Dreamland Guide

Chapter 348: Mental bullet

When the first crow screamed, Aoki knew that the guy hidden on the hillside had a strong mental power. However, the message sent by the crow is not clear, and Aoki can't figure out why a spiritual master should use a long-range sniper weapon, knowing that a sniper rifle requires a high degree of concentration, which will seriously distract and limit people's mental power.

People with strong mental powers are very sensitive to everything around, especially danger, and have an almost incredible intuition. But Aoki believed that he could not sense the threat of being shot at such a long distance.

Therefore, when his body was tight, his hairs were upside-down, and he got goose bumps all over, he was sure that the gunman had deliberately let himself find him.

Because the real threat does not come from guns, but from people.

The gun is just a cold object, if it is just placed there and no one uses it, it will not pose any threat to you. The so-called intuition about danger is actually a kind of spiritual influence that bursts out of human consciousness. For example, the murderousness mentioned in many books and movies is a manifestation of people's spiritual power.

When a person wants to hurt you, within a proper distance, you can feel "murderous".

The concentration of murderous aura depends on the degree of anger and determination of the killer. The more angry he is, the greater the determination to kill, and the stronger the murderous aura. In addition, factors such as the degree of coldness in the killer's character, concentration of consciousness, and the surrounding environment are also greatly affected.

Wild animals can most feel the existence of "murderousness". A deer grazing does not need to look up, and can often approach with a premonition of danger and avoid the attack of tiger wolves.

And to be a killer, learning how to hide murderous intent is another knowledge, which is related to the control of a person's spiritual power.

The "murderous spirit" of the sniper on the hillside exposed him. But what makes Aoki puzzled is that if his mental power is so strong that he can exert influence at such a long distance, how can such a person use a gun and create such a complicated trap? If he is not that strong, how did Aoki feel his presence?

Of course, there is still a bit of doubt from Aoki himself-why can I be sure that the other party is holding a sniper rifle?

The key here is not a sniper, but a gun.

A headshot with a shot from eight hundred miles away is a myth, but even if it is 800 meters away, it is close to the myth that a headshot can be achieved with a normal rifle.

The problem is that Aoki's instinct is very firm and tells himself that there is a gun there, and the black hole is facing him. This feeling is like a battle-tested soldier, the memory of guns and danger is deeply imprinted in his own memory. But he really can't remember when he fought a war?

At this critical moment, his head hurts, as if a small universe is about to explode in his mind.

No matter intuition or doubt, he can't tolerate further investigation at this moment.

Aoki felt a looseness on his body, knowing that it was the crow that had successfully attracted the gunner's attention, so taking advantage of this gap, he rushed out as quickly as possible.

The gun went off.

The gunfire was so low that it was almost inaudible. Aoki narrowed his eyes and saw a straight upward wave in the air in the distance, wiping the crow's body and shooting high into the sky.

This line should be the trajectory of the bullet, but theoretically, it should not be seen this way. The trajectory of the bullet is invisible to the naked eye. What Aoki "sees" is actually a remnant of mental power, releasing the last weak energy in the air. And when its energy dissipated, the trajectory disappeared, so the bullet only had traces of ascending, and then disappeared without a trace, and there was no trace of falling.

Aoki was taken aback. This shows that the bullet fired at the boss of coal is mentally powerful. Could it be that the danger he sensed just now was not the "murderous intent" of people, but the bullets in the gun? Could it be that he was locked by the "mental power" of a bullet?

No wonder there was no vegetation on the hillside, the sun was shining, and he did not notice the reflection of the scope. If the bullet can lock the target, then what else does the scope do!

But this seems to be beyond Aoki's cognition, how does a lifeless bullet produce mental power? How can you lock the target within its range?

The crow croaked and dived into the canyon behind the mountain.

Aoki immediately felt the danger coming back.

He ran an S-shaped curve, shuttled left and right, looking for shelter as much as possible.

At this time, he had already ran out of the woods and went up the hillside, losing the cover of the trees, only some low and rugged rocks could cover it.

The gunman on the mountain probably also felt that he was getting close to the ground too quickly, and fired twice in a hurry. The bullets all landed not far from Aoki's feet, raising a lot of dirt.

Aoki clearly felt the mental power of the bullet burst. If it weren't for the bullet's speed, he even wanted to "catch" it with mental power.

Now he doesn't worry anymore.

Originally, mental power can only affect the world of consciousness, without physical energy. You can't use mental power to bend a spoon, that's a bridge only in the movie. If something like that really happens, it can only mean that the world is in a dream state.

But now the inexplicable mental power attached to this bullet makes it something between life and non-life, as if it has an incomplete temporary consciousness.

This actually helped Aoki, who can also use his mental power to resist.

The gunman did not hit him, not because of poor marksmanship, but because Aoki affected the "consciousness" of the bullet, and in a very short period of time, it slightly changed its trajectory.

Aoki believes that the crow must have used the same method just now, no wonder it flew so low without being hit.

Since this bullet couldn't hit him, he simply slowed down, so that the confrontation would be more calm. It is easy to get shot in the extreme speed of rushing and jumping.


Another bullet hit the rock beside Aoki.

It seemed that Aoki did not hide, like a walking tourist.

The snipers on the mountain probably also began to doubt their marksmanship. They didn't shoot for a long time, which allowed Aoki to advance a long distance calmly.

Judging from the distance, by taking two steps forward, he can exert mental influence on the opponent~lightnovelpub.net~ However, the crow failed to destroy the guy's spirit in one fell swoop and allowed him to shoot calmly. The opponent's strength is strong, so he doesn't expect to hypnotize the opponent all at once.

In Aoki's memory, he hasn't confronted a real spiritual master yet.

Whether the medicine woman or the cuckoo, or the shadow in Xia Wenyuan's dream, or Zhao Pengcheng in jail, they are all too weak. Among the people he met, the only ones who could be called masters were probably Duval and Su Huilan. Dewar's power is grand and pure, and Su Huilan has subtle mind control, but at least the two of them are not enemies for now.

As for Kitano Zhenwu, from the perspective of the reality group dream that has existed for decades in the Zhulong Cave in southern Yunnan, his strength is truly unfathomable. But Kitano is a character more than half a century ago, shouldn't he be there a long time ago?

Today, it is probably the first time Aoki has faced a real spiritual master.

The crow flew back again and hovered in the sky.

Aoki took a step forward.

Then, he felt a surging and surging mental energy, blocking him like an invisible wall.