Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1958: Rich and easy to do

Huo Jinzhi and Tang Aiguo both laughed, disdainful smiles, it turned out to be an empty shell, this prodigal thing called Marcus is really a scumbag, and it has made the family miserable.

Because it offended them.

What they do best is buying shell companies, which is their specialty.

"Thanks, when I get the Marcus family's company, I'll treat you to dinner!" Huo Jinzhi laughed.

"Then wait for the good news."

Chen Ye silently sympathized with the Marcus family for three seconds. He really wouldn't die if he didn't do anything. How could he provoke these two plague gods. Back then in country M, these two plague gods made a lot of money and almost attracted the attention of the authorities. Can't go back to the country.

Tang Aijun's lawsuit caused a world-class sensation. The Chinese in country M also held a parade and strongly demanded that Marcus be sanctioned. Who let this **** hit their national treasure? The top eight are all Marcus's fault, even if this **** is cut with a thousand cuts, he will not be able to vent his anger.

Marcus didn't take the car accident to heart at all. He lived for 28 years, and he didn't do anything in that year. Killing people was a common occurrence, and the family paid a little money.

So, when he heard that the person he bumped into was a Chinese, and he hadn't died yet, Marcus immediately calmed down, thinking that he could also get money and settle it, so what should he do after going out.

With two hours left before bail, Marcus received bad news from the family lawyer.

"You have to stay here for a few days, and you cannot be released on bail."

"Why? There's no money at home?" Marcus shouted angrily. He knew that his family's business had not been very prosperous these years, but no matter how bad it was, he wouldn't lose his money, so why couldn't he be released on bail?

"Many Chinese are guarding outside the police station. They are very angry. You are safe here. No one can guarantee your safety when you go out. Those Orientals will tear you to pieces."

The lawyer's tone is very calm, and he is still a little bored. He has wiped his **** N times for this prodigal thing over the years. Although he is paid every time, he will be tired of giving money to people. The more times, the more money.

It was only here that Marcus realized that he might have caused a big disaster, and asked, "What is that Chinese doing?"

"A member of the basketball club and the main force of the Huaguo national team. He will participate in the World Championships in two months. He is very hopeful to win the top eight for Huaguo. This is the dream of the Huaguo, Marcus, you are broken. Their dreams angered the Eastern Lions!"

The lawyer looked at this prodigal thing in annoyance, who is not easy to hit, but wants to hit a national treasure-level athlete, and the athlete's family seems to be very complicated, even the surveillance video can be obtained, this is not ordinary people can did it.

Moreover, the athlete's fiancée is a Chinese female lawyer who he fears. The woman is never sympathetic and is more ruthless than men. If a lawsuit is filed, he is not sure that he will win.

In fact, he is inclined to be private. It would be nice to pay 100 million to quell his anger, but if the Marcus family can't come up with so much money, he is very annoying. He really doesn't want to confront the woman Fang Yuan. To kill a lot of brain cells, his hair is already in jeopardy, and he will lose face if he loses, it's really a dilemma.

The lawyer left the police station, and there were many people sitting at the gate, most of them were Chinese, and some were locals, no less than a hundred, and these people still had tactics. They came around day and night, and there were special people who delivered water and food. The lawyer even suspected that these people were doing things with money, and someone bought them in order to keep Marcus from coming out.