Druid of Marvel

Chapter 14: I also have a daughter

Alvin was busy until 1 pm and all 50 steaks were sold out. Alvin, who was fine, walked to the bar, turned out a jar of wolfberry from the cabinet, and made himself a cup of wolfberry tea. When I went out to work every day in my life, my wife would give him a mug with a thermos cup, and he would wolfberry, make a colored joke with his wife, endure a few iron fists, and go to work refreshingly. . Now I can only make myself a cup like veteran cadres and miss it.

After a while, he was awakened by the knock of the bar, his eyes refocused, and it was Jessica.

"What's wrong? You're looking for the wrong money again? To tell you to go to school more, you just don't want to!" Alvin said a little confused, totally disregarding Jessica's ugly face.

He suffered an iron fist, and Alvin was fully awake now. "Hey ~ how can a lady hit her boss? Withhold your salary."

Jessica wasn't scared at all, glaring at Alvin, muttering in a low voice, "It's better to buckle up and support me forever."

With a forefinger, Alvin knocked on Jessica's forehead and said, "A big girl, what do you think in your mind every day? Still raising you forever? A man will tell you in the future that he will keep you forever. , You give him a punch, and promise not to be wronged. Like a fool! "

Jessica faced bitterly, making a weeping and sobbing look, staring at a pair of deer eyes, looking at Alvin.

Alvin hugged his shoulders with both hands, soothed, the goosebumps one after another, said, "Hurry up and work, you fool, do me the work honestly, someone will chase you later, pull over, I will check you . The province was fooled and we don't know. "

Jessica said with a face, "Hum ~", "Don't worry about it, I know what to look for!"

"Well, don't be like me, then you can't find it. I won't just leave you alone, the boss and my woman must be above 36D." Alvin stared at Jessica. An average-sized chest, said.

Jessica recalled that the boss and the woman with a beautiful face, Dalia and Lilith, were all women with huge chests. His face was ugly, and he wrinkled his nose and hummed, Ao Jiao turned to clear the table. I even forgot to tell him just now.

"Boss, that's a good girl. You're not gentle enough to her like this." The blond elite came together and touched fists with Alvin, and made a few gestures while learning how to be black. Want Alvin to cooperate with him. Alvin looked at him like a joke. The young blonde was not discouraged. He laughed twice and said, "Very good steak!" After turning, meeting and waiting for his companions at the door, bragging with them, see, I know this boss He is the godfather of this street.

Soon after the young man left, an old Ford car stopped at the restaurant door, the cab door opened, JJ got out of the car, came to the co-pilot, and took out a 16-7-year-old black boy from the inside. With a bandage on it, looking at the blood on the bandage, it should not hurt lightly.

In the back seat, Professor Wilson took a 5-6 year old brown-haired girl out of the car. Walk into the restaurant with JJ and teenager.

Seeing that the old professor's face was not so good, Alvin sank a little.

Jessica sensibly greeted Professor Wilson and the little girl to sit down and poured them a glass of water.

Alvin looked at JJ, Shen Shen asked: "What's going on?"

JJ slammed the back of the black boy hard. He bent down and raised his hand to stop the black boy who wanted to turn back to fight back. Shen said, "This boy hurt Mrs. Wilson."

Seeing Alvin was about to occur, Professor Wilson, quickly got up, waved his hand, and said, "It's not an injury, just a push, a fall, and the doctor said that two days of rest would be all right." Wen, Professor Wilson said apologetically, "Instead, Ginny scratched Jason's arm. That's why I came to you, Alvin. I'm sorry, it's bothering you."

I heard that Mrs. Wilson was okay, and Alvin was a little relieved that Professor Wilson and his wife were now the backbone of the school. I didn't bother with the boy struggling in JJ's hands first. It was looking at the little girl who had been holding the old professor's corner, knowing that she was the little girl that Professor Wilson wanted him to adopt.

Alvin always wanted a daughter when he hadn't crossed the whole life, but his family and his wife were worried that they would be sad when they had a son. So I have not made up my mind. Before getting married in this life, a daughter was delivered. Although in the morning, I was a little dissatisfied with Professor Wilson's unauthorized decision, but now I saw a little girl with pink carvings and looked at him with the look of a frightened beast. Alvin felt his heart melted. Wherever there is a traffic control, one look is the gang reserve that is mixed up in the streets of Hell's Kitchen.

Alvin squatted down, looked at the little girl with a gentle smile, and said, "You are Ginny, aren't I? My name is Alvin!" Alvin extended his hand to Ginny after that.

Alvin was like a kind father at this time, with a warm smile on his face, looking forward to his daughter. It's strange to see this expression on the average 25-year-old youth, but there is a strange harmony in Alvin, as if he was born like this.

I don't know if it was Alvin's infection or Professor Wilson's encouragement. Ginny slowly reached out her hand and touched her finger in the open palm of Alvin, and quickly closed it back. There are "fear", "uncertainty", and "expectation" hanging on it.

Alvin spread his hands, motionless, but looked at Ginny with anticipation, his eyes full of encouragement.

Ginny looked at Alvin, then Professor Wilson, and nodded at her with encouragement from Professor Wilson. Slowly loosened the professor's horns, like a beast looking for food, his hands tentatively touching Alvin's palm. UC Reading www.uukanshu.com

Alvin waited patiently, the smile on his face became brighter, this is a very insecure, extremely sensitive little girl. Alvin would never hesitate to give her the love that her daughter should have left in her life.

Finally, the small palm was placed on the big palm. Ginny felt the warmth of Alvin's palm, warm. Ginny liked the feeling very much, and in her memory, only Alvin had given it to her. Very warm and safe. She wandered through many places, but in a messy and shabby neighborhood, in a restaurant called the Peace Hotel, she felt like never before. The old professor's wife gave her a sense of kindness and kindness, but Alvin gave her warmth and protection.

The little girl was fond of the temperature of Alvin's palm, unwilling to let go, and timidly pointed at herself with her left finger, and whispered, "Ginny, me, Ginny."

Alvin happily clenched his right hand and wrapped Ginny's small hand in his big hand. Learning Ginny's words, he pointed to himself with his left finger and said, "Alvin, me, Alvin."

Ginny finally let go of her alert, a small smile on her face, pointed to Alvin, and said, "Alvin, you, father." Apparently Professor Wilson had mentally built Ginny before coming.

But who cares? Alvin just felt his own heart, happy to explode. He smiled happily, nodded, and pointed to himself, "I, Alvin, Dad"

Ginny's smile was a little bigger. She took Alvin's hand and buried her little face in, like a little dog returning home, squinting her eyes, and sniffing Alvin's taste greedily.

Alvin was holding Ginny's little face in one hand, and stroking her brown hair with one hand, and her sense of accomplishment was so amazing that I was also a daughter.