Dragons Flies Phoenix Dances

Chapter 1: Lost memory is empty (1)

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When the consciousness invaded her brain a little bit, she woke up.

For a time, I only felt a headache, and my ears seemed to be still "squeaky".

She opened her eyes with sorrow, and the faint moonlight was glaring, but her eyes were blurred. She seems to be lying in the wild river, moving her fingers, can touch the cold water and moist soil, and the nose smells of grass.

She gasped and gasped, and there was a huge pain in her head. She raised her hand subconsciously and tried to touch it, only to find that her arm was heavy. It took her for a long time to put her head on her head. The wetness on her hand was like blood.

She stayed for a while, what happened to her?

A man ran close to her and hurriedly asked: "Are you alright? Where is the injury?"

She couldn't answer her words, the pain distracted her attention, and she seemed to be bleeding on her head. She tried to blink her eyes and wanted to see the man in front of her, but she could only see the blurred outline.

The man seemed to have no patience to wait for her to wake up. He dragged her to the shore and reached into her clothes with a sigh of relief. "What is it?"

thing? what?

There seemed to be a sound coming from a distance, and she couldn’t hear it. The man who was rummaging through her was hearing it. He was in a stiff motion and got up and ran away.

Soon, a group of people rushed to her side. They held a torch and shouted. The torch was too bright, and she stabbed her and closed her eyes. When they groaned, she finally heard it.

"She is here, found it, found her..."

Who is looking for her?

Her head hurts and can't react.

Then she sank into the darkness.

Woke up again is already in the day. In a blink of an eye, I saw the top of the black-and-white weft bed. She made a stay, finally slowed down, and found that she was covered with soft quilts. The head didn't seem so painful. She reached out and touched it. Her head was tied with a bandage and it was bandaged. She carefully turned her head and looked at the room in her room.

There is a round table in the middle of the room. There is only one log tray on the table. There is only a teapot on the tray, and four cups are folded. Under the table are four chairs, one of which is pulled out of the table. It seems that someone was sitting here before, the chair confiscated that the person will come back soon, and no tea on the table indicates that this person should be a servant.

She moved again and leaned over to look at it. In the room, a square case was placed on the window, and the bronze mirror comb rouge box jewelry box was placed neatly. There is a large cabinet on the wall, and some of the daughter's things are on the top of the cabinet. Here you can see that it is a woman's boudoir.

Look at the furniture and furnishings are considered to be particular, it is a good family, but the house is deserted, the items are monotonous, she guessed that the owner of this house is not a pet if it is not pure.

I was thinking, footsteps came from outside the house. She subconsciously quickly closed her eyes, and at this moment her heart had already remembered the contents of the house and the windows of the house. She moved in the dark and tried to see if she had physical strength.

She is not too flustered, but her brain is a bit confused, it seems that something is not quite right. But what happened, she did not expect it for a while.

Coming in is a **** that steps on the fine steps.

She heard it, this girl will not be martial. She quietly opened her eyes and looked at the look of the girl, and did not know each other. At this moment, she finally realized what was wrong.

Her mind is empty.

Not only this girl, even her own, she does not know.

She was too empty and she was shocked.

At this time, the girl had already walked to the bed and saw her awake, and said: "Was the lady woke up?"

lady? She is a lady, is she a woman?

She "hmm", the scorpion was dry and dumb, could not help but cough. When the girl saw it, she quickly poured water and reached out and supported her head to feed her.

She drank water and was more comfortable. I looked at the girl seriously and thought hard, but I couldn’t think of anything. She simply stood up with a headache. This sitting swayed, the body was weak, and it was very dizzy. Shantou stepped forward to help her lean against the bed, did not put a cushion on her, and took a step back, did not speak.

"What happened to me?" She looked at the expression of this girl, not cold or hot, and with the coldness in the house, she thought she should be really unpopular.

"The wife was injured." The girl did not say much.

Suffered from injury? She thought hard, thinking of the cold water, the wet muddy shore, and the man who asked her where she was. Other than that, nothing is gone.

There is no memory in her mind.

“How is it hurt?” she asked again.

This time, the girl turned her head and did not speak.

She raised her eyebrows, what can't be said, is it difficult to be invisible here? She thought about it and asked: "I woke up, don't you inform people?"

This seems to make the girl surprised. She stayed and replied: "The second man will be busy and will not come over. The iron pipe has gone out to work for the second master. The doctor said, the lady hit the head and has been there. Medicine, rest and take medicine on time will be good."

"What you mean is that the doctor said nothing, everyone thought they didn't have to visit, didn't they?"

That girl stunned, I don’t know how to answer it.

It seems that there is still privacy. Her "Mrs." was so miserable, and no one was worried about it. She thought hard about the names of the two men, "the two masters" and "the iron master". I thought about it for a long time. It’s gone, I don’t want to. After all, it was unstoppable. She simply asked the girl: "What is your name?"

The girl frowned, whispered: "Is the lady confused? The slave is Xiaoqing."

"Oh, Xiaoqing." She nodded and then asked, "Who am I?"

Xiaoqing was so surprised that he opened his mouth and stuttered. "F, ma'am, this is a brain crash, don't you remember?"

"Yeah, it was broken." She admitted confessed.

Xiaoqing stayed and stayed, and stepped back: "F, ma'am, I don't think about this stupid idea. Erye is angry. If you are stupid, he should punish you."

Mrs., Lord?

"You call my wife, and I always say Erye, is he my husband?"

This time Xiaoqing is not surprised, it is scared! She turned and took the door and shouted: "Come on, come, call Chen Dafu... Go and call Chen Dafu..."

She looked at Xiaoqing’s panicked look and touched the stretch on her head and said to herself: “Well, I know later that he is not my husband.”

Her head was still a little dizzy, she did not think about it, closed her eyes and rested on the bed. After a long time, I heard the footsteps of many people coming from outside the house. I thought that it was Chen Dafu who arrived, but he blinked, but he came to an old woman with four or five hoes. A group of people rushed in and rushed in.

"I heard that my wife had something wrong, and the old man came to see it." The old woman’s eyes were sharp, and her lips were tight when she was not talking. It looked quite harsh.

"Thank you for your concern. Excuse me, who are you?" Although the old woman was neat and tidy, she couldn’t hide her servant, and she was slightly tired. It was just coming back soon. When I came back, I came to marry her, and I don’t know how it relates to myself.

"Hey, is it really not a note?" The old woman snorted, apparently not convinced. She looked at you with a silly expression and replied: "I am Yu Yu, the manager of the house."

Just now, Shantou said that the iron master, this will come again, it seems that this is a big government. She looked at Yu Yu and asked her, "Who am I?"

"You are Fengning, the wife of my family Sanye." Yu Yu frowned and tried to maintain patience.

"Three Lords?" No wonder Xiaoqing ran so fast. It turned out that she recognized Erbo as a confession. This is indeed too special.

"Does the lady really remember anything?" Yu Yu stared at her, her tone was not good.

Feng Ning ignored it and then asked, "Where is this?"

Yu Yu cold road: "Beijing Longfu."

Feng Ning asked again: "What happened to me?"

"You hit your head." Yu Yu sneered. "This collision hits a silly brain. It really hurts that the lady wants to come."

"Do you think I am stupid?" The old woman's bad attitude is too obvious, Feng Ning wants to ignore it. She shook her head, her head hurt, and she was very dizzy.

Yu Yan stood on the edge of the bed and stared at her coldly. Feng Ning closed his eyes and waited for the painful past. Think about it and ask: "I am a public?" This question can be asked, is this not related to her not being stupid?

“What?” Yu Yu’s eyes were surprised.

Isn’t she asking for a public opinion, which is also a special thing?

Feng Ning was surprised. "Isn't that I am the wife of Sanye? I was hurt. Does he care for me?"

Yu Yu does not speak tightly.

Feng Ning looked at her and remembered the cold boudoir. There was no trace of a man who had lived. The more I thought, the more weird it was. “Is this my bedroom in the Dragon House?”


"Is it abandoning a woman?"

"Not abandoned."

"Is that my husband died?" So Xiaoqing has been talking about the second grandfather, isn't the three masters long gone?

"Mixed words!" Yu Hao was furious and shouted: "This is not allowed to talk again."

"Where is my husband? I want to see him."

Yu Yan heard a slight squint and stared at her for a while, turning his head and licking his head: "Go and call Chen."

It is Chen Dafu.

Feng Ning wanted to sigh and resist, but couldn't help but resent: "Chen Dafu knows where I am going?"

The old woman sat down on the chair and ignored her.

Feng Ning doesn't mind, she will feel that her head is not so painful, but the doubt is accumulating. She continued to ask: "How embarrassed, how did I hit my head?"

"You have to ask yourself this." Yu Yu's tone is very bad, she is impatient.

"So you lost me, don't know how I got hurt?" Feng Ning remembered the cold water, the wet mud, and the dazzling moonlight and torch. The strange man, what did he search for on her?

I don't care about her. Feng Ning continued to ask: "Who is taking care of me on weekdays?"

Xiaoqing answered: "It is Xiaoqing who is responsible for the wife's daily life."

"Where is my mother's family? How long have I been married?"

Feng Ning asked for strength, but Yu Hao couldn't help it anymore. She slammed the table hard and sipped a hoe. "Go and see, how can I ask a doctor for this?"

"Yu, don't worry, the doctor has to walk, not to fly, not to worry. We continue to talk, while waiting to talk." Feng Ning ignored the black face of Yu Hao, actually still Persuade her.

Yu Yu is annoyed and angry, this woman is really too shameless. Don't you remember? Humph! She is really wit! I am so sneer.

"Ember, are you in a bad mood, or do you like me at all?"

It looks quite like it. I don’t want to answer. She is going to have a look, what tricks does the three ladies have to play?

“Why do I think I am crazy and stupid?”

She really dared to ask. This time Yu Yu finally answered: "There is such a thing, the lady did it."

Satire her. Feng Ning looked directly at Yu Yu's gaze and thought quietly.

The implication is that she has done something wrong, she is such a sly person who will be crazy and stupid?

Feng Ning looked at the environment in this house. These people’s faces were really not at all.

She doesn't remember anything, but she can't say what others say.

"Trouble me for a mirror."

Everyone has a glimpse, isn’t this the problem with Yu Yu’s stupid quality? How do you remember the mirror?

The mirror was brought. Feng Ning looked at the mirror and left to the right. In addition to the glare of the bandage wrapped around her head, she was satisfied with her appearance.

Liu Mei bends, big eyes are full, small and straight nose, cherry mouth, big beauty. She feels that she should be long and correct, and this looks like a familiar feeling. The people who can be in front of her are completely strangers...

She put down the mirror: "You said that I am the wife of Sanye, but I can't even get out of my grandfather. How do I know if you are telling whether it is true or not? Will it be that you bully me? ?"

Everyone here is really looking at her with a look of fools.

Yu Yu was extremely angry and laughed. "I didn't go out of the door, but I haven't seen it for a long time. My wife would rather put a gold on her face. It seems that Xiaoqing is well cared for."

Xiaoqing was scared to "plop" and squatted on the ground. Yu Yu did not marry her, only to Feng Ningdao: "You are talking about it, just rely on you, what is the use of us to lie to you? Back 10,000 steps, we lied to you, you are now looking like this, How can it be?"

Feng Ning is pondering, right, how can she? She doesn't even know who she is. This day is big, she is just a blank, how can she? She thought about it and felt hungry.

"Or, let me eat some food first, I am full, and I will sleep again. I can't wait for my brain to be awake."

eat? Isn’t it against them that they lied to her? How did I go to dinner?

This time everyone is not looking at the eyes of a fool, it is the look of a big fool.

There was no time for the Dragon House to spread up and down - Mrs. Long San had a bad brain.

Chen Dafu finally ran in a hurry. He checked the wound on Feng Ning's head and confirmed that the trauma had improved and there would be no life worry. But this slammed his head and got a snoring, but he did not dare to leave a diagnosis. This disease is very strange, very rare, how can he say that the three ladies are loaded? But if she doesn't pretend, how can she explain her unusual performance?

The doctor couldn't make a conclusion, and she was innocent, which made Feng Ning very helpless. But she finally got a meal. Filled her stomach, she felt much more comfortable. After drinking a bowl of bitter haha, she lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

After waking up, nothing has changed.

Still the room, or that Xiaoqing. Still - nothing to think about.

Feng Ning feels that the people here are afraid of not lying, because one person is easy to perform, and it is very difficult for such people to play together. When she talked, she carefully observed that from the embers to the Xiaoyan ring to the old doctor, all of them recognized her appearance. Their expressions of irritating and suspicious expressions were all true. Everyone could not see the flaws on their faces. Come.

So what is going on in her house?

Feng Ning is actually a little panicked.

She is ill, her mind is empty, and it is time to take care of comfort, but she can be blinded but in an unfriendly environment. Said that she is crazy to sell silly, to cover up evil. But what did she do? she does not know. This made her a little scared.

But she didn't have any way to the status quo. She couldn't make her think about it, and she couldn't stop these people from being indifferent to her. She didn't know what she had done here in the past, and she didn't know what these people had done to her. Even her so-called Xianggong was round and flat. She was fat and thin. She didn't know.

Is he ok to her? Does he have other wives, what is she in this family?

She can't remember.

Finally, I just don't want to.

Feng Ning decided to let himself eat well, sleep well, and now the most important thing is to raise the wound. Others can be discussed later. How do you say that, there must be a road to the mountain, right?

With such a thought, the days are much better.

After Feng Ning woke up, for a few days, no one came to visit her except Xiaoqing. Even the harsh embers have not appeared again.

Feng Ning asked Xiaoqing. Xiaoqing only said that the second master is busy, the three masters are also busy, the uncle is not at home, the iron pipe is busy, and the embers are busy, everyone is busy.

So many people are so busy that no one can come to see her? Feng Ning is still somewhat lost. But she thought again, so no one was short of her food. She ate very well and could sleep when she wanted to sleep. Although boring is a bit stuffy, but no one came to find her trouble, no one bothered her to raise a disease, it is not bad.