Druid of Marvel

Chapter 11: Old professor and supercomputer

Nicolas Cage, a retired professor in the Department of Mathematics at Ebara Columbia University, has taken over the school since Alvin took over.

This old guy who has the same name as a Hollywood star whom Alvin knew in his life, is rude and obese, and has the personality of a traditional western cowboy. Although he was not so willing when he came, he even fiercely resisted. But three or five times after being "invited" by Alvin to visit the school. His enthusiasm for teaching was stimulated at this time. According to his original words, it probably means that although this school's system may not be able to teach Einstein, it will definitely cultivate a large number of mathematical talents. He loves the school's teaching system, and students don't do their homework and get double punishment. The student is disrespectful to the teacher and the Correctional Services Department will teach him to be a man. The student made a big mistake, so the small black house in the warehouse will make him regret his life.

This place is more like a prison than a school, but the old guy thinks that it is the place where students can be most trained and the justice for the future of students. There is no class difference here, all students are treated equally and their heroes are scored. Instead of like the outside school, the children have quietly completed the class grading for them at the learning stage. Children of ordinary families are learning happily and growing up happily. Children from wealthy families attending prestigious schools face enormous learning pressure and have to take other courses such as art in their spare time. When they start college entrance exams or face society, the children of rich people will have a much higher starting point and a much easier life than the children of ordinary people.

Here, all children are the same. Even members of the school team of basketball, baseball, and rugby at all levels must ensure that they pass the exam in order to participate in training. Alvin doesn't believe in nonsense like learning talent. You can play sports and understand tactics, then you can pass the exam. The classmates of Alvin's son in his last life had an IQ test of only 85 points, but they passed every course taught by their teacher. So here, Alvin doesn't believe in tears, he just believes in achievements.

"Damn, Alvin, you kidnapped me here and asked me to teach the students, I'm here. But what did you do with this asshole? You used the money to raise the wall, and even **** the grid! I do n’t object to you doing this, but you fucking, can you buy the teaching equipment I wrote to you first, I do n’t even have a decent computer. You bastard, if I ca n’t see me this week I want a computer, I **** ~~ "

Alvin, staring at the old guy, uttering the words to leave, so he agreed to push the boat and sent him home to care for the elderly. Old things want a multimedia teaching center, Alvin promised, but you are asking for a supercomputer, it ’s too much, although the teachers who bought the whole thing can use it, but even the supercomputer that is eliminated is millions of dollars. s price. Where can Alvin find such money? Did they take some big dogs to rob Stark Building and take back the supercomputer?

The old Kage Qi thought for a while that his old age career was here. He couldn't say what he wanted to leave, and he said for a long time: "I **** ~ I will complain to you at the Ministry of Education!"

Alvin shook his head in disappointment and said, "Professor Cage, you have to understand that our school is not rich! What can you complain about when you go to the Ministry of Education? Our students are in grade 12 at the highest. What do they want? Use it? You see, Principal Nelson has a little funding for the school, and the toiled hair is white. You are an old professor, you need to understand it? You can rest assured that supercomputers will have it. We call it bitterness before sweetness. When the situation in the school improves a bit, we'll start working on this right away. "

The words of the Chinese state are: The stones in the pit are stinky and hard. They are talking about people like Professor Cage. After listening to Alvin's words, Professor Cage was unmoved and looked at Alvin with contempt. At first glance, you are an uneducated asshole. Do you want to run the school well, is the teacher unimportant? Do you know how many high-level talents in mathematics and physics study in the United States, in order to verify the results of their experiments, they are waiting in line The supercomputer in the school? As long as you have it, the seniors who believe it or not will be able to break your threshold! You ignorant idiot only knows building walls and building, but not talent is the key to a school. "

I listened to the old professor's words, and Alvin was attentive. Although he hadn't gone to college, the most important thing about talents was that he had heard them. Is it really good for you to despise me so naked?

Alvin heard his heartbeat, but he was still a bachelor's hand and said, "No money, what should I do!"

The old man scolded Fang Yan's instructions, "No money? Find gangsters in Hell's Kitchen, their children all have to go to school here. Schools need it, shouldn't parents do something. According to my understanding, Hell's Kitchen is large and small. 20 Multiple gangs, each with an average of 100,000, is almost enough. I have an old friend at the Columbia University Materials Office, and they are looking to transfer a supercomputer, and I can get a good price. " Alvin frowned, a gesture of someone above me.

Alvin listened to Professor Cage and took a breath. This **** is a professor or a ring horse, who is a gangster. How did he, a robber, live to his seventies in the dangerous world of Marvel?

However, buying a supercomputer for 2 million is a very good deal. It can be a whimsical idea to find the gang to pay the expenses. These little gangsters are not Jin Bing. They have a great career and a little money has nothing to do with him. These little gangsters, if you ask him to shave a dollar, he will get five dollars from other places. Alvin would never do such a thing.

I ca n’t say that asking for money from the gangsters is asking for money. This name is definitely not good. They have to ask for donations. It depends on the quality of school teaching and the rate of advancement this year. UU reading books www. Uukanshu.com has a rate of advancement, so that the bosses know that their children can take a different path from themselves. It is easy to make a donation, but it is really not working now.

Alvin rubbed his nose, wondering if he was looking for gold and resolving his fate, but he caught a sheep and gnawed at the wool so that the sheep would go crazy.

Alvin looked helplessly at Professor Cage and said, "Professor, it is the worst way to find gangsters for money. You ca n’t do it. You can talk to that first. It ’s really impossible. I will draw a part from the budget of the teaching building. Nelson is trying to get a loan. But this semester must be done well. There can be no fools without a supercomputer. There is no high school in the United States who dares to do supercomputers. "Alvin also had no choice but to himself Kengmeng abducted and brought back an uncle. The uncle's ability is nothing to say, but he is too bad-tempered and always loses his temper, which can't stand it.

The old man was very satisfied with Alvin's low posture, straightened his tie, and proudly said, "This is my responsibility. There are several children in grade 12 who are fine. I can write a recommendation letter to them and try it at Columbia University. . I talked to Professor Wilson. This year's ATC test, half of these kids can pass 22. They are mixed, and the only thing I like about you is the teaching system you set. Horse training ca n’t be done without a whip. ”Then the tone A change, like a usury account, "Hurry up to get the money, the supercomputer must be pulled back first. The money for the building will let Nelson go for a loan. I can introduce him to several banks, and the people there are mine. student."

The old man looked like a usury who was pressing to sign. Alvin and Nelson were resolute and nodded in agreement.

The old man saw Alvin agree and patted his shoulder happily, "You won't regret it!"