Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1831: Regal Terminator

The butler's name is Ned, and he is the legendary British butler who graduated from the butler school. That's right, it is the butler school. There are foreign institutions that train housekeepers, and the fees are not cheap. Rich people are disdainful.

Ned graduated from this legendary school. His father and brother were both excellent housekeepers and were highly valued by their masters. Therefore, Ned's ambition from a young age was to become an excellent housekeeper like his father and older brother, and to be the master. Take care of your backyard.

However, Ned's luck is not very good. After graduation, he has changed five owners. They are all super rich, of course, they are all white, and they are all-powerful rich people in the business circle.

But this is in the past tense.

Because, these five super-rich, all went bankrupt, three committed suicide, and two were homeless people on welfare.

He didn't have the good luck of his father and brother, and was able to follow a master to his old age. Ned followed five masters in succession, and they were all forced to lose their jobs.

Because of this, Ned became a celebrity in the butler circle, and he also had a nickname called—

Rich Terminator.

Two years ago, after his fifth master committed suicide, no rich man dared to hire Ned. Foreigners are also superstitious, afraid of becoming Ned's sixth terminator.

Ned, who can't find a job, can only be a waiter. He has nothing to do except being a housekeeper, and he can't be a waiter because he moves too slowly, and he is more elegant and noble than the guests. Don't dare to call him to serve.

The waiters in the United States are paid hourly, and the wages are not high. They mainly report all kinds of tips. If there is no customer ordering, it means there is no tip, and it means no money. Ned suffered in the restaurant for three months, earning The money can't even support himself. Fortunately, he still has a little savings, but it won't last long. If he can't open source, he can't even pay the rent, so he can only go to sleep on the street.

Of course there is an option, he can go home to receive financial support from his father and brother.

But Ned didn't want to, he couldn't hold this face, and he left home in anger at the beginning, because his father and brother didn't support him as a housekeeper, and hoped that he could get into a good university and do a decent job such as a lawyer or a doctor. But Ned ran away on his own accord and vowed to never go home without a career.

At the most difficult time in Ned, he and Huo Jinzhi met.

"I also went to that restaurant on a whim that day. I thought he was the manager, but it turned out to be the waiter." Huo Jinzhi said with a smile that his first encounter with Ned was a rare fate.

Ned came over with a few drinks, and when he heard Huo Jinzhi's words, he also smiled and said, "Meeting with Mr. is a gift from God."

His father and brother always laughed at him for having found a Chinese master and lost their family's face, but Ned felt that Huo Jinzhi would probably be his last master.

Having been with Huo Jinzhi for two years, he has seen this Chinese master's ability to make money like magic, and he is still so young and very scheming. No wonder his five previous masters have all said the same thing--

"Orientals are very cunning, and you have to be very careful when doing business with them."

After having been in contact with Huo Jinzhi for two years, Ned was deeply convinced. He didn't want to change the owner anymore, he just wanted to retire with Huo Jinzhi.

"Do you still want to leave now?" Huo Jinzhi asked with a smile.