Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 254: related to Shen Yuzhu

"Do you think Lao Tzu is as stupid as you, and you come to lie to Lao Tzu, and your bones are cheap?"

Tang Laifu smashed his fists a few times, Huang Shilin wailed in pain, "I didn't lie to you, oh...it's true, Baomin said that the Huo family had just hoeed a piece of land, and they were outsiders, they didn't dare to say anything when they took the land, I At that time, I was fascinated by ghosts, so I listened to what this little beast said, alas...don't fight..."

"Damn, tell your Uncle Laifu, you didn't say these words!"

Huang Shilin kicked his son a few times, Huang Baomin snorted a few times, his head was still stunned, he hummed, "I said... I said it, don't hit me... Dad!"

"How do you know that I hoeed a piece of land here? You haven't been up the mountain these days." Huo Jinzhi didn't believe it either. Huang Baomin only fought hard, and it was too difficult for him to be so rude. Maybe I will worry about the lack of place to grow beans at home, I am afraid there is another secret.

Moreover, Huang Baomin didn't go up the mountain at all these days. If he went up the mountain, he had to pass by his door, and Huo Jin never saw it. So, how did Huang Baomin know that he had hoeed this land?

"Listen to Weimin, he and Yuzhu came to chop wood a few days ago, and happened to see it."

Huang Baomin said vaguely, his eyes flickering.

Huo Jinzhi frowned, Huang Weimin and Shen Yuzhu?

"Which day? Why didn't I see it?"

"Just the day before yesterday, Wei Min said he saw it, but he didn't leave your door and went around." Huang Baomin raised his head, glanced at Huo Jinzhi, then lowered quickly, looking at the ghost.

"A thief will take a detour!" Tang Xiaonan scolded.

She intuition that this matter has something to do with Shen Yuzhu. Now she doesn't like this thoughtful woman at all, and Huang Baomin's mind is simple and rude, so she definitely can't think of grabbing the ready-made land, but if someone induces him in his ear, it will be different.

But why did Shen Yuzhu kill Huo Jinzhi and Grandpa Qi for no reason?

She and Grandpa Qi are learning English, and she has a good relationship with Huo Jin. Even if she doesn't reach out to help, she won't be behind the scenes, right?

Tang Xiaonan was a little shaken again, no matter how she thought about it, she couldn't think of any reason why Shen Yuzhu had murdered Huo Jinzhi, maybe she had wronged others.

When Huang Baomin heard the thief's bones, his bull's eyes glared, and his face became fierce, but Tang Laifu just snorted, and he immediately withered, and took his hand back honestly.

Huo Jinzhi had the same suspicion in his heart. Tang Xiaonan had already thought about it, and he knew Huang Baomin better than Tang Xiaonan. He was a idiot who was thicker than Tang Aijun. .

Not surprisingly, this instigator should be Shen Yuzhu.

But what is the purpose of Shen Yuzhu doing this, is it just because Grandpa Qi refused to teach her English?

Huo Jinzhi sneered secretly, if this was the only reason, it was because he was blind before and mistakenly regarded poisonous snakes as a good person. Although Tang Xiaopang used to be naughty and troubled, it was all a trick of the children's family, and he would not be behind the scenes. It's the same with the three Tang Aijun brothers.

That's why he was able to tolerate the Tang family's brothers and sisters for many years. The opponents who went straight to each other were far cuter than the villain who was sweet and belly.

"Oh...you beat someone to death...Huang Shilin, you're a bum, your wife is going to be beaten to death..."

Yu Mengdi screamed and scolded people, Xu Jinfeng grabbed her like a cat playing a mouse, her face was slapped like a pig's head, her eyes were narrowed into slits, she couldn't beat her, and she couldn't escape, Yu Mengdi simply sat down. Playing a rogue on the ground, wailing and wailing.
