Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 249: obvious difference

"Laifu, don't listen to the little girl's nonsense, she bit my Baomin first, look, the blood came out, and she kicked my family's Baomin's descendants, and she almost got kicked off. My wife was so angry that she taught her a lesson. ."

Huang Shilin summoned up the courage to defend, Yu Mengdi rolled up his eldest son's sleeve, revealing the place where Tang Xiaonan was bitten, the wound was really deep.

"You deserve to be bitten to death. Your family bullied my little girl, a six-year-old baby. Are you still human? Come to me if you have the ability, and my mother will chop you into meat floss and feed the pigs!" Xu Jinfeng scolded and looked at it with contempt. Huang Baomin, "A big man can't even beat my little girl, and his descendants deserve to be kicked off. You are such a useless man who can marry a fart daughter-in-law!"

As soon as Xu Jinfeng, who scolded the invincible of the entire team, came out, he immediately shocked the family, Yu Mengdi was not convinced, "We are planting beans here, this girl from your family is here to make trouble and spill all the beans, you don't educate them well. This girl, naturally someone will teach her a lesson!"

"That's not up to your old cousin to teach you a lesson!"

Xu Jinfeng didn't talk nonsense, she stepped forward and grabbed Yu Mengdi, her big ears swiped over, the crisp sound was more pleasant than a symphony, Tang Xiaonan's face didn't hurt so much, but she was still scared.

She vomited blood, how many years can she live?

Will she end up in a miserable and miserable end like Sister Lin did?

"It's alright, it's because the tooth fell out."

Huo Jinzhi picked up a small blood-stained tooth with a smile in his eyes. He was also frightened just now, thinking that Tang Xiaopang was really going to die, but luckily it was just a false alarm.

Tang Xiaonan licked his gums, the big tooth that was shaking before was gone, the tip of the tongue had a fishy smell, and the gums were still bleeding, probably because he bit Huang Baomin too hard just now.

Chang Chang heaved a sigh of relief, and her anxious heart fell to the ground. After her big teeth fell out, she could grow again. It was no big deal. She would definitely live a hundred years, and she might even break through one hundred and fifty. Anything is possible!

The big stone in Tang Laifu's heart also fell to the ground. It's fine if there is no internal injury. He probably checked it just now. There is no injury on his daughter, but his arm and face are severely injured, but they are only flesh wounds. However, these will bring benefits. ask for it back.

"You look at Xiao Nan."

Tang Laifu looked at Huo Jinzhi, his eyes softened a lot. Just now, Huo Jinzhi would rather be beaten by himself than try his best to protect his daughter.

Huo Jinzhi nodded heavily, took Tang Xiaonan's hand, and stepped aside, waiting to see Tang Laifu abuse the scumbag.

Su Wanrou came over crying, Pear Blossom with tears in her eyes, her eyes filled with concern and guilt, she reached out to touch the wound on Huo Jinzhi's face, but Huo Jinzhi squinted slightly, avoiding her hand, and there was still some impatience in her eyes .

In the past, he felt that protecting his mother was his duty as a son, and if he promised his father, he had to keep his promise, so no matter how weak or incompetent Su Wanrou was, he would not complain.

But today, with Tang Xiaonan's stark contrast, Huo Jinzhi felt impatient and even resentful for the first time.

Even Tang Xiaopang, a six-year-old girl who is not related to him by blood, was able to bravely stand in front of him, and because he was injured, Tang Xiaopang also resisted as much as he could, and caused damage to Huang Baomin. .

If Su Wanrou was half as fierce and brave as Tang Xiaopang, he probably wouldn't have to suffer so much in the past four years, right?

Su Wanrou's face was hurt, her self-blame and guilt made her cry even more, she was so useless, she couldn't do anything, she was the burden of her son!