Dragon Inside

v5 Chapter 867: Broken off!

Fengshakou is a special landscape in the western China. This unique landscape comes from the sandstorms that often occurred in the West China. At the time of the sandstorm, it will cause unimaginable disasters between the heavens and the earth. If you encounter a relatively serious sandstorm, you can’t even be a Danyang monk. Retreat from the whole body.

In the windy sands, when the sandstorm passes through the rift valley, it is blocked by the mountains that traverse thousands of miles. Only the entrances and exits of the rift valleys are screaming through the sandstorms. The horrible sandstorms continue to erode the rock walls. Over time, the entrance to the rift valley continues. Expanded and turned into a unique landscape resembling a trumpet shape, that is, a sandstorm!

This kind of wind-sand mouth formed by the force of nature is not uncommon in the whole West China, but it is the most famous one, but it is still in the depths of the West China!

The first line is broken, the wind is difficult to enter!

This is the most magnificent place in the West China.

No matter how terrible the sandstorm, it will be easily blocked when it passes through the sky, even if it is a thousand-year-old wave eruption, there is no exception!

Therefore, whenever the tide erupted, it was the most lively time of the broken sky. During this period, countless tribe monks came from all directions, for the sake of the eruption of the tide. Especially the eruption of the tide, the coincidence with the condensate list in time, has attracted countless monks!

Even the old monsters that have long since passed away are also appearing one after another, and they are gathered together in this broken day. For a time, the whole day is broken, and the wind is rising!

In fact, when Luo Yang first heard of this broken day, his heart could not help but have some drums. Others may not know, but he knows the horrible tide.

In the desert of the forbidden land, if his movements were rapid and decisively motivated to leave, the fear of being swallowed by the wind and sand was enough to kill his life. In the face of such a terrible wave of tides, even the power of the Taoist-level monks is very small. It is hard to imagine what kind of barriers can be used to stop such a terrible wave.

When Luo Yang looked at the broken sky from afar, he realized that he was wrong, and it was very wrong!

"This... his mother is the gateway?!"

Looking at the broken sky in the distance, Rao is the strength of Luo Yang, and can not help but swear.

I saw in the desert in the distance, a mountain like a dragon, twisting and twisting, traversing between the heavens and the earth, like a dragon lying on the plate, separating this piece of heaven and earth from all obstacles, turned into two worlds!

The black and white mountain is steep and squatting into the sky, as if it is difficult to see the end, just a rough sweep, the mountain is already high, and there is a mountain standing in the clouds. Still not revealed!

Crossing a thousand miles, blocking the sky!

This is the only word that has been flashed in Luo Yang’s mind after seeing the sky.

What is even more shocking is that on the back of this mountain like a dragon, there is a majestic city gate, and this city is the broken sky!

For tens of thousands of years, the forces in the West China are constantly rising and falling. Even the three spirits of the refining spirit are also the ups and downs of the rise and fall, but this is always a detachment, maintaining a unique position, even if it is The three spirits of refining the spirit can not control this city, making this city become the free city of the West China!

There are even more rumors that this is a broken day, hiding a lot of people who are tired of the worldly world. Everyone is an earth-shattering senior!

In this way, it is even more difficult to make the mysterious color of the broken sky. Even in the current situation of the wind and cloud, the Tiantianguan still maintains a rare calm, and there is not much wave.

All the way into the broken sky, standing on the majestic city tower, overlooking the desert land in the distance, a passion for the world seems to be born from the heart, so many people are spirited, and in the crowd Among them, a seemingly ordinary monk, although his face is also full of excitement, but if you look closely, you can find that his eyes are calm and unobtrusive, without being disturbed by the people around him, he is mixed into the broken sky. Luo Yang!

At the moment, it is said that it is the majority of the forces in the West China. Many tribal groups with heads and faces are occupying a place in the city, so that if they are recognized, it will be There are many troubles.

Therefore, when the decision was made, Luo Yang was already prepared. He used the method of stone technique to change his face. Even the breath of the temperament was completely restrained and not revealed. This unique stone change is his emboldened!

"Good here is the West China, not the Tianmo Sea. No one can understand stone. But even if someone is really proficient in stone surgery, if the stone level is not as high as me, I want to see through my changes. so easy."

When the eyes quickly swept away from the crowds on the tower, Luo Yang’s look was calm and there was no tension or confusion.

When he thought about it, there was a commotion in the crowd on the city gate, and there was a series of exclamations.

"Look, you are the Baize tribe, even they are coming!"

"It’s all about them, you see there, that’s the tribe!”

"Even the people of the Shiye tribe have come, it seems that this time the tide eruption is indeed extraordinary!"

When the noisy exclamation sounded again, Luo Yang’s gaze was also far from the crowd’s exclamation, falling in front of the broken sky, the black and pressed world.

I saw it just below the broken sky. It was a magnificent eight-character mountain range. The mountain-shaped bucket was folded like a big open horn. At the back of this bell mouth, there were a group of monks occupying one side and mutual There is a confrontation between them.

Those group monks have only five or six people, but there are dozens of people. Each group is different in clothing, and the difference can be clearly seen.

When Luo Yang’s eyes swept over, he couldn’t help but sigh a little, and his face passed a look of surprise.

"They are coming too..."

Among those people, there are dozens of monks dressed in white, who are the people of the Hanshan tribe! In addition to the head of the cold ancestors that Luo Yang had seen before, there is a woman who is as arrogant as a phoenix, not a cold child and who.

"It seems that the previous war, for their Hanshan tribe, did not have any major damage, otherwise it would not appear here..."

Luo Yang’s face showed a thoughtful look, and he was suddenly sinking into the room. He suddenly felt like he was aware of something. When he looked up at the sky, his eyes narrowed slightly.