Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 421: Inquire about the father's news

The latest website: "Who asked you to call and tell the second uncle that we are in Yangcheng. When I go back, my **** will be opened, so why don't you eat some peppers!" Tang Aijun shouted confidently.

Ma Xiangdong glanced at Tang Laijin, who was tearful and snotted. The corners of his mouth twitched, and he refused to persuade him. He ate peanuts and drank a little wine, watching the uncle and nephew fall in love with each other and kill each other.

Tang Laijin's tongue was numb, he spoke with a big tongue and stammered, "I... If I knew that you lied to your brother and sister-in-law, I could take you out as a bastard? Go back and your **** will bloom, I... just... it won't bloom anymore. ...hiss...it's so hot, I beat you to death, you bastard!"

"You can come out without lying to me? You can think of your ass!"

"You stop for you!"

"Don't stand, you can fight if you have the ability!"


The uncle and nephew chased me in the room. After a long quarrel, Tang Laijin didn't even touch the corner of Tang Aijun's clothes, but he was so tired that he was out of breath and sweating. The **** got off the donkey, glared at Tang Aijun, and sat down to drink with Ma Xiangdong.

Ma Xiangdong and Tang Laijin were both in a good mood, and they had a thousand cups of confidants. They killed two bottles of shochu. Ma Xiangdong had an alcohol test, but he was only slightly drunk, but Tang Laijin was so drunk that he couldn't speak clearly. After a while, he snored.

"I'm so happy today, go back, you all go to bed earlier, and go around the city tomorrow, it's rare to come here!"

Ma Xiangdong stumbled a little while walking, Huo Jinzhi supported him and took him back to his room, and he still had something to ask for Ma Xiangdong's help.

After returning to the room, Ma Xiangdong washed his face with cold water and woke up quite a bit. He smiled and waved at Huo Jinzhi, "Go back to sleep!"

"Uncle Ma, I want to ask you to help find someone." Huo Jinzhi was very direct.


Ma Xiangdong looked surprised and did not answer.

"My father, Huo Xiu, is about the same age as you. I'm not sure where he lives, but he definitely hasn't left Province Z."

Huo Jinzhi gave a general description of his father's appearance and features, as well as the most important information, "My father should have done a lot of business, he bought a lot of goods from Mad Master, cloth, radios, and TV recorders. "

"Your father and son are separated?"

Huo Jinzhi nodded, "I separated four years ago. I heard about him today from Mad Master, and I asked Uncle Ma to help me find him."

"Sure, I'll ask someone to inquire. As long as your father doesn't leave the province, he will definitely be able to find it. How can I contact you if there is any news?" Ma Xiangdong readily responded~lightnovelpub.net~ He also appreciated Huo Jinzhi even more. , he lost his father's care four years ago, and the seven or eight-year-old child can take care of himself and his mother so well, so capable, the two silly boys in his family can't compare at all.

"If you have a letter, send a telegram to the address..."

Huo Jinzhi wrote the address of Mopan Mountain to Ma Xiangdong.

"Don't worry, I have some friends from all over the world. You should be able to find out. You can wait for my good news at home." Ma Xiangdong patted Huo Jinzhi on the shoulder, it was really difficult for this child.

"Thank you Uncle Ma!"

Huo Jinzhi bowed sincerely, he remembered all those who helped him, and he would repay them in the future.

"Thank you, get up!"

Ma Xiangdong helped Huo Jinzhi up, and felt in his heart, this child really doesn't look like a child, and his ability makes people feel distressed. If only he had such a sensible son.