Dressed As Cannon Fodder In Interstellar Text A

Chapter 107

As soon as Jiang Yue's voice fell, he saw a group of soldiers walking into the arena surrounded by a man wearing a silver robe. He couldn't help but look more curiously and found that this man looked similar to the Sixth Prince, but his face was evil." Cousin, is this the prince of the empire?"

"It should be." Lingfeng nodded. Only the prince of the empire can wear a silver robe. This man should be Lied Oss.

Lied Oss leaned languidly on his throne, his eyes swept across the members of the Federation, and finally landed on Lingfeng before he raised his mouth with interest.

"Please..." When the host saw that His Royal Highness had also arrived, he was about to announce the start of the game when he was interrupted by the voice of Lied Oss.

"Mecha fighting at the exchange meeting is the same and too boring, so let's play something else this year."

The words of Lied Oss caused the audience to boil. Several senior officials in the Federation frowned when they heard this. The prince of the Empire was too defiant, but thinking that the overall strength of the Federation this year is much higher than that of the Empire. There was no objection.

"I don't know what rules your Highness wants to proceed with?" Seeing that the people from the Federation didn't speak, the host turned and asked Lied Oss respectfully.

"Mecha combat matches stipulate that you cannot use abilities to win only by combat skills. For example, what is the difference between children's fights, it is really boring." Lied Oss tapped a few times on the armrest of the throne.

"This time, we will each show our strengths. Since the Federation and the Empire are both ten people, they will compete against each other according to the original ranking. Which side wins the most? How about the first place in this year's exchange competition?"

The other forces sitting on the table couldn't help but look at each other when they heard the rules put forward by the prince. They always felt that the undercurrents between the Empire and the Federation were raging at this exchange meeting. They thought it was because they thought too much, but now this situation is probably not an illusion.

Thinking of the small countries that had been lost because they had not been able to squeeze into the top 20, now I can only rejoice. If the two tigers are competing, it is better not to get involved.

Ling Feng raised his eyes in surprise. The two sides were evenly matched. The prince made this request in order to show the difference of the six princes, but he was beaten by the spirit body released by Leng Ning.

The strength of the empire was so weak this time that Lingfeng thought that the empire would no longer use this kind of routine, but what Lied Oss said remained the same. Could it be that the empire had other preparations.

"The communication game focuses on communicating and learning with each other. If the use of abilities will inevitably hurt the peace, I think it's fine." The representative of the federal government Hengyi finally couldn't help but retort after listening to Lied Oss's proposal.

The prince of the empire suddenly proposed to allow contestants to use abilities at this time, and he might be prepared.

"The supernatural beings have to learn and grow through tempering. It is inevitable to get hurt if they are hurt. If they don't even have this courage, it is better to stay in the cradle." Lied Oss said disapprovingly. .

The people in the Federation were very angry with his attitude, Lied Oss said, if the Federation did not agree, wouldn't it be a group of cowards who can only stay in the cradle.

"If you use abilities, the mechas provided by the arena will not be able to bear it, so let's forget it, and wait for a suitable opportunity to discuss it later." Hengyi thought for a while and still tactfully refused, although using the abilities against the Federation may not necessarily lose. But it is better for them to be more cautious in other people's turf now.

"What are the mechas, don't your federation even afford ten mechas? That doesn't matter, my Cloud Star Empire can lend you a few of them." Lied Oss snorted, his face bare. Laughing, as if saying that the Federation used mechas to say things are too petty.

This time Hengyi was finally blocked so much that he couldn't say anything against it, and looked at Lied Oss' arrogant face with a green expression.

When Jiang Yue heard what they discussed, he couldn't help but worry, "Cousin, don't you really want to use abilities to fight? The mechas that fight on weekdays don't have a total device, and you won't stop until you die. I still I don't want to die!"

Pang Jun, who was standing on the side, heard this, turned his head and glanced at him and quickly moved away.

"Are you stupid? You can't surrender if you can't beat it, so jump off the stage." Lingfeng looked at Jiang Yue like an idiot. The prince of the Empire didn't dare to kill the Federation in front of the forces of the whole sea micro galaxy. Trainees.

"Yes, why did I forget." Jiang Yue patted his chest in shock after hearing this.

"Since everyone has no objections, let's start." Seeing that no one in the Federation spoke, Lied Oss raised his head to look at the host on stage.

"Wait!" Before the host had time to speak, he was interrupted by another voice.

Everyone in the venue looked at the speakers in unison. Seeing that the spirits of the Federation raised their hands, everyone’s faces were a little bit more clear. Although they are at the same level, the sixth prince of the empire can be different from ordinary spirits. According to the prince, this man really has no chance of winning.

"What's your opinion?" Lied Oss looked at Lingfeng's gaze with some playfulness, he wanted to see what suggestions this fifth-level spiritualist who was younger than his sixth brother would make.

Just when everyone thought that Lingfeng would speak up against this competition system, they saw a calm smile on the opponent's face.

"Since His Royal Highness proposed to change the rules, if we win, I don't know if there are any additional rewards?" Lingfeng smiled and said directly at Lied Oss.

Standing on the spectator platform, the stranger heard Lingfeng say extra rewards, and remembered how the opponent was clamoring for rewards when he was asked to participate in the mech fighting match, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help raising a slight smile.

It seemed unexpected that Lingfeng would make such a request. The smile on Lied Oss's face stiffened for a moment, and then he smiled more and more wanton, "This is fun. Tell me what kind of extra rewards you want."

Lingfeng smiled and suggested, "If we win, how about asking His Royal Highness to take us to visit your country's palace in person?"

Hearing this request, the people present couldn’t help but laugh at him for being too self-reliant. Not to mention letting His Royal Highness the prince honour to take people to the palace, but whether he can win the game is unknown, especially if this person’s opponent is still The six princes of the empire.

Lied Oss laughed out loud as if he heard a joke, "Okay, as long as you win, my Highness will do what you say, but if you lose, you have to be my Highness's attendants for a week. "

Most of the ten youths participating in the Federation are members of various legions. Let them be their entourage, which is very interesting to think about.

Ling Feng didn’t expect Lied Oss to be so on the road. He raised his eyebrows unexpectedly. The federal representatives present had a weird expression on their faces when they heard Lied Os’s words, but they didn’t say anything. Defaulted his conditions.

The sixth prince Luo Oss couldn't help frowning, always feeling that the people of the Federation must be making some ideas, and the stupid Lid Oss actually offered this kind of punishment.

Now that the rules of the game have been changed, the arena also needs to be adjusted. The original stage is definitely no longer available. The entire game area is moving slowly. The original stage is gradually descending and hidden underground. The other two larger stages are made of stronger materials. After being promoted, a protective shield was shrouded outside the stage to prevent the ability from spreading to the audience during the game.

The federation called a few contestants over, sent everyone a mecha device, and asked them not to worry about returning to the competition area to make preparations.

Lingtian called his younger brother to his side and said with some worry, "Be careful during the game. If it doesn't work, don't hold on."

The Empire and the Federation are separated by several star regions, the networks are not connected, and the information between them is also very blocked. During this time, the senior leaders of the Federation contacted their spies who remained in the Empire, and they also learned a lot of information about the Empire.

Among them, Luo Os has a mental body, the people of the Federation already know, Lengtian only worried that Lingfeng is not his opponent and suffers a loss during the game.

In fact, there are many imperial eyeliners in the Federation, but the Federation immediately blocked the cordon after the incident, and later cut off the signals outside the cordon. The people inside could not get out, and the news of the imperial spies could not be sent out.

When searching the traces of the group of people in the Federation, several nails inserted by the Empire were accidentally found. This time the Federation also let them mix in the team and set off together, only waiting for the right time to cover them to enter the palace.

"Don't worry, big brother, you can't beat the surrender." Lingfeng shrugged and said indifferently, anyway, this time his goal can be achieved regardless of whether he wins or loses.

The audience sitting not far away heard this and looked at Lingfeng with contempt.

The venue was quickly arranged, and the two sides ranked from low to high to compete. Lingfeng naturally stayed until the last one and stood on the high platform with Mo Yan to watch the game underneath.

The situation in this match was quite different from that of the Federation Mecha Fight. Every action of the two players in the protective cover carried a strong energy, and aftermath bursts of colored light groups on the inner wall of the protective cover. dissipate.

"Is the material of the imperial mecha different?" Lingfeng watched the imperial player on the second field obviously had been shot in the cockpit, but the mecha frowned unscathed.

"Indeed, the cockpit is made of crystal diamonds, and the fuselage of the mecha is all refined with corundum. It is difficult to beat their mecha to win." Mo Yan nodded.

Edge wind:...

"The prince of the empire, do you see anything wrong?" Mo Yan looked at Lied Oss who was leaning on the throne. He always felt that there was a strong sense of disobedience in this person.

"The other party's breath is a sixth-level ability person, and the attribute is also the special star power of the imperial royal family. I think it should not be dropped." Lingfeng has been observing Lied Oss since just now, but found nothing wrong.

The reason why the royal family of the Cloud Star Empire has been able to rule the other half of the Sea Micro Galaxy for nearly ten thousand years is because of their unique ability attributes. The awakening ability of Lied Oss at the age of thirteen was tested for SS talent and was immediately appointed by the king. The prince, to this day, is still the most talented among the princes of the royal family.