Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 538: jealous

Not only Xu Jinfeng was angry, but other people were also angry, how could Huang Fengxian marry a man with a salary, such a stinky watch should spend the rest of his life as a beggar. People shout to fight to relieve their anger!

But now Huang Fengxian is going to marry into the coal mine. The mountains are high and the rivers are long, separated by a province. Who knows the pickled things done by this stinky watchman. In another year and a half, there may not be much in Huaquan Township. People remember, time is the best forgetting agent, and when everyone has almost forgotten, Huang Fengxian can be a new person again, and even return home.

Tang Xiaonan clenched her fists in anger, God is blind, how can you turn such a vicious woman over? No, Huang Fengxian must not be married to a coal mine, and this woman must not have a chance to turn around.

"I heard that the salary of coal mines is very high. Those who go down can get more than 40 yuan, and they still have 45 catties of grain in a month." Lou Fengxia said in a breath.

Xu Jinfeng's heart skipped a beat, her forehead tightened, and her whole body was not feeling well. She asked nervously, "Who did you listen to? Are coal mine wages so high?"

Tang Laigui is a skilled worker, only in his early 40s a month, and his salary is higher than that of cadres, but he does not have 45 catties of grain, only 38 catties, and the college students assigned by the winery are only more than 30 yuan.

"Someone from my mother's family also married a coal mine in Gan Province. She came back and said that not all people have high wages, but only those who go down the mine are so high. It is dangerous to go down the mine, and if an accident happens, it will be gone, so they get high wages, and The family members will also arrange work. The person my parents married is the captain, and they are arranged to manage the warehouse. They are very leisurely, and there are more than 20 yuan a month!"

Lou Fengxia's tone is very envious. The one who married to the coal mine is her cousin, but she has five clothes, and the composition is not very good. She is a middle peasant and doesn't move around very much. It is also because the composition is not good. The beautiful and capable cousin is in this village. She didn't marry well, so she married a coal mine as soon as she got angry. Her cousin-in-law was thirteen or fourteen years older than her. At that time, the villagers laughed at her, but now they are envious of her.

My cousin is articulate, good at housekeeping, and ingenious. After arriving at the coal mine, she became popular with the mine manager and the secretary’s wife. When she first went to the coal mine, she could only work as the hardest coal picker, which was no easier than going down the mine.

When a big truck came to the coal mine to pull coal, someone had to pick the coal onto the truck and put down two wooden boards from the truck. The female family members picked the coal onto the truck and raced against time, because there were dozens of vehicles waiting behind, and if the time was delayed, they would be arrested. Kick out the coal picking team.

Working from morning to night, he was covered in coal ash, he could only see his two nostrils, eyes and mouth, and his salary was not high, because he was a temporary worker, and all the dirty work was done by temporary workers.

Lou Fengxia’s cousin has worked as a coal picker for three years. She never complained when she came back, but said that she was very good. Later, she established a good relationship with the leading ladies. Every time she returned to her parents’ home, she would bring goods to Songcheng for them. As soon as he grew up, he became best friends with the leading wives. After three years, he became a regular worker, and the salary was easy and high.

(The author has lived in coal mines since he was a child and dealt with coal every day. People at that time lived really hard, no matter men or women)

After Lou Fengxia said this, the sour gas in the room became even stronger, Xu Jinfeng was so sour that she couldn't even do her work, Huang Fengxian was not happy when her life was good, and Zhang Manyue was the same.

Several women have no intention of working, and they are jealous and hateful towards Huang Fengxian, but they can't think of a good way to deal with it.

"Why don't you open your eyes, let this watch fall into the water and drown!" Xu Jinfeng held back for a long time.


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