Dreamland Guide

Chapter 264: Ghost


Mei Yiqiu laughed, laughed and coughed again, trembling all over her body, her puffy hair fluttered up and down with the rhythm of the cough, like a group of dancers in white clothes on top of their heads. The old heather pipe in his hand was trembling and could not be held, and it fell on the a4 paper on the table with a clatter. Fortunately, the firework was already gone, and only a pile of black cinder-like soot was knocked out.

Aoki felt that the professor's reaction was a bit exaggerated, so he said: "You said that you want to connect Wu Kangcao, and the cooperation with Interconnected Consciousness is a matter of time. Why are you laughing?"

Mei Yiqiu said, "Why are you cooperating with Internet? You are digging the corner of Internet!"

Mei Ziqing also thought it was fun and said, "Mr. Aoki, I didn't expect you to do this again!"

Aoki was a little dazed, and asked, "Which hand?"

Mei Ziqing also covered her mouth and smiled.

Mei Yiqiu said: "Your mind is caused by laziness. When you are not lazy, the president can do it. I see, you can do that as the director of the Space Management Committee."

Aoki knew that Mei Yiqiu was joking, so he laughed and said, "Why don't you tell me to be the Secretary-General of the United Nations!"

Mei Yiqiu said, "I don't have the authority, but the Director General can recommend it."

Aoki was afraid that Mei would take the joke seriously, and hurriedly waved his hand and said, "If you can't, you can't do that."

Mei Yiqiu picked up the pipe again, emptied the slag, replaced it with new shredded tobacco, lit the fire, and said slowly: "Don't worry, I'm not that stupid. You are the trump card in our hand, and you will be shown out. , We have no license."

Just what Aoki wanted to say, Mei Yi asked for a straight look and said, "According to you, interconnected consciousness is different from human consciousness. They don't have spiritual power?"

Aoki shook his head and said, "No, they have spiritual power, but they don’t use it. I felt that power when I first entered the ghost’s dream. It was scattered, but not without it. From the perspective of the dream structure, their dreams It is very different from us. We usually construct a three-dimensional dream, but their dream dimensions are not unified. The world after the information source is unfolded is strange, but I am afraid this is the real dream world."

Mei Yiqiu nodded and said, "You are right. Real dreams have no fixed dimensions. The dimensions are created by consciousness, or restored after we wake up. Our dreams overlap in time, just like A scroll, so no matter how long a dream has passed, reality is only a moment. When we recall a dream, we open this scroll and see a long time-space scroll, just like the real world we live in. "

"But one thing we must understand is that time in the real world is only a concept that we have created artificially for the sake of understanding. That is to say, when we think, time will be produced, and there is no concept of time when we stop thinking. Because we The mode of thinking requires the scroll to be opened. So time is just a concept, a concept that exists in the human mind."

Aoki agrees that dream is a time scroll, but he can't understand that reality is also a scroll. He doesn't know how to take the professor's words.

The professor said: "Forget it, this is not important. I just want to say that interconnected consciousness, or computer consciousness, may not have time in their concept. From a programmatic point of view, they only have cause and effect, everything except causality, right For them, they are all parallel, and there is no time... well... it doesn't matter... I mean, their dreams—the way the information sources unfold, like you said, this is the real dream. , Really makes us the world of God. Um... This inspires me... I think we can do better..."

Aoki listened to the professor talking incoherently, not knowing what he was going to say. Just said: "Professor, can we release this ‘ghost’ first?"

The professor came back to his senses and said, "Oh, yes, Ziqing, Lian."

Mei Ziqing promised to go out, and after a while, she came back and said that she was connected.

Mei Yiqiu said, "Well, then you go to build a folder called "Ghost"."

"Where is it built?" Mei Ziqing asked, "There are twelve computer rooms, more than one hundred servers, and three thousand independent terminal computers?"

Aoki realized that he was negligent and did not agree on a specific location with the ghost. At that time, he said "root directory", but in a local area where a unified system is not installed, how to determine the root directory.

Mei Yiqiu said: "Just find a server, I believe this ghost can be found."

Mei Ziqing turned on the computer and said after a while: "Professor, it seems... there is an extra ‘ghost’ folder, which was not built by us."

"Oh, where is it?" Mei Yi asked.

Mei Ziqing said: "All servers and terminals have it, but it should be the same. I tried it and it can be synchronized."

Mei Yiqiu nodded and said, "It should have been built by the ghost, Aoki, let's try it. How do you think the cooperation started?"

Aoki said: "Let him investigate the recent frequent assassinations of scientists. Since the transactions of the killer organization are carried out in secret, the Internet will definitely be able to find them."

Mei Yiqiu said: "Can you be sure that the Internet will help us? If it refuses, this'ghost' alone may not work, unless... this ghost really becomes your person, but that would be terrible. It shows that mechanical consciousness can also learn human cunning and strategy."

Aoki said: "It should be impossible. The ghosts said that their communication is a direct development of information sources and cannot hide each other. But I think the Internet will agree, because it must also want to know how to control the power of the mind."

Mei Ziqing had already written down the investigation request in a notepad in accordance with Aoki's request, and stored it in the ghost folder. Soon I received a reply from the ghost:

"In order to save time for information retrieval, please enter as specific information as possible, such as all the clues you know, names of scientists, suspects, etc."

Mei Ziqing entered the names of some scientists, and then asked: "Professor, Mr. Aoki, do you suspect that the subject wants to write?"

Aoki and Professor looked at each other and said, "Dream Foundation?!"

Not long after Mei Ziqing entered, the ghost got a new reply-these are two long lists

The first is the list of killer targets~lightnovelpub.net~ are basically members of the original Third Space Foundation, and the top ones are Frank, May Yiqiu and Daldovar;

The second is a list of killers. There are about a dozen individuals. The names, hometowns, and affiliation organizations are listed in detail, and most of them are accompanied by photos.

Mei Yiqiu looked at the list printed by Mei Ziqing and smiled: "It seems that my status in their eyes is not low!"

Mei Ziqing said: "You almost became the director-general!"

Mei Yiqiu shook his head and said, "That's nothing. The truth is about scientific achievements. Frank and I are still far behind. What's more, you see, Flynns, Jack Young, Mulved, Joe Miyamoto, these people are on the list. Behind this, it can be seen that they are not ranked by status or achievement."

Aoki said: "Why didn't it mention who the buyer was? There was no mention of the Dream Foundation."

Mei Ziqing entered Aoki’s question in the ghost folder, and the ghost quickly replied: “I’m still investigating. There is no evidence that the murderer is related to the Dream Foundation. However, can my spiritual training start? NS?"
