Dream Evolution

Chapter 491: Cradle 0 close

The entire right shoulder and arm were torn off, and white body fluids flowed from the wound, which was equivalent to the blood of Tentacle Lolita.

Seeing this cruel scene, some of the audience exclaimed with a look of indifference on their faces.

It's a pity that Boss Cordola's body is made of steel, and 80% of his spirit is also steel, so he didn't move at all. He raised his arms that shone with metallic silver-gray, clenched his fists, and used the power that even rocks could easily turn into powder. slammed out.

The fist was extremely powerful, but it flashed as fast as a meteor, and punched the tentacle Lolita's smooth and flat lower abdomen, pierced through the white fleshy layer, and actually pierced through the back.

If it was a human, he would be obviously dead by now.

It's a pity that Tentacle Lolita is a biochemical tentacle monster. No matter whether it is a biochemical beast or a tentacle beast, it is an existence with extremely strong life force, not to mention the superposition of the specialties of the two!

However, after being hit hard, Tentacle Lolita still let out a painful cry. The granulation at the shoulder section rolled, intertwined and combined to repair the lost right shoulder and right arm. On Boscodora's body.

The tumbling meat strips rushed up, the dragon fire created by the dragon's claws had disappeared, and Boscodora was immediately wrapped in tentacles. This ngling dragged hard, using the terrifying power contained in its steel body, trying to break free from the shackles of the tentacles.

The strips of meat were taut, and even cracked into tiny cracks. It can be seen how violent the power of this spirit's body is, but more tentacles are entangled again.

With such an attack, I am afraid that even a powerful magical girl can't do anything about it. Had to tie up and capture. After all, in this state, the tentacle loli with 240 physical strength, the tenacity of the tentacle is too strong.

There were more than 30 tentacles wrapped around Boscodora, and they were all wrapped quickly, and it looked like a meat dumpling. The tentacles of the white flesh strips are infused with poison energy. Starting to turn purple, ready to inject venom.

It's a pity that toxins really don't have much use for the cradle lily. Finding that the power of Boscodora could not break the bondage, he ordered: "Use thunder, bombard with lightning!"

thunder. One of the most powerful moves in the electrical department, summoning thunderclouds to blast down thunder and lightning, causing far more terrifying damage than 100,000 volts!


The whole body was wrapped in tentacles, and the roaring Boss Cordora, the unique yellow electric light of the Pokemon world flowed through her body, and immediately, a black cloud was born in the void of the entire battlefield, forming a thunder cloud in the sky. Flash and thunder.

"Don't let go of the shackles, use the destruction to die!"

Tentacle Loli's battle transformation. 1 second consumes 1 ng god, 70 intelligence points in this state, and the 350 ng **** brought is only enough to last more than 5 minutes to transform. Moreover, the consumption of ng **** cannot be too low, otherwise it will fall into the abnormal state of ng **** debilitating.

Transform into battle. It can only be supported for 4 minutes at most and must be changed back. Wang Ling has the idea of ​​a quick solution in his heart.

Jasmine, who originally wanted to let go of her tentacles to avoid her, gave up this move, ignored the thunderclouds above her head, and began to gather energy from her living body.

Boscodora made a thunderbolt, and the summoned thundercloud enveloped the sky. The light in the entire opposing battlefield became dim, and only one after another thick bright current surged. This time, Tentacle Lolita used a destructive light of death, and in the space that was dyed dark yellow, a dazzling white light flashed again.


In the thundercloud condensed to the apex, the violent thunder finally began to fall, and at the same time, Tentacle Loli's mouth also spewed out the destructive death light that contained the meaning of destruction.

One after another thunderbolt slashed, and the thickness of each thunderbolt could be described as "electric column". Wang Ling can clearly feel that the terrifying energy contained in these electric columns is not far from the real thunder in nature.

Tentacle Loli's body was completely overwhelmed by these thundering thunders. The air was filled with the smell of barbecue meat that was scorched by electric current. Wang Ling moved his nose and smelled the smell of barbecue meat. It seems delicious.

"With such a violent current, Jasmine will be fine, right?"

Although he has almost infinite confidence in the tentacle loli with 2700 life points, Wang Ling still can't help but worry when he sees this level of lightning bombardment. Even if he has spiritual defense in his body and has extremely high resistance, he will be severely injured under such thunderclouds and lightning.

At this time, the generation is staring at the Boss Cordora who is shrouded in the destruction and death light. With the defense and attributes of this ng spirit, it is not afraid of the attack of the physics department, but this move from the other party seems to be Fierce than the normal destruction of death light.

Whether it is thunder or destruction of death light, the energy contained in the two ultimate moves is too strong!

As the thunder and lightning continued to bombard, the thunderclouds in the air began to dissipate, and on the battlefield that almost became a thunder and lightning hell, the current of the yellow selves began to disappear. Some spectators who had to close their eyes because of the strong light flickering felt the changes outside and hurriedly opened their eyes to look at the venue.

I saw the ground that was directly bombarded by the thunder, the rocks were almost electrified into a crystalline texture, the tentacles Lolita were scorched black with a little heat, and there were a large number of tentacles that had been electrocuted into coke on the ground around, and the air was full of meat. Everyone in the audience could smell it.

Hit by a destructive death light, Boscodora doesn't seem to be doing anything, but Tentacle Lolita is obviously badly injured.

On the contrary, Wang Ling breathed a sigh of relief. Although poor Jasmine was almost electrocuted into a steak under the thunder, she, who possessed a perverted vitality, was not seriously injured from the health bar.

No matter how badly the body is destroyed, as long as it doesn't die, it doesn't matter. With the special effects of self-recovery and self-regeneration, Tentacle Lolita can quickly return to its original state.

Sure enough, to the smoldering charred body on the battlefield, the outer layer of charred shell began to fall off, revealing the tender meat inside. Some granulation sprouts grew out, intertwining with each other at a frantic speed, trying to reorganize into Tentacle Lolita's body.

The vitality of this strange spirit is strong, and the descendants are also a little surprised, which is almost comparable to the mythical beast in the Fangyuan area. He continued to order: "Use the flames of sunlight. Burn the opponent's body completely!"

Although Boscordora is quite violent, she can learn unexpectedly many skills. Under the order of the emperor, it roared wildly, and the light in the surrounding atmosphere was attracted, and it continued to condense in front of the body, and finally formed a bunch of hot meaning, as dazzling as golden sunlight, surrounded by seven colors of light. of beautiful beams.

One of the strongest grass moves: Sunshine Flame!

This skill is not used under the hot sun. Otherwise, it will take a lot of time to absorb sunlight, but now the body is carbonized in the thunder bombardment, which is causing the whole body to reorganize. Tentacle Loli's action is giving Boscodora enough time to cast the flame of sunshine.

Seeing this scene, Wang Ling frowned and said, "Don't reorganize into a battle avatar. Get back to your original shape!"

Little Loli's body is smaller, and the reorganization is faster. Jasmine's body is quickly reorganized in the meat strips intertwined, and she is wearing a black three-an style.

In fact, during the battle transformation, the swollen body smashed the clothes. Fortunately, during this period of training, Tentacle Lolita used the ability of simulation transformation to develop clothes mimicry. However, this kind of transformation is difficult. At present, it can only be reluctantly mimicked into a black three-an style, and there is no need to be naked in public.

Jasmine in black three-an style. She looks cute and weak, and her eyes are full of tears - her body is strong enough, but when lightning strikes her body, it hurts so much that her flesh is burnt and carbonized.

Too late to wipe away the tears. Jasmine raised her hands, and the black rays of light quickly converged, finally before the blazing flames of the sun charged, a black shadow ball condensed and threw it up.

The blazing flames of the sun, against the icy shadow sphere. The shadow ball quickly disappeared in the light. Jasmine tumbled swiftly, and the beautiful colorful beams rushed past, hitting the ground and extending along the surface, actually burning a ditch on the ground!

Tentacle Loli, who stood up after rolling, immediately used the shadow clone, and more than 10 phantom clones appeared beside her. However, Boscodora's feet smashed the ground fiercely, and the earthquake caused by the bonus of her own attributes made the entire battlefield shake endlessly.

The ground violently rose and fell, and all the shadow clones disappeared under the earthquake, and even Jasmine's body was severely damaged.

"Damn, the poison is ineffective against the steel element, the shadow ball and the destruction of the death light have no effect on the Boss Cordola, and even the shadow avatar harassment is useless, this opponent is too troublesome!"

For the current situation, Wang Ling has no good solution, even changing the spirit is useless - Tentacle Lolita relies on strong resilience and vitality, and can still fight for a fight. If she releases a weak spirit, or Hatsune, it's even more impossible to deal with it.

Unless Hatsune is transformed into an S-class Kannon.

"Jasmine, don't use any other skills, keep using shadow **** while dodging." After giving this order, Wang Ling stopped talking and just kept a close eye on the situation on the battlefield.

Among the three loli, Jasmine was the most flexible, and at present, she could only rely on her strong health, resilience, and the opponent's blood. Bosco Dora's life is limited, even if the shadow ball destroys less life, the cumulative damage will not be low under the constant bombardment.

So this scene became the scene on the battlefield: Bosco Dora used the four moves of Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Thunder, and Sunshine Flame, just like a **** horror movie, constantly stalking Lolita with tentacles. Fire, earthquake waves, electric shocks, and light scorching, little Lolita's body and body were tattered under various attacks.

And Jasmine, relying on the bloodline skills of self-regeneration and self-recovery, repaired her body and at the same time, continuously fired shadow balls, reducing the life of Boscodora bit by bit.

After frowning and watching for a while, the posthumous proposed: "What if the battle between the two spirits is a draw?"

Wang Ling said quickly: "I can't ask for it."

In this scene, even some viewers covered their eyes and stopped watching, let alone his master, who felt extremely distressed for poor Jasmine. Besides, Tentacle Lolita may not be able to spell out the opponent's ng spirit, and a tie is the best result.

After taking back Boscodora, the last ng spirit was released.

Like the ancient armor, this is also an ancient spirit, which was extinct 100 million years ago. With the help of modern technology, the tentacle lily that was resurrected from the fossil evolved into the cradle lily.

"Cradle Lily: Barnacle Pokemon, Height: 1.5m, Weight: 60.4kg, moves in the seabed, uses the shallows of warm waters as a habitat, and appears on the beach at low tide."

The body of this ngling is green, the main body is spread out with short limbs, the top is a slender plant-like neck, and the head is like a giant mouth surrounded by red tentacles like hua petals.

Wang Ling also used the luxury ball to take back the tentacle loli and replaced it with a new monster ball. The light shone on the ground, a white skin revealed lavender, a ruby ​​flashed on the forehead, and the tail was split, and an elegant-looking ngling appeared. on the battlefield.

Light ng spirit.

"Lily of the Cradle, use Strange Light!"

Under the order of Daihou, a strange sphere of light spit out from the giant mouth of Lily, the cradle of the ancient spirit, and flew forward.

"Use the shadow ball to defeat this energy ball!"

A black sphere appeared in front of the light ling, and it slammed into the flying ball of strange light. However, Wang Ling underestimated the degree of training of the ling, and the ancient armor can use his left and right hands to use two skills at the same time: split. Opening and splitting tiles, cradle lily also has something special.

The strange light sphere swayed violently in the air, giving way to the flying shadow sphere, and then hit the light spirit that could not be avoided, and submerged into the body of the spirit.

The energy ball that has been shot can actually be controlled from a distance!

Being hit by the ball of light, the light spirit didn't seem to suffer any damage, but there was a small golden star revolving around his head, and his eyes began to blur.

Strange light, as long as it shines on the enemy, 100 will cause the opponent to enter a chaotic abnormal state.

The light spirit that entered the chaos, swaying on the battlefield, seemed to not know what to do~lightnovelpub.net~ Cradle Lily did not take this opportunity to attack, growing from the section of its main body and limbs A large number of tentacles emerged and plunged into the ground.

Extremely unique grass skills: take root.

Grass and rock cradle lilies use this trick to take root. The developed root system can absorb underground nutrients and continuously restore vitality. This ng spirit's original defense is extremely high, and with this recovery skill, it will have a terrible ability to survive and protracted battles!

After slowly taking root, Cradle Lily carried the rock energy, formed a large boulder in front of her, and smashed it towards Guang Lingling.


The heavy boulder was smashed, and the light spirit was smashed and flew back several meters before falling to the ground. With just such a blow, a lot of blood oozes out of this ngling's mouth.