Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 927: Zombies go up the pole

   Chapter 927 Zombies follow the pole

There are many kinds of   naga.

   Patrol Naga, Ghost Naga, Dark Naga, Water Naga, Rainbow Naga, etc.

   Without exception, all Naga are the same, huge snake body, plus a human-shaped head, even the Naga Lord is no exception.

   Of course, since he takes the name of "Lord", he is born to be the ruler of Naga, and has the power comparable to the ancient dragon. At least, it is comparable to the ancient black dragon and the ancient white dragon...

  When the gigantic body of the snake king Aibar Naj swam into the tomb hall.

  Isaac's eyes lit up involuntarily under the effect of the "True Seeing Technique".

   The size of this Naga lord is comparable to that of an ancient red dragon, and an ancient black dragon lich like the Vestrick couple is much inferior to him.

   Moreover, the snake scales of this Naga lord also showed a dark color at this time, and it seemed to be integrated with the surrounding environment, and it was extremely hidden.

   But Isaac's "True Vision" can see that this is not the snake scale of the Naga Lord is really black, this is that its snake scales have the ability to change color, can perfectly adapt, and hide into the surrounding environment.

   Not only that, if there is no error in Isaac's analysis, this snake scale should have a similar effect to the legendary armor, which can bring a certain degree of "legendary damage reduction" to the Naga Lord.

  Although the degree of this reduction is somewhat different from that of the ancient dragon.

   However, for a normal primordial dragon, it is only a "+4 reduction", but the Naga Lord is a "legendary reduction"!

   But it’s a pity.

  Although generally speaking, with the ability of "Legendary Damage Reduction", its natural weapons can also be regarded as legendary weapons, but considering that the Naga Lord has a snake body and a human head, and has the most powerful spellcasting ability, he still needs to cast a spell...

   This "Legendary Damage Reduction", falling on the Naga Lord, is almost a pure reduction!

   is when Isaac passed by, many thoughts flashed in his mind.

  The gigantic body of the Snake King with a super-giant body also completely swam into the tomb hall under the guidance of the Lich Wilder.

  I could see again that the snake man had not come alone, but behind him, there was a human woman in a deep purple sacrificial robe, who followed closely.

  Isaac's gaze fell on this woman a little...

In   's eyes, a strange look flashed.

   This woman is not human!

   Generally speaking, there are three kinds of snake people.

The    is the largest and most powerful, and is called "Snake-Abomination", and often dominates the Snake-Man kingdom.

   Ordinary half-snakes and half-humans are "mixed-blood snake people", and most of them are of this type in daily life.

   But there are some, called "pure blood snake people", which are almost like humans, but hide some less conspicuous snake characteristics, such as snake-like tongues, such as a few scales and so on.

   This is obviously the woman of the clergyman, a pure blood snake man.

   Judging from the holy emblem of the fang-toothed viper on the woman's robe, she was the priest of the "serpent **** Zehir".

   However, if this is all, she is not qualified to follow the Snake King and come here to meet him.

   Not to mention, it can make his expression move.

   This pureblood serpent…

  Isaac's eyes narrowed slightly on her body, and then he suddenly smiled faintly, and then looked at the lich servant: "Wilder, you go out first."

  Although the phylactery of the lich servant is under his control, there are some things that he does not need to know.

   "Yes, Your Majesty!"

   Wilder respectfully obeyed.

   This time, he has officially seen the complete form of the Demon Flame King. The power that he can't resist at all has far surpassed the pressure his teacher put on him.

   Therefore, now the Lich is more obedient than ever before.

   then exited the mausoleum hall.

  Wait for his figure to disappear soon.

   "The ruler of Nagara, the esteemed Serpent King Aibar Naj, welcomes your visit."

  Isaac's gaze turned back to Lord Naga again, especially on the sterling silver spiral crown.


   Seeing the King of Green Dragons directly swiping away the lich, Ebarnaj was already moved in his heart. Hearing this welcome, he actually included the snake priests...

   "I'm afraid he has already seen through it!"

   "It's as unpredictable as rumors!"

With a flash of thought in his heart, Aibar Najie also lowered his gaze a little, with a gesture of respect: "Respected King of Reid, the will of the Dragon Queen in the world has manifested, and I can see you here, this is me. It is my honor. On this trip, I am here by His Majesty Zehir's order to express his kindness to you and to the Dragon Queen."

   He was looking down.

  Behind, the snake priestess leaned slightly, also salute.

  Isaac smiled casually: "Your majesty is very kind. Then please ask this lady to greet me on my behalf, just say, I am aware of his covenant with the Dragon Queen!"

In the    voice, Isaac was already looking at the snake priestess.

   The reason why he won the ancient clan and still stayed here, he actually wanted to see, what would the Kingdom of Nagara think about this?

   Therefore, he did not have any surprises for the visit of the Snake King Abarnaj.

   However, this snake priestess is different.

  If he read it right, this snake priestess clearly shows a strong aura of divine grace. Even if she is not an elect, she is definitely a priest who has been favored by God!

   In addition, on such occasions, the Snake King brought this Snake Girl here without anyone else...

  Isaac has a judgment, the soul of this snake girl, with a great probability, is an anchor of Zehir!

   The current environment is also different. If it were changed to the past, with the soul of this snake girl, Zehir should be able to descend with real divine power.

   And now…

  No accident, the soul of this snake girl can still provide Zehir with the channel to descend!

   That's the only way, this snake priestess will be brought here by the snake king at this time!

   And since it is related to Zehir's will...

  Isaac was curious enough to make this zombie god, very likely, lower his will and come to talk to him...

   Is this because the Kingdom of Nagara has an extraordinary meaning to Him, so He places extra emphasis on it?

   Or… what other intentions does this snake god, or, the Lord of Evil, have?

  The current Isaac has long understood that the evil lord who wants to swallow the "great snake" is from the Mulhorand pantheon.

  To the native world, this pantheon is all outsiders.

And after the year of turmoil ended, as most of the foreign gods withdrew from this world, the gods of Mulhorand also left most of them, and only those "reincarnated" **** kings continued rule the kingdom.

   In this case, the presence of the Lord of Evil is very conspicuous!

   And if something about Isaac is right...

   "He and the blue dragon queen of Unther should also have secret cooperation!"

   The blue dragon queen of Unse can be said to be the oldest, most powerful, and most learned legend in the blue dragon family.

   Even, as early as thousands of years ago, she was already the suzerain of the Blue Dragon Clan.

   Her magical attainments, her depth of knowledge, even the old man Satan had asked her for advice, and in front of her, she would call herself a "student".

   On the side of the ancient kingdom, whether it was Aleskele or Chassa, the two could remain hostile to each other for a long time, but no one had ever really declared hostility to the blue dragon queen.

The Purgatory Primordial Blue Dragon, one of the three voters of the   Dragon Queen, although it is also active in the ancient kingdom, has never had the intention of competing for the position of the Queen of the Blue Dragon.

   Even, some clues pointed out... This current biggest purpose is already pointing to the ultimate sublimation road!

   Moreover, unlike Chassa, this person's path of ascension is definitely not to be taken from the dragon's hind paws, and the dragon queen will never give up the slightest authority!

and this…

   "The basis of cooperation between the Lord of Evil and her should be here!"

   stared at the snake priestess, and these thoughts flashed through Isaac's heart.

   Since the Lord of Evil will cooperate with the Blue Dragon Queen, then his will is here...

   "Meet again, Tiamat's most proud son of God, He has mentioned you more than once over the years."

   met Isaac's gaze, and suddenly, the snake girl's pupil was flattened vertically, and there was a mysterious and deep purple light blooming from it.




   But at the same time, it also reflects the "sacredness", and it is the true God that has the holiness and stalwart!

  When Snake Girl's pupils seemed to be transformed into the pupils of poisonous snakes, her body, or rather, her soul...

   Transcendence above the material, the manifestation of the real concept, in front of Isaac's eyes, seems to be a fang-toothed snake that is coiling around the skeleton!

  The Serpent God Zehir!

   and not the Lord of Evil!

   However, since he said "meet again", of course, this is also an admission, and he is part of the Lord of Evil!

   As for what "The Dragon Queen is mentioned more than once"…

  Isaac disagreed.

   Although the Dragon Queen is greedy, she is not vain, not to mention that there is a so-called alliance, whether it is the Dragon Queen or this one, who can really trust who is not?

  Isaac did not think that the two would meet several times in private.

   Not to mention that after meeting, he even brought the topic to him.

   Of course, I don’t think so. Since Zehir said so, Isaac wouldn’t refute it.

  Although this mere ray of will does not threaten to get him, no matter what, he has always had the respect he should have for the true God.

   At least, in front of the face, there will definitely be!

With a slight smile, Isaac lowered his eyes slightly: "Your Majesty is wrong. It is the alliance between Your Majesty and the Queen of God. Over the years, you and the Queen of God have been advancing and retreating together in Baator, but the Queen of God is the same. I have been told more than once, that in this world, I should not have a slight dispute with the believers of the crown.

   Now that I heard that the Kingdom of Nagara is already ruled by His Majesty, I was thinking about how to change the fight and join hands! "

  The Queen of Dragons had an oracle.

   However, in a substantial sense, the Dragon Queen's control over Isaac is not much mandatory.

   That time the oracle mentioned that he and the Lord of Evil had put aside their conflicts and had a certain degree of cooperation.

The reason why Isaac put aside the conflict with the Bishop of Evil after that was more because that time, the Dragon Queen actually helped him, and he would never take the initiative to destroy the relationship between the Dragon Queen and this one. alliance.

   However, this does not affect, he uses this to praise the alliance of the Dragon Queen and the Lord of Evil.

   As, didn't Zehir praise him in the same way?

   holds the priesthood of "evil" and "conspiracy", this snake **** is not an honest and trustworthy god, and even how shameful it is, it is hard to say.

   "I never thought, Tiamat didn't say anything, he has done so much."

   "The next time you see him, you have to have a plan."

   Zehir laughed.

   Even though he knew clearly in his heart who Tiamat was, he also knew that the words of Tiamat, the Son of God, had some credibility.

   However, this does not affect him in the slightest, and he selectively believes in this green dragon.

  There is no other, this green dragon, at least, in this material world, this green dragon is worthy of his trust!

   At this time, the snake king Aibar Naj had quietly swam to the side and gave way to the front.

Facing Isaac, after Zehir's laughter fell, some deep purple light suddenly flashed in the pair of vertical pupils, the voice paused for a few breaths, and then slowly said: "Tiamatna Not to mention, it is you, since you are a follower who is willing to help me, I will not have nothing in return, but I don’t know…”

   The words stopped at this point, but the deep meaning flashed in the eyes of the snake god...


   Although Isaac didn't say that he didn't expect it at all, after all, since the snake **** gave his will, it must have his intentions, but at this moment, he was still a little surprised by the neatness of the snake god.

What is   , the deep inside story that he doesn't understand yet, isn't the situation of this evil lord recently too wonderful?

   Is it because of the withdrawal of Mulholland's pantheon, the power is weak, and even some people are eyeing?

   Or, what major setback did the annexation of the "Great Serpent" encounter?

  So, the cooperation with the Blue Dragon Queen may also be related to this?

The thought flashed for a moment, facing Zehir's deep eyes, Isaac showed a little thought, and then slowly said: "Your Majesty's 'return', but I am I don't dare to have a leader, but if I have the opportunity to ask your majesty for some magic secrets, this is my honor."

  Isaac did not shy away from the idea of ​​"cooperating".

   With his level and the power he possesses, it is not arrogant to support followers of the Serpent God.

   Just as Zehir himself uttered the word voluntarily, he was also trying to test him to see if he had any intentions in this regard.

   But...is it a magical mystery again!

   Zehir's eyes were deep: "What do you want to know?"

   (end of this chapter)