Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 2261: 10 childhood sweethearts who never want

The driver was already waiting at the airport, and Huo Jinzhi also invested in a lot of companies in country M. These companies learned that the major shareholders were coming, and they scrambled to show their hospitality, wanting to show their presence in front of Huo Jinzhi.

However, Huo Jinzhi did not let these companies send people. The driver from Gu Yunchuan's family came to pick them up. Gu Yunchuan and his wife spent most of their time on the farm in Country M. They had a son and a daughter. The eldest daughter was the same year as Huo Dong, and her name was Gu Shengnan.

Gu Yunchuan named his daughter Gu Tiantian, and hoped that her daughter would live a sweet and happy life forever, but when Tiantian was ten years old, she made her own decision and changed it to Gu Shengnan, and Gu Yunchuan followed her, as long as the child was happy, sweet Sweet became a nickname.

Tang Xiaonan had met Gu Shengnan a few times, a very beautiful little girl who concentrated the advantages of her parents and looked very weak, but this girl had a steely temperament, otherwise she would not have decided to change Gu Shengnan at the age of ten.

But Gu Shengnan is strong but not arrogant, elegant and decent, speaks slowly, not hurriedly, and will never look angry, but no one can say anything to her, because this girl can explain unreasonable things very reasonable , making people unable to refute, and finally speechless.

Gu Shengnan started his own business when he was fifteen years old. Although Gu Yunchuan is indifferent, he has a lot of assets, just a pharmaceutical company that produces Qixue Cream, which is enough to make people jealous, and his investment of other enterprises, as well as fixed assets such as commercial real estate, are not small numbers.

Gu Yunchuan's youngest son, Gu Ruosi, has no interest in doing business. He is fifteen years old this year and has not made up his mind yet, but he is already studying Chinese medicine with his father, Gu Yunchuan, and he is quite gifted.

Tang Xiaonan knows the driver of the Gu family, surnamed Li, who has served in the Gu family for more than ten years and is very loyal.

"Master Li, long time no see."

Tang Xiaonan smiled and said hello. Master Li had a simple and honest face, and his hometown was also from the city. He originally came to M country alone to try his luck, but he hit the wall many times, and he couldn't even buy a return flight ticket. After chatting a few words and recognizing his fellow villager, Gu Yunchuan gave him a job as a driver for fifteen years.

Master Li's wife also took it over. His wife is very good at cooking and works as a cook in the Gu family. Both the husband and wife are honest people, so they have been able to work for so long.

"Mr. Huo, Mrs. Huo, my husband and wife are waiting for you at home."

Master Li put the luggage in the trunk and opened the car door again. After Tang Xiaonan and his family got into the car, they got into the cab and started the car.

"Katsuo is going to college this year, right? Where did she get in?" Tang Xiaonan asked, and glanced at the eldest son beside him.

Gu Shengnan was two months older than her old age. When Lou Zhijun was pregnant, she joked that if she gave birth to a daughter, she would be her daughter-in-law, and Lou Zhijun agreed with a smile.

But these are all jokes. She definitely won't do this kind of baby kiss, but when she sees her eldest son who has grown up, she suddenly feels overwhelmed with emotion.

Time flies so fast, and in the blink of an eye, she turns pale.

Huo Dong felt his mother's gaze, and a beautiful face appeared in his mind, and he couldn't help shivering. If he could, he really didn't want to go to Uncle Gu's house, and he didn't want to meet that pretentious Gu Shengnan.

The impression this woman gave him was something that he would never forget for three lifetimes, the kind he never wanted to see again in ten lifetimes!