Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 537: divorce

"Go to sleep!"

The old lady wiped her hands with Sipa, and looked at Gu Songtao indifferently, with obvious disgust in her eyes, the grandson has already made a lot of money, and there is no need for this trashy snack to exist.

She endured for forty-five years, and finally waited for this day, but it was a pity that the **** couldn't see it, and she still regretted it.

But she doesn't have much time. She doesn't know how many years she can live with her current body. Before she dies, she must get rid of this waste and not let him drag her grandson down.

"Cough...you...you are so cruel...I'm your son!"

Gu Songtao wanted to spit out the concoction, but only got a more violent cough. The lung tube was coughed out, the chest was full of pain, and the throat was still sweet. Gu Songtao was desperate.

He was afraid that he could not wait to be reunited with his father.

He is dying!

The old lady sneered, looked at him mockingly, said nothing, and left with an empty bowl.

Gu Songtao coughed again for a while, then fell into a drowsy sleep, lying on the bed lifeless, as if dead, the faint heaving of his chest indicated that he was still alive.

Days passed by, Huo Jinzhi had been in Yangcheng for a long time this time, and he had not come back after more than half a week. Mopanshan had already begun to prepare for the double robbery. On the ground, this year is another harvest year.

Huang Fengxian never went out, as if she was forgotten by everyone. No one mentioned her, and she no longer appeared in the public eye. Only Shen Yuzhu appeared from time to time, but she was cautious in her words and deeds.

Tang Xiaonan hadn't seen Shen Yuhai for several days, and later learned that Shen Yuhai had given it away. It was a family that Huai Lin's mother had entrusted to find and lived in the county town. Although Huang Fengxian was reluctant to bear it, she couldn't afford it anymore, so she could only send her precious son to her. Man, after she has soared, she will bring her son back.

However, a major event still happened in Mopanshan. Huang Fengxian and Shen Lixia divorced. Divorce at this time is definitely new, but Huang Fengxian's divorce is also expected by everyone. Which man is willing to guard his broken shoes.

"It was proposed by Huang Fengxian, Shen Yuzhu is hers, Shen Lixia was driven out, and now there is no place to stay." Mrs. Accountant reported the latest news.

"Then she has no salary and no work points, how could she dare to divorce?" Xu Jinfeng couldn't understand, shouldn't she be stalking Shen Lixia at this time?

The accountant said disdainfully: "Shen Lixia's half-life work points can't even support herself, Huang Fengxian can get a fart, it's better to ask her daughter over, and after a few years of raising her, she will be able to marry off and receive a betrothal gift. "

"It's true, Shen Yuzhu is ten years old and can work again. It's not a loss for this daughter to come here."

Lou Juxiang suddenly said: "I heard that Huai Linniang is looking for a man for Huang Fengxian~lightnovelpub.net~ Tang Xiaonan's spirit is lifted, Huang Fengxian is planning to remarry?

No wonder he wanted to kick Shen Lixia away, but now which man can have the spirit of sacrifice to marry a notorious woman like Huang Fengxian?

"A cousin and niece of Madam Huailin's family married in a coal mine in Jiangxi Province. There are many bachelors and high wages. Madam Huailin wants to bring Huang Fengxian to the coal mine." Lou Juxiang said in a soft voice.

"Which one did you hear?" Others were curious, they didn't even know the news.

Lou Juxiang pursed her lips and smiled, "It was said by Huai Lin's daughter-in-law, she heard what Huai Lin Niang and Huang Yinqiao said."

Although she didn't deal with Huang Fengxian, she had a good relationship with Huang Huailin's wife, so she knew some inside information.

Xu Jinfeng patted his thigh in anger, "It's cheap!"


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