Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1162: The agency is too smart

"Of course, I have been living with his old man all these years. He misses his family every day, but he just can't get in touch." Huo Jinzhi replied.

Huo Xiu on the side was surprised: "The old man who lives with you is Qi Jingming?"

He patted his head vigorously, and said angrily: "Oh, I really don't know, Mr. Xu, don't take offense, I almost missed it."

The ecstatic Young Master Xu would not care about such a trivial matter. He was eager to know about Master Qi, and asked many questions one after another.

Huo Jinzhi replied one by one, "Grandpa Qi is still in good health. He will take off his hat in a few months and will return to teach at FD University."

"That's great, there is no way out of the sky, I can finally get along with the Qi family, please, can you take me to see Mr. Qi?" Xu Gongzi asked.

"You're not going back tomorrow?" Huo Xiu asked.

Xu Gongzi smiled and shook his head, "I won't go back. I want to see Mr. Qi before going back. This matter is more important."

"If it's convenient, you can go back today. It's just a long-distance bus of more than four hours."

"No problem, you wait a moment, I'll have a few words with the master."

Xu Gongzi went in excitedly, his footsteps were as brisk as dancing. After about half an hour, Xu Gongzi came out and smiled with them: "My business is done, and I can leave at any time."

Huo Jinzhi understood his eagerness and wanted Mr. Qi to know the news of his family earlier, so he asked Huo Xiu to go back to deal with the company's affairs. He took Mr. Xu back to Mopan Mountain.

"Don't forget that account." Huo Xiu said again.

"I'll give it when I get back." Huo Jinzhi replied casually.

Xu Gongzi smiled at Huo Xiu: "Master asked me and Huo Gongzi to thank you, thank you for your generosity and donated 500 yuan of sesame oil, and said that Huo Gongzi can directly contact him if you have anything in the future."

The smile on Huo Xiu's face slowly stagnated, and he dared not look into his son's eyes, scolding Xu Gongzi for being troublesome.

Huo Jinzhi glanced at the scumbag coldly, the abacus hit him, and he almost fell for it, this is really a real father!

"It should be, I have always admired the master's style, five hundred is nothing, that I still have something to do, let's go first, Xu Gongzi will have a future!"

Huo Xiu fled, as if a dog was chasing him, but his heart was very bitter. The five hundred yuan that came to his mouth flew away, and he was despised by the stinky boy, and he lost a lot of money.

It's really human beings who count as gods.

Tang Xiaonan secretly laughed in his heart, this scumbag is really too smart to calculate, and even lied about the money for sesame oil.

Xu Gongzi followed Tang Xiaonan and the others back to Tang Laijin's house. The Tang family was still waiting for news at home. Seeing that Tang Xiaonan's spirit was much better, he finally let go of his heart.

"It's still the ability of the eminent monk, and it is much more reliable than the fairy." Tang Baishan sincerely praised.

The Tang family also saw Xu Gongzi at this time. Xu Jinfeng knew him. She leaned into Zhang Manyue's ear and said, "It's the house this man sold. It's the same house as the capitalist in the movie, but it's beautiful. go and see."

"What is this person doing? You won't regret taking back the house, will you?" Zhang Manyue worried.

"The house deed has been renamed, and it's useless to regret it."

Xu Jinfeng didn't panic at all, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were biting their ears, and suddenly heard Tang Baishan's loud cry.

"That's great, Mr. Qi is looking forward to it every day. Now he's so happy that he will go back today and leave now." Tang Baishan was about to leave, and he didn't want to delay a minute.