Dream Evolution

Chapter 492: leftovers

"The defense of the light elves is really too weak, and the opponent's cradle lily is too strong. .+?(.+bsp;\\s*"

Seeing a primitive power, the light elf's health bar almost dropped by half, and Wang Ling's heart was cold.

The first three elves, Positive Electric Paipai and Shadow Elves, relied on attribute restraint, and respectively eliminated the Armored Bird and the Psychic Earth Puppet. The powerful tentacle Loli fought two tough battles, first knocking down the Taikoo armor, and then fighting with Bosco Dora, so that the next generation offered to draw a tie.

Now the other party has only one Cradle Lily left, but he didn't expect to be hit so hard just after sending out the Light Elf.

Under the smashing of the boulder, the light elf who vomited blood began to use the precious special skill: morning light. The surrounding light energy quickly gathered on the body, turned it into nutrients for healing the body, and completely replenished the nearly half of the lost vitality. The cat jumped, dodging the second boulder thrown.

Wang Ling's complexion became very ugly. He saw that after the stone was thrown, all kinds of rays of light were flickering and flowing on Cradle Lily's body. Obviously, the primordial power caused a 10% effect: all attributes were greatly increased.

"Suppress with mental interference!"

Under the order, the light elf began to exert the mental interference of this attribute. The ruby ​​on the forehead emitted a faint red light, and then a layer of red flames enveloped the body. The cradle lily in the distance was also trapped in the dense red light at the same time. in the fog.

Mental interference, suppressed with the thought power formed by the spiritual power, the huge spiritual power emitted by the light elf is tearing the body of the cradle lily.

It can be clearly seen, even if it is the cradle lily with strong defense. The body is also slightly twisted, and even some cracks appear on the surface - the light elf is weak in defense, but the powerful special attack power is also the characteristic of this elf.


A crisp cracking sound sounded, and a red tentacle on the head of Cradle Lily slowly fell, and the roots on the ground also had some relatively small roots. Broken under the crushing twisting force.

"Use primal power!"

Although there was only one elf left, the descendants were still very calm, and Shen Sheng gave the order. Cradle lily rooted in the ground. Using rock-type energy, the surging yellow light competed with the red spiritual power that suppressed him, and then a boulder was formed. Smash hit.

The light elf had to stop mental interference and dodge. Cradle Lily, which had escaped from the suppression, had a little white light on her body, and the roots under her feet also extracted a clear light from the ground. The whole body was enveloped by light spots, and the cracks were quickly healing.

Wang Ling frowned and shook his head. It was obvious that Cradle Lily also carried special props: leftover meals, which can be used to absorb the energy of the earth and restore it. With the strong resistance attribute of the rock system, and its own extremely high defense, this elf is far less violent than Boscord, but it is equally difficult to deal with.

A life knocked out by a mental disturbance, restored by the combined leftovers and grounded. It has almost recovered. I am afraid that the light elf will be knocked down, and it will not be able to consume much vitality of the cradle lily.

Although Wang Ling thought so, he still underestimated this elf. In fact, after the light elf lost its fighting power, Cradle Lily's life was still full. Because of its fourth skill. It is the grass-type absorption technique "Super Absorption", which absorbs the enemy's life and restores one's own life!

Relying on the precious skill Morning Light, using mental interference, shadow balls, and even Steel Tail and Cradle Lily to fight for a long time, the Light Elf still did not consume any of the opponent's life. Of course, the tentacle lily must have consumed a lot of energy, and the combat power will be somewhat reduced.

Taking out the monster ball, he retracted the light elf who had been fighting to the limit and was almost unsteady. Wang Ling released his last elf, which was actually a familiar:


The 8-centimeter-tall mini girl with green hair fanned, and the eyes of many viewers turned into red hearts the moment she appeared on the battlefield. This elf is really cute, especially the gesture of floating in the air with hair fan by fan, it is really cute to the extreme.

"Um... Master, don't you want me to fight that guy?"

Hatsune, who has the characteristics of bullying the soft and afraid of the hard, saw the oppressive mouth of Cradle Lily, and her face suddenly became bitter.

Wang Ling was silent for a few seconds and said, "Good, as long as you win this opponent, I will take you to the playground in Zijin City when I have time."

"Really? Too high!"

Hatsune immediately turned happily in the air, and her eyes were full of "I'm so excited". At this time, Tentacle Lily had made a huge boulder and smashed it. In a hurry, Hatsune scattered and turned into a ring. Green data flow, completely dodging the blow.

Since it is rooted on the ground, while increasing the combat endurance, Cradle Lily is also equivalent to giving up mobility. In a state of being unable to move, you can only rely on skills to fight: strange light, primitive power, super absorption.

Throwing a boulder, trying to kill this little thing with one blow, but unsuccessful, Cradle Lily immediately used the control technique, the energy sphere formed by the strange light swayed in the air, and the trajectory was extremely erratic. Block with energy attacks.

Hatsune's body spread out again, but this time the green data formed an "x". The green light letters flashed and then disappeared into the void, not only avoiding the strange light, but also making Cradle Lily lose her trace.

Not only Cradle Lily, but also most of the audience moved their eyes to find where Hatsune was on the battlefield. At this time, a light suddenly flashed in the sky, and everyone realized that Hatsune had jumped into the air.

"Is it the teleportation of the super power system?" After the generation frowned, the cradle lily rooted on the ground, the most difficult opponent is the elves that can teleport and fly.

The move that Hatsune used, of course, was not teleportation, but "from x to y", positioning the coordinate point directly above the cradle lily. After she appeared, a seven-colored light circle appeared behind her.

The power of Guanyin!

Turning on the power of Guanyin and being protected by the seven-color light wheel, Hatsune's personal attributes have skyrocketed to seven times the original, from 13 o'clock to 91 o'clock, feeling the energy coming from the aperture behind him, this little man Extend your right hand, and aim the green onion in your hand at the bottom.


In the cheerful cry, Hatsune used the Destruction Death Light. In fact, her Destruction Death Light had a special mutation. After all, as a holographic data person, there is no biological energy, but only data, so this skill gathers not. Bio energy, but data flow.

The data stream composed of countless 0s and 1s converges to the space in front of the green onion, and at the same time, the seven-color aperture, light, darkness, ice, fire, water, electricity, and grass, which emerges behind it, also dissipates all kinds of stars. Like light spots, spread forward along the green onions, combined with the data flow, and finally formed a beautiful, colorful sphere of light.

A mere 8 centimeters tall minifigure released a beam ten times as thick at this moment! The enhanced version of the colorful data destroys the death light, rushing out from the front of the green onion, and bombarding down from the air like a thunder, gold, silver, white, red, blue, yellow, green, the seven-color light seems to be enough to drown everything and destroy everything!

This was the first time I saw Hatsune activate the power of Guanyin and release the light of destruction. Even Wang Ling was startled by this scene. The mutant destruction of the dead light blessed by the seven-color aperture, the energy intensity is so high that it can actually be compared with the Tentacle Lolita, which uses the powerful biological energy of the biochemical tentacle monster to push the destruction of the dead light.

The cradle lily, which could not be avoided, was immediately overwhelmed by the seven-color beam.


Hatsune, who used this skill, keenly noticed that this beam of light seemed to be significantly different from the destructive death beam that even a single giant stinger could not kill. Feeling like she has become very powerful, Hatsune, who was extremely happy, let out a refreshing soft girl voice while maintaining the bombing that destroyed the death light.

Under the energy bombardment of the colorful data beams, the cradle lily of the ancient elves relies on the rock-type hard body to resist the scorching light, and at the same time uses the grass-type rooting ability to absorb the energy of the earth, absorb the food energy from the leftovers of the props, and restore the lost energy. vitality.

The energy shock lasted about 5 seconds, but Hatsune could no longer support it, extinguishing the gushing energy flow. The lily of the cradle revealed from the light, and the vegetative skin of its body was covered with scorch marks burned by the light, and it looked miserable.

Wang Ling took a look at the blood bar on this guy's head. Good guy, he is indeed a powerful ancient elves, one of the six main forces of his generation. The mutation that is protected by the power of Guanyin destroys the dead light. He only destroyed about 17 of life.

And the lost lives are quickly replenished under the common recovery of the leftovers and rooting~lightnovelpub.net~. Cradle Lily, which looked miserable, actually didn't suffer much damage, opened its huge mouth and spit out a strange light energy sphere.

With the destruction of death light, Hatsune will inevitably freeze for a moment, but this villain's "Hatsune Miku's Disappearance" skill can be used in any state. A ring of green light danced, dodging the whirling ball of strange light.

"Use from x to y to steal the other party's leftovers." Feeling that Cradle Lily's resilience was too difficult, Wang Ling gave the order.


Hatsune, who found that she became stronger and could bully more opponents, was happy and excited. As the letters of light flickered, a figure appeared behind Cradle Lily, a small hand touched the elf, and a rotten apple larger than her body appeared.

This is leftover food, a prop that can continue to restore life.

"Hey hey hey hey..."

Holding the stalk of the rotten apple in her hand, Hatsune, who had done something bad, hurriedly fluttered her hair and dragged the apple to fly away. (To be continued..)