Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 2262: doll pro

Master Li, who was driving, said with a smile, "Miss Katsuo was admitted to Princeton University and studied finance."

"That's good, Xiaodong, you and Shengnan's sister are in the same school. You should take care of your sister in the future!" Tang Xiaonan was very happy, and felt that the eldest son and Shengnan might be able to save it. This fate is too deep.

Maybe it's destiny.

"How can she still be taken care of by someone, so insidious!"

Huo Dong whispered something, but Tang Xiaonan didn't hear it clearly, "What did you say?"

"I said yes, Mom."

Huo Dong grinned and squeezed out a brilliant smile. That woman was the best at pretending. In his mother's heart, that woman was so weak that she couldn't even lift the mineral water. Hmph, only he knew the real face of that woman in this world.

"be good!"

Tang Xiaonan was very satisfied, and decided to add a thousand yuan to the eldest's living expenses. After all, she was a college student, so she should have more money, but she didn't know that Huo Dong was actually rich. He started investing in stocks when he was very young. The brothers are seven pounds and use their New Year's money to lose a lot at first, and then make a lot of money. Now they have a small fortune, even if the adults don't pay living expenses, they can live well.

Huo Dong shivered with disgust and protested, "Mom, can you please stop talking to me in the same tone as Xiao Bei, I'm 17 years old."

"No, even if you are eighty-seven, you are still my son!"

Tang Xiaonan rolled her eyes, she didn't accept the love of her loving mother, she was unworthy, and the living expenses were not increased.

Huo Dong silently turned his head and looked at the scenery outside the window. Anyway, he will be an adult living independently in the future, and he no longer has to accept his mother's loving mother's love. Thinking of this, he is in a better mood. The younger brother expressed his sympathy, but it only lasted for three seconds.

"Xiaodong, do you still remember sister Shengnan?" Tang Xiaonan had nothing to say. Gu's house was far from the city, and it took more than an hour to drive, so he could only chat with his son.

"do not remember!"

Huo Dong decisively denied.

Tang Xiaonan felt a little regretful, "You are beautiful, multi-talented, good at learning, gentle and sensible, and a good girl out of ten thousand. Speaking of which, I have an agreement with your Aunt Lou."

Huo Dong's whole body stood up, wouldn't it be what he thought?

"Sheng Nan is two months younger than you, and your Aunt Lou doesn't know if it's a boy or a girl, so we'll just joke, if it's a daughter, I'll be your daughter-in-law..."

Before Tang Xiaonan finished speaking, he was interrupted by Huo Dong, "Mom, what's the age now, you and Aunt Lou are still engaging in this set of feudal customs, stop it, don't say such things in the future!"

Heaven and earth, is it really what he thought, he and Gu Shengnan?

Just thinking about it, it feels like the end of the world is coming, marrying Gu Shengnan, he would rather marry a female monkey!

Tang Xiaonan rolled his eyes again, and said angrily, "Don't worry, I'm sure I won't say it. You're not worthy of a victorious male, I don't have the face to say it!"

Huo Dong pouted, he really doesn't deserve that sinister woman, he doesn't deserve it!

Tang Qijin leaned into his ear and said with a hilarious smile, "My baby, tsk..."


Huo Dong bumped his elbow and stared at him angrily. He didn't have to do anything about this brother again. Tang Qijin knew his temperament, so he only made a joke and didn't mention it again, but he was thinking in his heart. Gu Shengnan.

Listening to my aunt's tone, she is obviously the kind of girl who is extremely boring. A stereotyped woman raised according to a mold has deliberately learned to laugh, which is even more standard than a robot. If you marry such a daughter-in-law, life will be so boring. !