Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 293: Jealous Zhang Man Yue

"Children, don't worry about that."

Xu Jinfeng didn't take it to heart. A few years ago, the policy was tight and she really didn't dare to support her. Now she's relaxed. What's there to be afraid of? Besides, the eighteenth generation of her Tang family were poor peasants with upright roots, so she was afraid of shit!

Tang Baishan and Tang Laifu didn't care about it either, so Tang Xiaonan felt relieved. If it was really serious, the Tang family would definitely not be so calm. It should be just a trivial matter, right?

"There's one more thing. Don't make any noise about Alan's pregnancy before she's pregnant. Let's talk about it when she's stable."

Tang Laigui rode a few steps and returned, just like a worried aunt, Zhang Manyue became impatient, and said angrily: "I know, your wife is more expensive than the empress, and she won't say anything when she is born. ."

How can the rural people be so particular about giving birth when they are pregnant, and raising them when they are born. The normal thing is born to these two daughters-in-law. The normal thing has become abnormal. If you are pregnant, you may not be able to keep it.

It's not that she cursed the second child, but the child born from the second daughter-in-law's fetus is not expected to be too healthy. It would be troublesome to raise it safely!

But no matter what you say, having the second child is a happy event. Zhang Manyue is still very happy. She is so jealous that Tang Laigui cares more about her daughter-in-law than her mother.

Tang Laigui smiled mildly, the corners of his eyes were wrinkled with a few lines, and white hair could be vaguely seen along the sides of his mane. Zhang Manyue's heart softened again.

"Come on, let your daughter-in-law go to work, don't be rude, and you will fight for everything after the child is born."

"Well, Alan knows, let's go!"

Tang Laigui rode in the car and walked away, slowly walking away, the flashlight flickered, like dancing a waltz in the night sky.

Zhang Manyue let out a sigh of relief, the corners of her eyes and brows were also filled with joy, now only the third child's marriage is left, and if the third daughter-in-law is married, she will be able to breathe a sigh of relief and enjoy the evening!

Tang Xiaonan was lying beside the rabbit cage and teased with a wild lettuce leaf. The rabbit gnawed it very fast, clack, and it didn't take long for a wild lettuce to be eaten. Tang Xiaonan took another one to feed. Now there are wild animals everywhere on the mountain. Rabbits especially like to eat lettuce, and wild lettuce is nutritious. Rabbits grow fast and have a round stomach.

Wild lettuce is very similar to dandelion. Tang Xiaonan couldn't tell the difference at first, but Chai Yuxiang taught her for a long time to tell the difference. Rabbits also like to eat dandelion, because the stems of these two kinds of wild vegetables have milky white juice, which is said to be rich in starch.

People can also eat dandelion and wild lettuce. After blanching in boiling water, they are very delicious even with dried meat cloves. However, Mopanshan villagers rarely eat these, and they are all collected to feed pigs and chickens.

"You can eat it when it grows to seven or eight pounds." Zhang Manyue said with a smile.

Tang Xiaonan was a little reluctant. She raised such cute rabbits with her own hands, but it would be unrealistic not to eat them. Zhang Manyue would never agree to her raising these rabbits until old age.

In Zhang Manyue's perception, rabbits are raised for food. Except for dogs, other animals are food at the old lady's place. Zhang Manyue has no concept of pets at all.

Moreover, the dogs are limited to her own. She can eat the dogs of others.

"Xiao Nan, go back to sleep, and dream about what your second aunt's little brother looks like? Like your second uncle?" Zhang Manyue took her granddaughter out of the rabbit cage and had other plans in her mind.

It doesn't matter what she looks like, she only cares about her health. If she is ill, the second child will suffer.