Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 294: The **** outside is more fragrant

Tang Xiaonan's mouth twitched, she really regarded her as a magic stick, how could she know what her cousin looked like, and the book didn't say what she looked like, only that this poor cousin was a freak with a long tail. Not described.

She opened her eyes and looked at Zhang Manyue innocently, pretending to be stupid if she didn't know. This was the best way Tang Xiaonan could think of. Anyway, she was only six years old, so there were many things she didn't know.

Zhang Manyue smiled at her granddaughter's innocent eyes, and lightly tapped on her head.

Xu Jinfeng took over her daughter and said, "The gods will give instructions only if it's urgent. For example, Laifeng and the second sibling are two big things that depend on human life, so the gods entrust the little girl with dreams. As for what they look like, gods only I'm too lazy to care, anyway, it's not like the second child or the second younger brother and sister, you won't know until you are born."

"Yes, having the second child is a great event. You don't care who the child is like, it's fine if it's not like you." Tang Baishan joked.

Zhang Manyue immediately quit, and scolded with her arms on her hips: "It's not good for me, my mother can pick up the load and know how to chop wood and cook and farm the land, what's wrong? You old flower is still thinking about Zhang Taohua. That old slut, right? Go find her, she's married three times now, and if you marry her, one will die. If you married her back then, the grass on the tomb would grow three meters deep!"

Tang Xiaonan immediately became energetic. I didn't expect that all the men in the Tang family had a rich love history, even Tang Baishan. It sounds like that Zhang Taohua is a hard-working woman. Being a widow three times, this luck is also against the sky. .

"What nonsense are you talking about, what can Zhang Taohua and I have? It's inexplicable!"

Tang Baishan became angry, got up in anger, and went out with his hands behind his back.

"Where are you going to die at night?" Zhang Manyue roared.

"Go to Lao Liujia!"

Tang Baishan's voice gradually faded away. When it came to Zhang Taohua, Zhang Manyue would never be at peace within an hour. Tang Baishan had already experienced it, so he should go to Tang Shaozheng's house to avoid the limelight and come back to discuss how to deal with Huang Fengxian's family.

"It's not a good thing to look for the flirtatious embryo of Lao Liu all day long."

Zhang Manyue scolded a few words in a low voice. The brothers in the Tang family are all romantic embryos. Tang Shaozheng is definitely No. 1. That is to say, it is only now that he is older. , if Tang Baishan hadn't managed it well, his old relationship with Zhang Taohua would have rekindled.

"Is Zhang Taohua the widow who married to Liuxia Village? I heard someone say a few days ago that Sixth Uncle and Zhang Taohua also had an affair, and someone saw it." Xu Jinfeng lowered her voice and wentssips with great interest.

Zhang Manyue's eyes lit up, "Who did you listen to?"

"Many people said that everyone in Liuxia Village knew about it, but it was a few years ago, and now I don't know if there is any contact."

Zhang Manyue sneered and sneered: "Lao Liu is really not picky about food, good and bad can be eaten, and it's not too dirty."

"Aren't men like this, the **** outside is more delicious than the rice at home." Xu Jinfeng squinted at Tang Laifu, pointing at Sang and scolding Huai.

Zhang Manyue nodded, "That's right, men have such stinky virtues."

"I'm home, my little girl is sleepy."

Tang Laifu was a little annoyed, what did he do to him? He didn't mess around outside, but now he was really afraid of Xu Jinfeng. The last time he almost killed Xiao Nan with a knife, he didn't dare to provoke this tiger lady again.
