Dragon Inside

v5 Chapter 748: You remind me.

With the disappearance of a sword in the painting, Luo Yang also slowly closed his eyes. After a full moment, he opened his eyes again. Although the sword in the body had already been collected, the look on his face was always as usual. However, the heart of the sky has risen.

"It is only Linyi's general sword meaning, it is already let Yan Jianzu comprehend the kendo, become a generation of sword ancestors, if it is a complete sword, what a horror!" At this point, Luo Yang's heart is more and more Ground vibration.

What I saw in the painting just was a copy of the sword from the hand of the sword, and the sword that sent out this sword is the sword!

There are also two in this sword Luo Yang's hand. Although it is motivated by Luo Yang's swordsmanship, it can be said that it is a mountain of mountains, but if you want to compare it with the sword of the painting, it is a world of difference!

"Although a sword can be used to turn mountains and seas, towns and heavens, and other means, I am afraid that only the immortals can do it..."

When I think of the difficulty of Xian Lu, even if it is Luo Yang’s mind, I can’t help but sigh.

Since the cessation of the ancient road, there have been fewer people in the entire realm of the realm of transition and robbing into immortals, even if there is no one in the pseudo-sin. For tens of thousands of years, countless Tianjiao Junjies have fallen in front of Xianmen. It is difficult to step out the most crucial step. It is enough to see the difficulty of becoming a fairy!

"Imperial is too far away. For me, the immediate imperative is still to break through the realm of heaven. Only when you really step into the realm of heaven, can you be sure to have a foothold in the dusty star. !"

After the light in his eyes flashed, Luo Yang put away the complicated thoughts in his heart and looked up at the blank drawing axis on the wall.

Although he just relied on his own swordsmanship to glimpse the scenes painted in this painting, the most crucial ancestors of the Taoist ancestors still did not realize it.

"This ancestral sentiment is the essence of the Taoist priests' understanding of Tiandi Avenue. It is not so easy to understand it." Over.

These three people can become half-walking people, nature is far from ordinary, plus with the secret treasure, this short one-time effort, there are swords in the body.

Among the three people, the most advanced person is probably not a non-existent person. With the sword of the sword ancestor, it seems that the connection between him and the ancestors of the ancestors has become very close, not only the sword in the body is more intense, but even echoes the breath in the painting, Invisible causality exists!

"It is no wonder that this person is called the first person in Daotianjing. It is indeed a good idea to use this kind of opportunity." After looking at the invisible, Luo Yang’s heart slowly thought.

Judging from the current situation, I was afraid that there would be nothing in the first place. I am afraid that there are nothing in the world. For the Taoist ancestor’s ancestral home, he has long been plotting for a long time, and even has a sword. The ancestor's sabre is on the card, for the moment.

"I just don't know, the things inside, how much do you know about Lingmen in that month..."

Luo Yang’s heart was moving, his eyes narrowed to Lin’s side, but she still stood quietly in the distance. The look on her face was light. It seemed that after waiting for a few people to understand the results, she was ready to leave the place. appearance.

Seeing the look of Lin Miaole, Luo Yang’s eyes flashed, and the mouth suddenly rose slightly, revealing a slightly unobtrusive smile. Then he turned and sat in front of the painting axis and began to comprehend the ancestors’ sentiments.

Seeing that Luo Yang joined, Shi Wuxiang three people are all looking at the eyes, the eyes of the vigilant color appear.

For the eyes of the three of them, Luo Yang was naturally aware of it, but he did not pay attention to it. After his eyes closed slightly, he began to understand the sword in the painting with the thought of God.

But the sensation of the avenue in this painting is the remains of the Taoist-level monks. It is not so easy to penetrate it. Even if it is the understanding of Luo Yang’s sword, it is not able to evoke the feelings in the animation at the moment. The blank drawing axis is still as calm as usual.

"It seems that it is not so easy..." Luo Yang slowly opened his eyes, his face showing a thoughtful look.

"I want to harden my head and rely on my talent to understand this ancestor's sentiment. I am afraid that even if the sword ancestors reproduce themselves, they can't do this."

Looking at Luo Yang's feelings of closed eyes, Shi Wudi is shaking his head and laughing, his face is faintly proud, as if he is already winning.

Even the two people from the heavens and the burly, they sneered and shook their heads, and they were very disdainful of Luo Yang’s stupid method.

After hearing the words of no reason, Luo Yang’s brow was slightly wrinkled, his eyes swept away from Shi’s body, and when he saw the sword of the sword ancestor in front of him, his face suddenly moved.

"Shi Daoyou reminded me that there is also a thing in Luo’s hands. I would be interested in coming to this sword."

Luo Yang smirked, and the three faces on both sides of the face were filled with doubts. The eyes stared curiously at Luo Yang, not knowing what he would come up with.

In the eyes of a few people, Luo Yang’s right hand shot from the waist, and a broken black iron sword suddenly flew out and appeared in front of him.

"What am I supposed to be, it was just a broken sword!"

Seeing that Luo Yang actually took out a broken sword, the heart of the incompetent heart was loose, and the face was also showing a sneer.

"If Luo Daoyou does not have the treasure of sentiment, he can directly speak. The old man has other magic weapons here. Although it is not as mysterious as Ning Xinzhu, it is also a treasure of sentiment. It is better than a broken sword." Laughter, the old ground reveals the color of ridicule, and sarcastically said.

As for the burly who had complaints with Luo Yang, he even laughed at him with impunity, and his eyes turned with contempt.

Lin Miaole, who has been watching by the cold, has a curious color on her pretty face. Although she has never seen the mystery of this black iron sword, she can vaguely realize that Luo Yang will not be targeted.

"Is it true that my long-sword can symmetry with the animation axis, and I really believe that any long sword will be like this?" The voice of the incompetent voice was ridiculous, and he smiled and said.

"Even if you are so naive, you should take out a good long sword. You still want to use such a broken sword to comprehend the feelings of the Taoist priests, and you are not afraid to give the sword to the ancestors... ”

However, his voice has not yet fallen, and the whole person is like seeing something incredible, staying in the same place directly, and even the smile on his face is instantly solidified together.

"I didn't expect to see it again when I was alive. I can still see this sword after death."

A calm voice rang from the axis of the painting, and when the sound echoed, it was a man from Tsing Yi!