Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 2005: The marriage is set

"How can you, you will always be my dearest parents, I love you the most." Bai Wei put her arms around her mother's arm and acted like a spoiled child.

In fact, she really never complained about her parents, she was just unhappy. If she really couldn't be with Sudan Qing, she might be sad for the rest of her life, but she would still love and be filial to her parents.

Mother Bai sneered, her face was full of smiles, and she looked at Sultan Qing very kindly.

In fact, Mother Bai always liked boys like Sudan Qing. If it wasn't for Sudan Qing getting cancer, Mother Bai would definitely support her with both hands and feet. With such a good-looking son-in-law, her grandson would be beautiful and delicate in the future.

Huo Jinzhi struck while the iron was hot, and asked, "Miss Bai and my cousin are not too young. I think we should book the wedding first, and then pick an auspicious day to organize the wedding?"

"It's nothing if you don't drink alcohol, I don't care about this form." Bai Wei said with a blushing face.

She really doesn't care about the banquet, as long as she can be with Sudan Qing, it doesn't matter if there is no ceremony.

Tang Xiaonan hurriedly said: "Of course the wine must be done, and it must be done in a big way. Our family must have a great deal to marry a daughter-in-law, and let the whole Songcheng know that you don't have to worry about the banquet, Miss Bai, we will do it all the way, you just need to Just wait quietly to be the bride."

Bai Wei's face turned even redder, she glanced at Sudan Qing shyly, her heart was very sweet.

After waiting for so many years, I finally waited until Yun Kaiyueming became Sudan Qing's bride.

The parents of the Bai family were also relieved. Of course, they hoped that their daughter would marry beautifully. Sometimes formalism is necessary. What Tang Xiaonan said made them feel very comfortable, at least the man was sincere.

"The banquet is still to be held. We also have some relatives and friends in the Bai family. They all watched Weiwei grow up. Now that Weiwei is married, they will definitely come to have a drink." Father Bai said.

"Sure, we also have many relatives and friends here, as well as classmates and teachers of Dan Qing and Miss Bai, all of whom have to be invited over for a drink." Huo Jinzhi also said.

Next, he and Bai's father warmly discussed the matter of holding a banquet. The chat was very speculative, and before they knew it, they arrived at the noon restaurant, and Bai's mother warmly invited them to dine at home.

"It's just some common dishes. My aunt's local dishes are quite good. You can try them." Bai Mu said with a smile.

"Then we'll be rude to bother."

Huo Jinzhi naturally agreed, and he still had something to say to Father Bai.

The aunt of the Bai family is really good at cooking, very authentic local dishes, and they are very delicate, each plate is not too much, and it looks good. Tang Xiaonan accidentally eats more, she likes it very much Braised octopus, the braised octopus made by this aunt is quite delicious, she ate several pieces.

"This hairtail is really good. It's better than my aunt's."

Tang Xiaonan did not hesitate to praise her. The aunt she invited was very good in other aspects, and she also took care of the children, but her cooking skills were poor. Fortunately, Xu Jinfeng was in charge of the three meals at home. Although Xu Jinfeng's cooking skills were barely average, she was better than auntie. It's still much stronger, after all, he grew up from childhood to adulthood.

"Eat more if you like to eat. In the future, I will often come to eat at home. They are all relatives, so I need to move around more."

Mother Bai took a piece of octopus for Tang Xiaonan with the male chopsticks, greeted with a smile, and her tone was very affectionate. Bai Wei couldn't help but silently praise Huo Jinzhi.

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