining dragon for one.

   Not to mention, the life and death of this Balor Flame Demon at this time depends on whether he can fight the "implosion technique", rather than whether Isaac helps!

   It is also in his mind that Isaac has no plans to counter the "dimensional anchor" with a spell.

   Let this spell ban his ability to "teleport".

It has been transformed into the form of the "King of Demon Flame". When Isaac was disappointed by the eyesight of the Balor Flame Demon, on the other hand, the legendary scepter in his hand pointed to the location of the shining dragon, a powerful and boundless evil energy. , in an instant is the call to...

   "It's still 'instant cast'!"

   There was a helpless look in Merster's eyes.

The "implosion technique" fell, and was immediately "rebounded" back to the Storm-Silver Hand on the Balor Flame Demon. Yuna had always been alert to Isaac's side, and in his heart, he was also Helpless thoughts flashed.

  Eighth-level magic - extreme ice ray, as long as it hits, it is not immune to any saving throws from high-damage spells!

What's more, the "extreme ice ray" cast by "King of Reid" is not only "instant", not only "extremely effective" plus "strong", but also converted into energy, completely replacing "cold energy" with "evil energy". Ice energy"!

  The Dragon of Radiance, a typical celestial dragon, has immunity to lightning damage, but is most sensitive to "evil damage", and has no resistance or reduction at all.

On the   , there is the giant maul slam of the "Angry Lord" with "Myth - Evil Shadow Strike"!

Under the   , there is the "Lord of Reid", which is the same evil energy, but even more powerful and damages the "Fel Energy - Extreme Ice Ray"!

No matter how powerful the life force of Guangyao Dragon is, only this wave, whether it is Merstel or Storm-Silver Hand, has a judgment, I am afraid, although it will not fall with one blow, but... after one blow, It's almost impossible to fight, or even just act!


   (end of this chapter)