Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1157: gone again

That tube of potion must be a special potion that stimulates the central nervous system. It can make a patient with a blurred consciousness temporarily wake up, but it is extremely harmful to the body.

It is usually used on dying patients. In order to get the formula, Shen Yuzhu frantically used this medicine on the second uncle, which led to the tragic death of the second uncle, and indirectly also killed Zhang Manyue.

Tang Xiaonan gritted her teeth, this **** must be killed, no matter what method she uses, even if she breaks the law, she will let Shen Yuzhu die!

But first she has to get out of here, but no matter how she goes, there is a vast expanse of white around her. Tang Xiaonan is a little anxious, won't she want to be a ghost again like when she was a child?

"Xiao Nan, wake up, your candy painting is about to be eaten by ants."

Huo Jinzhi's voice came from his ears, and he could vaguely hear the voices of his uncle and aunt. Tang Xiaonan was refreshed and walked towards the voice.

Huo Jinzhi and Tang Laijin and his wife were surrounded by her bedside. It was already bright outside, and Tang Xiaonan was in a deep sleep, unable to wake up.

"What can I do? Send it to the hospital." Yang Lijuan said anxiously.

She started having nightmares last night. She heard the screams and ran over, and saw Tang Xiaonan sweating profusely. She didn't know what she was calling. She looked very scared. not awake.

"It's useless to send her to the hospital. Xiao Nan is in a state of shock. I had it once when I was a child, and I had to call my soul back." Tang Laijin affirmed.

Huo Jinzhi frowned. He thought of the masked man he met in the Temple of the City God yesterday. Tang Xiaopang was quite scared at that time, but he didn't take it to heart, but something happened at night. If he knew earlier, he would not take Tang Xiaopang to the Temple of the City God. played.

Huo Jinzhi, who was extremely annoyed, beat his forehead a few times, and he asked Tang Laijin, "Are you a ghost?"

"I don't know how, this thing has a way, my father knows it, why don't you send Xiao Nan back and let my father call." Tang Laijin was also very annoyed, knowing that he would have learned a few tricks from Lao Tzu.

"But the soul was lost here. How can I call it back when I go back." Yang Lijuan disagreed.

"I'm going to pick up my father. I sincerely hope that what happened to you yesterday, Xiao Nan is so shocked again." Tang Laijin was a little dissatisfied. The good niece asked this kid to go out to play, and when he came back, he was shocked. This kid is not Reliable.

"I went to the Temple of the City God, and there was a person wearing a mask who received the reward money. Xiao Nan was probably frightened." Huo Jinzhi blamed himself.

"It's alright, it's alright, I don't know that such a thing would happen, you go and pick up Dad, don't delay." Yang Lijuan urged.

Tang Laijin left in a hurry, not even taking care of business, how can business be a niece.

Tang Xiaonan didn't know that she had been in a coma for two days and one night, and the whole family was dispatched. Tang Baishan's old couple, Xu Jinfeng and Tang Laifu, when they heard Tang Xiaonan was shocked again, they rushed over without saying a word.

Seeing her unconscious daughter on the bed, Xu Jinfeng felt badly distressed, "She was fine when she left, why is she in shock again, Dad, isn't Xiao Nan's soul not fully developed? Do you want to ask a fairy to call her?"

"It doesn't mean that smart children are not all souls. I heard that there is a genius Ma Xiangu in Caotang Town. I will ask her to call Xiaonan when I look back." Zhang Manyue agreed.

"Call the soul to the little girl first, and talk about the fairy's affairs later."

Tang Baishan reprimanded and started without haste. After setting everything up, he bowed to the stove, and then let Zhang Manyue and the others go out to call their souls.