Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 842: Solution (8)

   Chapter 842 Resolved (eight)

   "Looks like it's Him!"

  Isaac was chasing after the otherworldly **** servant, but he couldn't ignore his surroundings.

   Even, to a large extent, his goal is not only on the body of the gods of the other world.

Compared with the otherworldly gods, the Beren Lich in the front and the Storm-Silver Hand at the back, if there is a chance to solve this, he will definitely abandon the otherworldly gods without hesitation, and point to them. .


  The Lich of Beren has always been shrunk within the "high magic enchantment", where there is not only the protection of the enchantment, but also the threat of the "grandfather tree", this is him, and it is impossible to take it easily.

   And Storm-Silverhand over there…

   "Any Door!"

   "Spell-like abilities!"

  's spell-like abilities are not easily disturbed, combined with Storm-Silver Hand's "Legendary Reflection" and "Legendary Dodge"...

   On Isaac's spell slot, although he has always retained a "big cracking technique" that has not been cast, but if this target chooses Storm-Silver Hand...

  Even if the "Great Disruption" prepared by the spell slot can be combined with "Exceed Limit - Instant", but still, Isaac really doesn't have much confidence that he can keep this lady.

  Even, there is no absolute guarantee whether this "Instant - Great Crack" will work steadily on Storm-Silver Hand.

   Especially at this time.

   He was chasing the otherworldly gods, Storm-Silverhand was chasing him, and Koschich was madly following Storm-Silverhand, and at the same time, the Lich of Beren was always watching everything.

   In such a situation, if he wanted to use the "Great Resolving Technique", he would put Storm-Silver Hand into a desperate situation...

   Not to mention that it is absolutely impossible, at least, the possibility is quite slim!

  Because of this, he didn't put much effort into Storm-Silver Hand.

   Even, he is chasing and killing, and it seems that he is an absolute target. He is already a **** servant from another world who is about to be killed by him...

   This "absolute goal" is only "looked at"!

  The divine art of the otherworldly gods, of course, is quite meaningful, but if compared with Storm-Silver Hand and Beren Lich, this is far worse.

   Not to mention, there is still that...

   "Grandfather's Tree!"

  's eyes were fixed on the **** servant of the other world, but a strange thought passed by lightly in Isaac's mind.

Although    was created by "The Wood of the Stone Platform", he has already speculated on the ability and nature of the "Grandfather's Tree".

  But...I haven't really touched it yet!


   is to kill directly from the front, take the Storm-Silver Hand, the Beren Lich, and the "Grandfather's Tree", and clean up the "Grandfather's Tree" together, and then calmly loot the "Mist Hall".

   still pretend to attack this side, and then quietly take the "shortcut" to explore.

   This is to be linked with him, the temptation to this man!

   If he can actually explore the abilities of the "Grandfather's Tree" and its level, not to mention missing a **** servant from another world for the time being, even if it takes two steps or three steps, Isaac will not feel that it is worthless!

   As for how to test, and to what extent...

   "It's here!"

   "If he really can't reach beyond the 'high magic enchantment', then he can try the 'shortcut' that Haggs said."

   "On the contrary, if his claws can extend beyond this enchantment..."

   "You can also see how much of a threat he is!"

   It doesn't need to be calculated much, Isaac also has a precise grasp of the end point of holding the **** servant of the other world.

   Even, this "end point", to a large extent, was calculated and designed by him long ago.

   As long as this is not the case, even if the "Grandfather's Tree" can reach out, he has enough confidence in advancing and retreating.

   And once this point is crossed... In the case of not having a sufficiently accurate grasp of the "grandfather's tree", the further inward, the greater the uncertainty.

  Because of this, he was the one who had calculated early and held the end point of the **** servant of the other world.

   "50 feet!"

"it's time!"

   The calm grasp of the mind.

   The wings were raging, the giant claws captured the **** servant of the other world, and the "magic field" was also being completed rapidly.

   The suppression of all magical effects by the "anti-magic field", like the gods of another world, is a creature that is directly summoned. Once it enters the area of ​​"anti-magic field", it will disappear directly.

   and at the same time.


  The thought of the mind is also a wave.

   A cold snort, with dissatisfaction, was passed directly to Koschurch.

   It is necessary to express dissatisfaction!

  Isaac is sensitive, this barbarian is not like the complete "demented" madness before, at this moment, this barbarian actually still has some sense, but, this so-called pursuit of Storm-Silver Hand...

   His cold snort and dissatisfaction are just to remind this guy, don't forget that the "arched door" thing between them has not started yet!

   In this flash of spiritual thoughts.

The distance of   50 feet has already passed by.

   The shock of "Aura of Majesty", the comparison of the speed of the two sides, and the distance between them, all the data are almost exactly the same as the early calculations.

   At that final point, one of Isaac's giant claws grabbed the body of the **** servant of the other world.

  The frightened and frightened, it is difficult to exert his true power, and Isaac's legendary damage reduction, although one of the otherworldly gods is held, the sacred giant sword is slashing Isaac's claws, but...

   is just a "+3 weapon", and the otherworldly gods are controlled by others, so it is difficult to exert full power.

   The panicked slashing of the sacred great sword was unable to break the defense of Isaac's great claws at all!

   However, this is the moment...

"Senior citizens!"

  Powerful inertia, after the "King of Reid" captured the **** servant of the other world, the huge body continued to charge forward.

   Time is up!

   Opportunity is here!

   It should be…

The use of the "Great Disintegration Technique" has always been firmly in his grasp. Melstel's calm and calm gaze, but at this moment, a sudden flash of lightning, through the "high magic enchantment", with the "grandfather's The consciousness of "tree", which always retains the closely related spiritual thoughts, suddenly waved.


   was already waiting.

  Merstel's mind moved, a vast and ancient consciousness, which seemed to directly penetrate the boundaries of thought and matter, and within an incomparably huge area, instantly set off a wave of emerald brilliance.

   This "raging wave"...

   It seems that the entire supreme forest is awakened and even more angry.

All creatures of the non-natural camp, even if they have not approached the green and radiant area, are like encountering a high-intensity "repulsion technique", not to mention the Tanaroc and the blue bear barbarians, those are the high Tanaris, absolutely. Most of them were unable to move forward.

At the same time, all the creatures of the natural camp seem to have heard the call of nature, which is even more incredible than the "resonance technique". Even if Isaac's "majestic aura" is shocked, this moment is all sudden. , can no longer affect them.


   A direct extension of "High Magic Barrier"!

   But it’s not just that.

   is the vast consciousness of the "Grandfather's Tree", forcibly radiating the effect of the "High Magic Barrier" directly to the surrounding area.

The high-intensity rejection directly aimed at the "evil faction" shrouded both Isaac and Koschurch. Even the will of the two of them gave rise to a strong sense of disgust for a while. The moment of instinct to go backwards.

From the ground, the sky is full of dust, like purple worms bursting out of the ground, two in front and two behind, are crossing Isaac's figure in the center, the four are obviously tree roots, but if they are alive, The endlessly extending giant vines rose into the sky at once.

  More, when the roots of the giant vines crossed the ground and entangled towards Isaac's huge body.

   is also extremely powerful, at least stronger than the "wood of stone platform", a natural energy that is stronger, and it is also suddenly surging in the form of "extraordinary ability".

   Special ability, not suppressed by the "anti-magic field".

   Such natural energy, even if Isaac's "anti-magic field" can be successfully completed, it will still be hurt and bound!

   At this moment, Isaac still has the teleportation ban of the "dimensional anchor", and it is impossible to directly retreat with "instant-transport"!

   Obviously, the outbreak of "Grandfather's Tree" was sudden, but it was also brewing long ago!

  I can't wait for these serpent-like living roots to really entangle on Isaac's body...

   "Great cracking technique!"

   is also in the middle of the activated tree root, using mirror projection, Melstel's "big cracking technique" is also the first to complete.

   Without hesitation, the bone claws pointed to Isaac's location again, and along with a stream of light, a "magic cracking effect" area, centered on Isaac's location, suddenly erupted!

   "Great Crack", although it is a close-range magic, it has a full forty-foot radius of explosion coverage, which can almost completely cover Isaac's body.

   However, it is this "Great Cracking Technique" that is shooting out and erupting again...

   "+8 Legendary Damage Reduction!"

   All the changes were not unexpected at all, but Isaac still frowned in his heart after all.

   His extraordinary will has overcome the repelling effect of the "high magic enchantment" in an instant.

   At the same time, the strength identification of the activated tree root of "Grandfather's Tree" was also completed.

This "Natural Holy Spirit" is really a genuine "Holy Spirit". All the powerhouses Isaac has seen, whether it is the "Great Bone Dragon" or the "Divine Red Dragon", also includes the "Emperor Tree Man", including "The Great Bone Dragon". Lord of Wrath," and even those "incarnations" and "incarnations" of those who descend.

   Without exception, there is no one who can match this ancient "Natural Holy Spirit" at the level of "Legendary Damage Reduction".

   This "Legendary Damage Reduction" is on the same level as the one who was given "Isaac's original body".

   Even, it should have a higher reduction intensity than his "original real body"!

   With the same level of "Legendary Damage Reduction", it can correspond to the "Legendary Natural Weapon" of the same level, and at the same level, the "Natural Weapon" can directly ignore the essence of "Damage Reduction"...

  Isaac and this "grandfather tree" can ignore each other's "legendary damage reduction" and deal complete damage.

   The result of such a test...

   In the case that the "Legendary Trigger" was released early, and it was impossible to pass the conditional trigger and get "+10 Legendary Damage Reduction", Isaac had to deal with it seriously enough.


   "Damage reduction can be suppressed for 'Anti-Magic Field'!"

"As long as the 'anti-magic field' is not disintegrated, it is a legendary magic effect, not directly strengthening the essence of the body, so I will not be suppressed by the 'anti-magic field' 'the blasphemy of the devil', at least at this time, It can still weaken the damage caused by him!"

   Of course, this weakening is only for the physical damage of the activated vines.

   The natural energy that is constantly radiating in the form of "extraordinary powers" is only born and experienced.

  Fortunately, he was already prepared for this, and the "Grandfather's Tree" would not be able to trap him, let alone drag him directly into the "High Magic Enchantment"!

   With a highly concentrated mind, Isaac had a precise enough grasp of everything at that moment in just a split second.

   is in sync with the extreme speed of this thinking.

   The projection of the Beren Lich below is a "Great Disruption" shooting.

  Isaac's paw, even earlier, was a throw.

   is the effect of the "big cracking technique", at the moment of the explosion.

  The otherworldly **** servant was thrown more than ten feet by him.

   also at the same time.

   is only a moment later than the "Great Cracking Technique".

   did not stop or change due to the sudden eruption of "Grandfather's Tree", Isaac's "fixed hair - anti-magic field" was also completed.

   The "Dead Silence Magic Zone" that suppressed all magical effects also covered his body.

   One is "split" and the other is "dead silence", when these two fields, which are extremely unfriendly to all spellcasters, are superimposed together...

  The otherworldly gods disappeared first, permanently.

   Unlike the suppression of the "anti-magic field", the summoned creatures can only disappear temporarily. Once the "anti-magic field" is transferred, the summoned creatures will reappear in their original positions.

The    "Great Cracking Technique" completely disintegrated the effect of this spell. Naturally, the otherworldly gods would not appear again.

The    revitalized tree roots still forcibly wrapped around Isaac's body. Obviously, this "activation" was not really a "quasi-activation technique", but that "Grandfather's Tree" could really attack directly with the root system.

   The entanglement of the activated tree roots, the incomparably powerful bondage, and the incomparable natural energy impact...


"Or not!"

   At this moment, almost all those who can not be affected by "Nature's Wrath" are looking here.

   It's just that this "King of Reid" was trapped and hurt...

   Whether it's Melstel, Storm-Silverhand, and "Grandfather's Tree" himself, all of them...heart sinks!

   "Great Destruction" failed to destroy the "Anti-Magic Field"!

   This is not unexpected, there is less than one-third of the probability, and the cracking cannot be completed, and it is normal.

   is just the entanglement and attack of the living roots of the "Grandfather's Tree"...

   "And damage reduction!"

   "There is also energy resistance!"

Although the entanglement attack of the "Grandfather's Tree" temporarily trapped the green dragon, it was clear that only the "natural energy" could cause substantial damage to it. It's hard to drag this dragon at will!

   And just then...

   Roaring sound, the legendary giant mallet of "The King of Frost Giants" no longer follows Storm-Silver Hand, but also points here!

   (end of this chapter)