Dressed As Cannon Fodder In Interstellar Text A

Chapter 126

In the next few days, Lingfeng turned into a scientific researcher, wearing a white coat and mask and isolation gloves, staying in the pharmacy to develop an antidote.

Mo Yan has other tasks. The two of them were forced to go out and come back. When he was on duty again, he was not only responsible for the safety of the students, but also had to **** the students as soon as the Empire Exchange held an event. , There is no way to stay in the room all the time.

In this way, the two of them were busy for a week. On this day, Mo Yan finished their work and returned to the hotel room. When they opened the door of the pharmacy room, they saw the test form that was thrown on the ground, and there were people sleeping on the side of the table. Edge wind.

Mo Yan cleaned up all the crossed test sheets on the ground, but he couldn't help but secretly said, it's no wonder that Lingfeng said that the test is very troublesome. There are thousands of these that were discarded on the ground alone, and the dates above are all these two days. This person hasn't rested much recently.

He walked quietly to the desk in the corner, and the person lying on it was still sleeping soundly. Seeing the rare and peaceful appearance of this smart face when he was asleep, the stranger bowed his head close, and finally touched his eyelid. He quickly stepped back and saw that the people on the table showed no signs of waking up, only to find that his heart was beating uncontrollably.

Until the door of the pharmacy was gently closed, Ling Feng, who was lying on the table, suddenly opened his eyes.

Raising his hand to touch where he was right now, Lingfeng blushed rarely, "The stranger is also true, I have been married for so long, so I just kissed him for a sneak attack!" He pretended to be asleep, why not be bolder. .

For the next two days, Mo Yan stayed in the pharmacy, either watching the news online or watching Empire’s game videos, but Ling Feng could feel that Mo Yan’s eyes were always on him, intentionally or unintentionally, and turned to look. When the other party looked at the virtual screen intently again.

Lingfeng wondered, could it be because it hasn't happened for too long? Forget it, it seems like it's been a long time.

Putting down the utensils in his hand, taking off the mask on his face, Lingfeng got up and walked to Mo Yan, leaving the pharmacy no matter how hard he was on his shoulders.

Mo Yan only felt that when his eyes flickered, he had been lifted, and his face was still inexplicable, "What are you doing? Your medicine is still in the machine."

"I was negligent, how can I make my wife hungry." Lingfeng carried the stranger into the next room, put the person on the bed and climbed up.

"I don't have one." After all these strange words, I wouldn't be naive to think that what he said was hungry literally.

"You stared at me like a wolf like a tiger, and you said you weren't hungry. In fact, if you want to pull me into the room, I will definitely cooperate with you." Ling Feng glanced at him strangely.

Like a wolf like a tiger? Have it? Mo Yan shook his head and denied, "No."

"Sure enough, he still likes duplicity." Seeing that he didn't admit it, Ling Feng pressed his body a little more and approached Mo Yan's ear and said, "No? Then why did you kiss me stealthily?"

Hearing Lingfeng's words, the golden eyes flashed, and his face was a little unnatural when thinking of the behavior that day, "You didn't sleep?"

"If I fell asleep and missed such an important moment, I would definitely regret it." Lingfeng smiled and squinted at the stranger.

Mo Yan saw that his white and delicate face with a sly smile on his face looked like a fox that saw meat. It was both cute and hateful. "Is it important?"

A whirlwind wind found that he had exchanged positions with Mo Yan, but he did not resist at all. He still smiled and hugged the person on him tightly, "Of course, this is the first time your wife offered a kiss. It's really rare..."

Before finishing the words, Lingfeng’s mouth was forcibly blocked by someone. Although his lips were knocked to the point of Mo Yan’s teeth, it was still a bit painful, but it was no longer important. Intertwined lips and tongue.

Imperial Palace.

"His Royal Highness, I found Cerf, but..." The chief guard next to the prince walked into the hall to report to Lied Oss.

"But what?" Lied Oss, who had heard Cerf leaning languidly on the throne, sat upright and asked.

"However, when Commander Sack found him in a cave, Cerf’s bones and muscles all burst and he has been dead for many days. Also in the cave were the comrades who rescued Cerf that day, and his body was also chopped into pieces. Two halves." The chief guard lowered his head and told the truth.

Hearing Cerf’s death, Lid Oss was a little bit complicated. Although it was not his own hands, the ending was the same as he wanted. But now is not the time to think about it, "The spatial bond on them is still there. ?"

"Return to Your Highness, their belongings are no longer visible." Not only the space link, but almost nothing except the clothes on the two corpses, Sack once thought that the two had been ransacked by some gangster.

The head of the guard said immediately, "However, the leader of Sack found that Cerf’s accomplices appeared to have appeared on the Capital Star a few days ago, and he also took away the edge wind that had just left the palace. Because the man was disguised, no one recognized him at the time. come out."

The leader of Sack still saw the man's clothes in the cave, only to find out that this man had appeared in Capital Star.

"Where is Lingfeng?" Lied Oss frowned slightly.

"Lingfeng only disappeared for half a day that day. He returned to the hotel before it got dark, and never left the hotel room afterwards. However, Commander Sack checked the bodies, and the death time of the two of Cerf should have been at that same time. Day.” It’s just that the scene has been cleaned up, and there is no evidence that Cerf was killed by Lingfeng, plus Lingfeng was only a fifth-level spiritualist, and it was impossible to kill two sixth-level spirits.

"That person was the only one who took away Lingfeng?" Lied Oss also didn't believe it. How could a pharmacist in Lingfeng kill two sixth ranks? Does he still have a helper.

"It's true that there is only Lingfeng. The leader of Zach checked all the monitoring of Capital Star that day. At that time, the opponent left Capital Star after taking Lingfeng away. During the time he left, there was nothing unusual in the Federation. His partner has never been out of the room."

"Aren't these two people killed by Lingfeng? He was killed after he left?" Lied Oss's face was a little solemn.

"His Royal Highness, this Lingfeng seems to have a problem. If we want to catch him for interrogation, maybe this person is also an accomplice." The chief guard felt that Lingfeng's involvement with these people is definitely not a good person.

"Don't act rashly, how can the people of the Federation grab them without evidence?" Lied Oss raised his hand to stop the other party from continuing.

There is indeed something unusual about this Lingfeng, but if the opponent is an accomplice, it is not necessarily true. After all, the Federation side revealed the truth because of Lingfeng, not to mention relying on the other side’s solidifying agent, that he just got his life back yesterday. If it weren't for him, he wouldn't be sitting here now.

As the two were talking, someone from the palace hurried in to report, "His Royal Highness, Master Ling Yao is already waiting at the gate of the palace."

When Lied Oss heard the arrival of Lingfeng, he was still a little suspicious. He thought that the other party would send a batch of medicines after a while. It seems that he was sending medicines to fulfill his promise on that day. Please come in."

"Yes." The palace man stepped back after answering.

"His Royal Highness, do you want to take this opportunity to ask him a good question?" The chief guard suggested to Lied Oss. It was a coincidence that this edge wind disappeared. Even if he was not an accomplice, he might know who killed Se Husband and wife.

"You go down first." Lied Oss waved his hand tiredly, "Let Sack continue to investigate first and see if he can find the murderer."

"Yes." Hearing the Prince's words, the chief guard had no choice but to retreat.

After a while, Ling Feng was picked up by the palace clerk who had just sent out. Lied Osqiang raised his spirit and smiled, "Ling Yao believes it really, please sit down."

If it weren't for him to come today, Lied Oss would have almost forgotten about the matter he said he was going to deliver the medicine. These few days, he always felt muddled, and many things could not be remembered.

"His Royal Highness is generous, but I am embarrassed." Lingfeng lightly sat down where he was last time.

"Shenzhenji is indeed a rare miracle medicine." Lied Oss didn't care, the value of the magical medicine, such as the magical medicine, would not be low.

"It seems that His Royal Highness has already taken it." As soon as Lingfeng came in today, he found that Lied Oss was a little different. Listening to his tone now, it seems that he has seen the effect of the medicine.

"Ashamed to say, I was almost unconscious yesterday, fortunately there is a pharmacist's medicine." Lied Oss did not hide it either.

Lingfeng hesitated and said, "I have a business owner and want to trade with His Royal Highness alone. I don't know if His Royal Highness is interested."

The palace people in the hall were a little strange when they heard what Ling Feng said. Why did this person suddenly come to discuss business with the prince? The prince has been in low spirits recently, and there is no desire to do business.

Lied Oss looked at Lingfeng and drank tea with a calm expression. He suddenly thought of something and immediately signaled all the palace staff in the hall to retreat. He didn't speak to Lingfeng until there were only two people left in the hall, "Ling Pharmacist, please speak."

Lingfeng didn't expect Lied Oss to take such a preaching way. It really saved him a lot of words. He quietly typed an isolation inscription to cover the space between the two to prevent someone from eavesdropping. Then he said slowly, "I don't know the prince. Can you still count the terms that your Highness promised last time?"

Since the conditions for the treatment of the disease must of course be negotiated first, after all, he is also developing the antidote day and night for the seventh-level crystal core, and now he still has the urge to vomit when he sees the test sheet.

Lied Oss had already guessed what Lingfeng was about to say, but he thought that this person wanted to sell him the news. Now listening to the other party's tone, does Lingfeng have got the antidote?

Thinking of this, Lied Oss solemnly said, "It's up to you. If the Prism Pharmacist can really cure my disease, a 7-level crystal core plus an equivalent condition."