Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1603: Praise your daughter-in-law every day

Huo Jinzhi actually felt that Tang Xiaopang might not be able to realize the wish of a melon face in his life, but he could help. If he said it a few times a day, Tang Xiaopang would really think he was a melon face.

This is called psychological suggestion in medicine, Gu Yunchuan told him.

Gu Yunchuan said that if he often praises his daughter-in-law for being beautiful, he will form a psychological suggestion to his daughter-in-law, thinking that he is really beautiful. This strong psychological suggestion will cause the cerebral cortex to secrete something that makes people look beautiful, and then the daughter-in-law will be really beautiful. is getting more and more beautiful.

Huo Jinzhi didn't believe it too much, but Gu Yunchuan believed it, and he believed it a little more.

Anyway, it's just to praise his wife, and he doesn't need to do anything. Huo Jinzhi thinks he can try it, and he will praise Tang Xiaopang every day.

Tang Xiaonan was so elated that she looked in the mirror for a long time and really felt that she was much more beautiful than before.

The chin is pointed, the eyes are bigger, and the look is more aura, not worse than Xiaoyanzi, the nose is not so collapsed, it is a lot taller, and the skin that bullies Shuang Aoxue, who can be better than her. White?

Tang Xiaonan became more and more narcissistic. In four years, she will be eighteen years old, and she will definitely be a beautiful beauty by then.

Huo Jinzhi couldn't hold back his laughter, so he quickly lowered his head so that Tang Xiaopang couldn't see it.

"So lovely……"

Tang Xiaonan exclaimed happily, then put away the mirror and went home to take a picture.


"This beef ball is delicious."

"Fish tofu is also delicious."

"Don't you like to eat pig brains, I've burned them."

"You have to eat some vegetables, not just meat."

Tang Xiaonan didn't eat much by herself, so she gave Huo Jinzhi all the dishes. The service was thoughtful and considerate, which was the first time Huo Jinzhi had enjoyed in 20 years.

Gu Yunchuan honestly didn't bully him, and his daughter-in-law really praised him a lot.

Hiccupping contentedly, Huo Jinzhi loosened his trouser belt, he hadn't eaten enough yet.

"Xiao Nan, are your double eyelids darker? It's a bit like foreigners' eyes."

Huo Jinzhi racked his brains to think of a compliment. Tang Xiaonan took out the mirror and looked at it for a long time. He was in a good mood.


Huo Jinzhi's throat was so full, his belly was round, and even Tang Seng's meat couldn't be eaten.

"Eat some fruit."

Tang Xiaonan asked the waiter to cut a plate of cantaloupe~lightnovelpub.net~ took a toothpick and forked it for Huo Jinzhi, and ate it himself. Now the cantaloupe is sweet and crispy, and it is very delicious.

"You didn't say what Lin Liming did to give Mr. Lin a myocardial tumor?" Tang Xiaonan thought again.

Huo Jinzhi couldn't help laughing, he was thinking just now, Tang Xiaopang is not very smart in other things, but he is quite smart in this kind of thing, a guess is accurate.

"As you guessed, Lin Liming's mother had a long-term close relationship with several bachelors in the village. This is not a secret in the village, but Lin Liming's mother can't be blamed. It's just that Lin Liming is too lazy. Relying on his mother to sell himself in exchange for rations, Lin Liming returned it to the wind."

Huo Jinzhi's face was full of contempt. He only had sympathy for Mother Lin. A sick and weak woman couldn't do physical work. She had no other way to support herself and her son except betraying herself.

But he looked down on Lin Liming.

Lin Feng has investigated and found that when Lin Liming was fifteen or sixteen years old, he still refused to work in the fields and lived on the money of his mother Lin, until she was too ill to move, and no more men were willing to come. He had to work in the fields, but the rations he earned could not even feed him.