Dreamland Guide

Chapter 411: Sweep the old nest and wait for the king

Because of such a delay, a lot of time was wasted. The key is that Su Huilan's feet can no longer be put into the water. And if they walk along the shore wearing shoes, the footprints left behind may be found by the wild men on the island and chase them.

   Su Huilan said: "I'm fine, the wound has been treated, the bleeding has stopped, and there is no problem in getting into the water."

   Aoki said, "No, what if I get infected? The antibiotics are all on Petru’s boat. We don’t know when we can get out."

   He looked around, then tied the laces of the two pairs of sneakers he picked up and hung them around his neck. He turned his backpack to the front, squatted down and said, "Come on!"

   Su Huilan was taken aback: "What are you doing?"

   Aoki said, "I will carry you on my back."

   Su Huilan said: "I was joking just now, I really want you to recite it!"

   Aoki said: "Don't talk nonsense, come up!"

There is no doubt about his tone, Su Huilan is not a hypocritical person, but at this moment, I don’t know why, as if it takes a lot of courage to lie on this man’s back, she hesitated, and finally bit. He gritted his teeth, picked up his shoes, and leaned on Aoki's back.

In this way, in a stream more than three meters wide in the jungle, a man in a windbreaker with messy hair waded in the water, sang six shoes on his neck, and a beautiful woman on his back. .

   "Why isn't your bird coming back?" Su Huilan hooked Aoki's shoulder and asked without words.

   Aoki said: "I don't know, but you don't have to worry about it. I know its ability. As long as you don't run into a parrot, no one can do anything to it."

   "Parrot?" Su Huilan asked, "Is it afraid of parrots?"

   "It's not that I'm afraid, I'm going to be muddled." Aoki said.

   Su Huilan guessed something, giggled, and said, "It's a passionate bird, unlike some people, it's a piece of wood!"

   There was another whistling in the forest ahead, and the sound was much closer than before.

   Aoki said: "We should go ashore. If we go up against the current, they will find it soon."

   As he said, he walked ashore from a dense grass.

   Su Huilan said: "Then let me down."

   Aoki said, "No, you have to walk barefoot for a while. The ground is soft and there will be footprints."

   He bent down and picked up the pull plate on his foot, and handed it to Su Huilan: "Help me hold it."

   Su Huilan used to be curious about why Aoki always wears such a outfit and never changes her outfit, especially in winter when she wears a pull board and is not afraid of the cold. At this moment, the pull board on Aoki's feet suddenly came into his own hands, and an indescribable strange feeling suddenly appeared in his heart.

   Aoki, barefoot, carefully stepped on the place where there are many vines as much as possible, so that the footprints will be lighter.

   Not long after they left, they heard a croak, and the crow flapped its wings and flew over.

As Su Huilan was lying on Aoki's back, the crow found that she couldn't stop on Aoki's head, whirled in the air, fell on a tree, and shouted: "Wow, what happened? I crossed to the heights. Is Lao Zhuang yet?"

   Aoki said: "If you don't come back to report, I almost thought you were dead!"

The crow said: "Quah, come on! You wish I didn't come back, so I carried this... Woman... Elopement, right? Gua..." It said and sang, "There is a crooked river in front of my brother. , My sister is singing sweet songs on the other side, and my brother’s heart is swayed in layers, when will my sister let me cross the river..."

   Su Huilan quickly explained: "My foot is injured. I can't get soaked. I can't walk for fear of leaving footprints. I..."

"Oh, you see, you see, you are all incoherent! Are you afraid of leaving footprints or can't walk or can't be soaked in the water? Oh!" crow cried, "woman, your heart is messed up! I heard you Heartbeat!"

Su Huilan's heart really flustered. She has never been so flustered. Whether in the laboratory, at the university desk, or at the murder scene, she never flustered. I never thought that she would behave in front of a bird today. so bad.

   Aoki said: "Don't pay attention to it, it has always been like that." He said to the crow, "Okay, seriously, why are you coming to us now?"

The crow's head tilted, and then he remembered what was going on. He said, "I have returned to the place where the savages were roasted just now to report, but I couldn't find you. I only saw Petru being chased by a group of savages. He said you are heading here. The edge is coming, I'm afraid you will chase down the stream all the way, oh, I didn't expect you to be so smart, you know to turn around."

   "Petru is all right?"

   "It's okay, he's teasing them! The savages can't catch him at all."

   "Where are those two people?"

   "Uh, which two?" The crow pretended to be at a loss.

   "The two you followed, one man and one woman, were injured." Aoki said.

"Oh, you know all of this? I want to tell you a wonderful story. It seems that you all know it. It's too unfulfilled!" The crow looked very depressed, "Going through the woods in front, there is A cave, and now they are hiding in the cave, the man seems to be dying."

   The crow led the way, and Aoki followed Su Huilan on his back. After walking for a while, he put Su Huilan down, stepped on the pull board, and said, "It shouldn't be a big problem here. You can see if your feet are good for walking."

   Su Huilan put on her shoes, tried to take two steps and said, "No problem."

The crow looked at them, grumbled unconvincedly, and stood on the branch muttering to himself: "A man and a woman, barren mountains and ridges, there is a crooked river in front of my brother... Oh oh... Ruhua- -You are a virtuous man, but you are so assured of your wood! You should live and die with him with the sauce elbow! There is no need for true love! There is no life or death, how can we grow old! My sauce elbow!"


  Wu Zhong in the distance~lightnovelpub.net~ Bi Shenghua who was leaning on the sofa reading a book suddenly sneezed. She rubbed her nose and watched the sunlight shine in the shadow of the tree outside the window and printed it on the floor, like an ink painting on red paper for the Chinese New Year.

   Yes, the New Year is almost coming!

   Bishenghua remembered that it was time to post the Spring Festival couplets, so she got up and found out the Spring Festival couplets that had been prepared for this year, and posted a picture at the entrance of the bar.

Then I came upstairs and posted a couplet on both sides of the entrance of Aoki's studio. After looking at it, I found it too vulgar, so I went back to the study to find pen, ink, paper and inkstone. I spread wool felt on the table and poured it on. De Ge's ink, he wrote it himself.

   Few people know that this woman with a plain chest, a man in attire, can chase a gangster with a kitchen knife and run into the police station, but she writes well.

   She brushed and wrote, and when the paper was dry, she posted the couplet at the door of Aoki Studio.

   The Shanghai Federation is: Withered trees meet in spring, flowers bloom in the alleys and no one sees them

  The next couplet is: the bird loves the nest, sweeping the old nest and waiting for the king to return

She wanted to post another blessing on the door, but suddenly she took a piece of blank red paper and pasted it on the door, and then drew a elbow with a nose and eyes on it with a brush, which looked like a fine person who could talk. Elbow.

 After finishing the lifelong flower painting, I stood on the corridor and looked at it.
