Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 2195: cat

"Can't you catch her? This kind of person should be caught and shot, and she shouldn't be allowed to live to harm others!"

Jiang Xiaoyan was very excited. It was this woman who harmed her. She helped this wicked woman out of kindness, but her kindness was not rewarded. In the past 15 years, life was worse than death. She couldn't hold on to her belief.

But this vicious woman is still at large. Why can't God see the suffering and evil in the world, why didn't he strike a thunderbolt to kill this vicious woman?

"Sorry, I couldn't catch her."

Officer Zhong was very ashamed. Whenever he faced the victims, he felt very uncomfortable. He felt that he couldn't be sorry for these people. His ability was not good enough. It was his fault that the criminals continued to do evil outside.

"It's not your fault, it's the trafficker's fault, and the buyers, they are all accomplices, they should apologize to the world!" Jiang Xiaoyan couldn't control her emotions.

The bullying and detention in the past 15 years have not only caused great harm to her physically, but also traumatized her mentally. In fact, she is not all pretending to be crazy. Sometimes she really hopes that she is really crazy, so she doesn't know the pain. , and will not feel bitter, and may be willing to spend with Ma Zhu.

Jiang Xiaoyan was taken to the room by her parents to rest. She is very weak now. She will faint if she gets a little excited. She needs someone to take care of her at all times. Besides, her stomach is not good, and she will vomit if she eats a little more. The doctor said that it is appropriate to eat less and more. Meal, the recovery period is less than a year, Jiang Xiaoyan's ordeal is not over, there is no filial son before the bed for a long time, parents and relatives can actually use this sentence.

I hope her parents will have the patience to accompany her through this difficult recovery period.

Tang Xiaonan asked Police Officer Zhong for the photo of "He Ma", "My sister-in-law is a media worker, and she has a lot of power. Post this photo on the Internet and in newspapers, so that more people can see and maybe catch her."

"This Ma He is very good at dressing up, has a honest face, and can speak several local accents, which makes it easy to let people off guard. She is best at pretending to be weak, asking victims for help, asking girls to lead the way, or helping with luggage, She will also let children lead the way. Nine times out of ten, she will be fooled. This woman is too good at dressing herself up."

Officer Zhong looked helpless. In fact, a lot of anti-abduction propaganda work was done. The tricks of those kidnappers were not complicated. They just captured the kindness and sympathy of the victims, and it was easy to let go of the weak, but it was that simple. The tricks have dismantled hundreds of families over the years, and many children and girls have never been found.

"Then does she have any distinctive features?" Tang Xiaonan asked.

"Yes, her right hand has six fingers, and there is one more on her little finger, which is very obvious." Officer Zhong said.

Tang Xiaonan took it in her heart, and planned to go back and talk to Ai Xiang, and let the second sister-in-law use the influence of the media industry to publicize this evil woman surnamed He well, so that the whole world could see what this evil woman looked like.

Xu Shengnan also asked for a photo, ready to send it to his colleagues.

Officer Zhong also said about Ma Zhu, "I will be released after half a month of detention. This kind of thing is very common in the countryside here. If the sentence is really sentenced, I am afraid that a large number of people will be arrested, and the prison will not be able to hold it."

"Is it useless to use the news media for publicity?" Tang Xiaonan frowned, she didn't expect it to be so chaotic.