Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 202: conspiracy

"Shen Yuhai did it on purpose. He colluded with your wife to kill my sister. You are also an accomplice. Your family are all executioners. My little girl... You died so miserably, my elder brother will avenge you..."

Tang Aihua shouted like a madman, beating his chest and wailing, unable to listen to a single word of advice, Gu Yunchuan sighed, put the check beside Tang Aihua, and left quietly.

Tang Xiaonan was very puzzled. In the book, Tang Xiaonan died in a car accident. The accident happened at Yuzhu Square. After Gu Yunchuan made his fortune, he set foot in real estate and built squares in many cities, which were named Yuzhu Square to express his love for Shen Yuzhu.

Tang Xiaonan couldn't remember many things in the book. Why did the original body suddenly run to the Yuzhu Plaza, which was just developed?

As soon as I got there, there was a car accident, and the driver was Shen Yuhai, too many coincidences.

But Shen Yuhai definitely didn't do it on purpose. When he grew up, that coward was a idle playboy. He was full of all kinds of poisons, eating, drinking, prostitutes and gambling. He was less courageous than a chicken, so he would definitely not dare to commit murder.

But if it's a coincidence, it's too coincidental. As soon as the original body arrived at the square, Shen Yuhai drove over drunk and drove over. It felt like there was a hand behind it, and the original body and Shen Yuhai were both victims.

Who is that hand?

Is it Shen Yuzhu?

Or Gu Yunchuan?

Tang Aijun was crying and laughing, talking to himself, mentioning Shen Yuzhu's name, Tang Xiaonan wanted to get closer to see if he could hear more news, if Shen Yuzhu was really behind the control, this woman would be too scary.

"Xiao Nan has returned home..."

The hoarse voice came from a distance, Tang Xiaonan didn't have time to get close, she was pulled back by a strong force, and fell into the darkness again, there was a noise in her ears, Tang Xiaonan wanted to open her eyes, but her eyelids seemed to be dehydrated and stuck. Well, it can't be opened.

"Xiao Nan... Did your father tell you to hear me?"

"Xiao Nan, come back soon, the third brother won't rob you of candy again."

Tang Aijun looked at his sleeping sister with tears in his eyes, his heart seemed to be clenched into a ball by something, and he couldn't tell how uncomfortable he was. He was worried that his sister would not wake up and call him third brother.

Tang Laifeng and Chai Yuxiang were also in a hurry. They couldn't help anything, so they simply went to worship the kitchen master. After all, they are immortals. It is better to worship than not to worship.

Xu Jinfeng and Zhang Manyue screamed farther and farther, and unknowingly ran to the mountain. Huo Jin's family was having a meal. Hearing Xu Jinfeng's soul call, Huo Jinzhi couldn't help but his heart skipped a beat. What happened to Tang Xiaopang?

"I'll go out and have a look."

Huo Jinzhi was in no mood to eat, so he got up and went out. Xu Jinfeng's cry was getting closer, and both the old man and Su Wanrou heard it.

"It seems that Xu Jinfeng is calling Xiao Nan, has Xiao Nan not gone home so late?" Su Wanrou was puzzled.

The old man's expression became serious, "Calling the soul is a custom here. If something happened to Xiao Nan, I'll go check it out too."

Mo Hanmin asked, "Is Xiao Nan that pretty fat girl of six or seven years old? Her mouth is very sweet."

The old man nodded, Mo Hanmin said to himself doubtfully, "This girl is fine at night, why did she suddenly lose her soul?"

The three of them had no time to eat, so they went out together to ask what happened, but Xu Jinfeng and Huo Jinzhi had already gone home, so they had to go home and wait, feeling uneasy.

Huo Jinzhi followed Xu Jinfeng and the others back home, but Tang Xiaonan was still in a coma. Xu Jinfeng's movement was so loud that it alarmed many people. Even Tang Shaozheng rushed over, and some close friends also came.

Tang Xiaonan was still in a coma, lying quietly on the bed. Huo Jinzhi was used to seeing Tang Xiaonan who was jumping around or showing his teeth and claws. Now Tang Xiaonan like this made him unacceptable and felt gloomy in his heart.
