Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 132: The flexible Tang Aijun (thanks to Baby

"Grandpa Wu, I want to ask you a favor. There will be posters like this in the future, can you keep a few for me?" Huo Jinzhi asked.

Going to the cinema to take stills is not that easy. The best ones are ready-made, which can save a lot of thought.

Uncle Wu felt strange, "What do you want these posters for?"

"It's good-looking, stick it on the wall." Tang Xiaonan made a gesture of sticking a New Year's picture.

Uncle Wu smiled, "Sure, I'll keep it for you, you can get it when the time comes."

"Thank you, Grandpa Wu."

Huo Jinzhi put two catties of biscuits on the table and two meat buns. Before Uncle Wu could react, he picked up Tang Xiaonan and ran away.

"Take the things... this child."

As soon as Uncle Wu chased out, the two disappeared. The meat buns in his hands were still warm, and fragrant oil dripped from the folds. Uncle Wu swallowed. He couldn't remember how long he had not eaten meat buns. , 2 catties of meat in a month is not enough for children to increase their nutrition.

He can only eat a piece of meat to satisfy his cravings during the Chinese New Year. Usually, he can barely make ends meet with green vegetables and tofu porridge. Every day he is so hungry that his eyes are full of gold stars, and his stomach is full of water. He can eat all three meat buns in one go.

Uncle Wu stuffed the meat buns into the lunch box and put away the biscuits. Let's take them back to the children.

Huo Jinzhi held Tang Xiaonan and ran for a while. Seeing that Uncle Wu didn't catch up, he let go of Tang Xiaonan. Huo Jinzhi shook his hand, the fat girl was strangely heavy.

"The third brother is back!"

Tang Xiaonan pointed to the front, and Tang Aijun came over on a bicycle with a big smile on his face. It seemed that it was selling well.

"How long have you been back? How are the sales?"

Tang Aijun looked smug, he was all sold out, Tang Xiaonan said happily: "All sold out, third brother, are you all sold out?"

"Of course it's sold out. Are you really sold out?"

The pride on Tang Aijun's face was stagnant. He wanted to brag, but he was a little suspicious. How could Huo Jinzhi's photos be sold faster than him?

"It's all sold out, and there are still many people who haven't bought it. I'll go back and print some more. Come back tomorrow, where did you sell it?"

Huo Jinzhi took out the meat buns from the bag and handed them over. Tang Aijun was just hungry, so he took a big bite. He ate up the buns in two or three bites. He ate two meat buns in a row and drank water. Then he said, "I went to the bus station. There are not many people buying it here. When you go to the train station, I will try my luck at the bus station. As a result, there are quite a lot of people buying it."

"The third brother is amazing!"

Tang Xiaonan gave a thumbs up, really surprised. I didn't expect Tang Aijun to be flexible. Thinking of going to the bus station to sell in a place with a lot of people, she has a talent for doing business!

Tang Aijun's tail was raised again, his brows were wide-eyed and his mouth was grinning to the back of his ears. He also felt that he was very powerful. He made three yuan in only half a day. !

Huo Jinzhi was also surprised that this stupid bear knew how to change the venue, so he could teach him.

"How much did you sell? Hurry up and count."

Tang Aijun opened his schoolbag, and there were only one dime or two of change in it. He counted it several times just now, but the total number was different each time. For him, who had never scored ten digits in a math test, it was really difficult to count so much money. some.

"Change the place."

Huo Jinzhi led Tang Xiaonan, the three found a secluded alley, and poured out all the money in the bag. The colorful money made people happy. Tang Aijun's eyes were straight and his mouth was wide open. I have never seen so much money!

Recommend the new book of the city **** Lao Shi: