Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 259: Toward Su Gangqiang

Tang Xiaonan was even more gratified. As long as she wanted to change, it was fine. To be honest, in this difficult environment, Sister Lin could train to become an Iron Lady, and Su Wanrou would definitely become Su Gangqiang.

"Aunt Su, my mother wants to catch a pig to raise, you can catch one too, and kill it for meat during the New Year."

Su Wanrou frowned, subconsciously feeling disgusted in her heart, pig manure is really smelly, but pork is also really fragrant, she can no longer be hypocritical.


Su Wanrou nodded. Others can kill New Year pigs during Chinese New Year, but her family can only eat sweet potatoes. It's all her fault. She will definitely be able to eat meat for Chinese New Year this year.

"Catch a few more chicks, and they can lay eggs every day."

Su Wanrou agrees. The big deal is that she raises a few fewer eggs. Even if she lays one egg a day, it is good. Both Jinzhi and Mr. Qi need nutrition. If they can eat one egg every day, their health will definitely be much better.

Mr. Qi was also interested and said with a smile: "You can also raise a few ducks and geese. There is a water pool on the side of the hill. I can put ducks along the way when I herd the cows, and the geese can also guard the house!"

Su Wanrou became more confident, as if she saw a group of chickens, ducks and geese laying eggs, and she was even very annoyed.

Tang Aijun dragged Huo Jinzhi to ask questions.

"Who did it?"

"Huang Baomin's family wanted to rob my land to grow beans, but Xiao Nan helped me to speak, and was beaten." Huo Jinzhi did not hide it, and told Huang Weimin's family to rob the land.

Tang Aijun scolded through gritted teeth, "Huang Weimin is getting impatient, I can't kill him!"

And Huang Baomin, who actually dared to slap Xiaonan, even though Tang Laifu had already taught him a lesson, Tang Aijun was still not satisfied. He felt that the punishment was too light, and both hands were discounted.

Huo Jinzhi pursed his lips tightly. He also wouldn't let Huang Weimin's family go. He didn't dare, but he would play yin. This was not over. He whispered a few words in Tang Aijun's ear, and Tang Aijun clicked. Nodding, "Just do it like this. When Huang Weimin is alone, block him. Huang Baomin often goes to his object, and we are blocked on the road."

The two exchanged glances and nodded slightly. The boat of friendship began to ride the wind and waves.

In the evening, Xu Jinfeng steamed the fresh and tender egg custard, Tang Xiaonan only ate half of it, her mouth was swollen, it hurts after one bite, her gums were swollen, half of her face was like a pig's head, she felt cold when she looked in the mirror, she was so ugly that she couldn't even see people Well, there is no appetite.

"Don't mind your own business in the future, it's not about robbing our family's land, what are you going to do!"

Xu Jinfeng was distressed and angry, the little girl wanted to stand up for others, and she didn't care how much she weighed.

"They've robbed Brother Huo's land. If the land is gone, Grandpa Qi and Brother Huo will starve. I'll take care of them. I'm not afraid of them!" Tang Xiaonan pouted. must manage.

"Then you can't be **** yourself, you look like a pig's head." Xu Jinfeng sneered, her heart still a little sour.

The little girl really cares about Huo Jinzhi's child, she remembers it all day long, but she doesn't care so much for her mother.

"got it."

Tang Xiaonan flattened her mouth, and the corners of her mouth twitched in pain. She hated Huang Baomin to death. This kind of man can marry a wife. That girl is really blind.

Tang Baishan and Zhang Manyue also came over after hearing the news. They asked what happened. Knowing that the Huang Shilin family did it, Tang Baishan's face darkened, and he turned to the Golden Bridge and said.

But in fact, there was no need for Tang Baishan to come to the door. The Huang Shilin family robbed the wasteland opened by Huo Jinzhi, beat Tang Xiaonan, and was taught by Tang Laifu and his wife. The story spread in the village.
