Druid of Marvel

Chapter 1445: All 4 songs are light

Fox upholds the spirit of the hell's kitchen, and has no affection for all vampires, let alone a "scarred" vampire?

The little vampire lover of Professor Wilson also relied on the "prestige" of the professor to add golden eyes and the ability to walk day by day, so that people gradually forgot that she was a vampire.

Sabina retched with a grimace over her chest. She saw Fox pull a pistol at her white, square face ...

"Dodge, Edward, dodge ..."

Sabbana didn't finish ...

A "bang" shot, and a bullet flew over Edward's cheek, white and square ...

Fox looked at Edward with a white face a bit accidentally. He avoided his bullet with a speed that was invisible to the naked eye, bent over and picked up Sabina, and rushed towards the two entangled wolves ...

The ghost wolf Sol played a brown giant wolf that was three times larger than his own.

Ghost wolves have very sensitive perception, they can detect whether the opponent is hostile, or the depth of hostility ...

Then use your own judgment to decide how to "punish" these visitors.

Therefore, the brown wolf was not torn into pieces by the ghost wolf Sol, and the ghost wolf Dom who had been lying on the door of the restaurant passively did not have any intention to join ...

Now these five ghost wolves have become the hallmark of the Hell's Kitchen, and the other three streets where the three ghost wolves "Sparta", "Athens" and "Rome" are resident, the house prices are 50% higher than other places in the Hell's Kitchen.

Because they behave really kindly, as long as you are not looking for trouble, they generally treat you as non-existent.

And occasionally someone finds them to take photos, these ghost wolves will look at the mood to meet the requirements of those fans.

When Edward passed the battle between the two wolves, he swayed his legs and tried to kick the flying ghost wolf Thor, to make a clearance for the brown giant wolf.

As a result, a bullet hit Edward's calf just as he swinged his leg ...

The special bullet with huge kinetic energy penetrated the muscles of the calf, and took Edward's calf to swing at an awkward angle, causing him to lose the center of gravity and fall to the ground.

Ghost Wolf Thor screamed at Fuchs in dissatisfaction, which meant a little dissatisfaction with the hostess's unauthorized intervention.

Look down on the wolf?

A strong paw hit the brown wolf's chin, dislodging the big wolf's jaw that has been beaten from beginning to end ...

After the ghost wolf Sol succeeded, Lisuo shook his head and waved his tail, accumulating strength and hitting Edward's back ...

This slammed a terrible fracture in Edward's waist ...

In the arms of Edward's arms, Sabina straightened her body in the air, walked two steps while holding Edward, who was "half-legged," and yelled, "Enough ..."

I don't know if Sabina's screaming played a role, or for some other reason. Ghost Wolf Sol shook his head anxiously, slowly retreated to the entrance of the restaurant, and looked up with Ghost Wolf Dom The roof of the apartment opposite ...

Although the heads are different in color, they are obviously a breed of brown wolves, and they fell down fiercely from the roof.

Alvin curiously walked out of the restaurant and looked at the giant wolves, then suddenly turned back, watching a few children crowded in the window and widened their eyes, watching the giant wolves commenting and commenting.

Little Ginny is holding a tablet computer in front of her ...

Seeing his dad find himself having a bad job, the little girl blinked big eyes and grinned with an awkward smile in her mouth, and whispered, "OOPS ~ finished ..."

The little girl waved her hand at Alvin, looked at Alvin with a silly look, and said, "Dad, are these friends of Messimos?

They look so handsome, can we go and see? "

Nick looked up at Alvin, who was expressionless. He smiled and said, "Hey, Dr. Banner may not be here today. Let's accompany Ginny to class.

Julie rested, she let us play for a while, really ... "

As Nick retreated into the room and held the tablet in Ginny's hand, he kept arguing with Julie inside, begging her for help ...

After the soft-hearted Julie agreed, Nick held the tablet out of the window and pointed the computer to Alvin, saying, "Look, what I said is true ..."

Alvin smirked at Julie in the computer, he waved his hand and said to Nick: "Look at my sister, don't let her fall ..."

Nick heard the excitement and shoved the tablet to Little Ginny, asking her to point the camera out the window ...

Then she walked around Ginny's neck and said to Alvin, "Relax, I'll fall, Ginny won't fall."

The atmosphere that was very serious was agitated by a few children, and it became a little bit ...

Alvin watched Ginny's cute tongue out, signalling that Nickler was tight ...

She shook her head helplessly, and Alvin looked at the anger Sabana and said, "What is your combination?

Another vampire, and another wolf ...

Is the "Angel" recruitment criteria a bit weird? "

Shirley didn't know when she came out. She glanced at the wolves and the square-faced vampire, shook her head, and said, "It's impossible, the first-line agent of 'Angel' must be a woman."

Speaking of Shirley, she looked at Sabina with a strange expression and said, "Maybe our" Little Angel "is not as honest as we think ...

These should be her backhand, or why she was recruited by ‘Angels’.

What a pity they don't seem to understand here! "

When Shirley was talking, a young wolf ran to the brown wolf whose jaw was crooked. He glanced at Sabina first, then lowered her head and tried to arch the brown wolf ...

Watching the brown wolf stand up tremblingly and trembling, but the twisted chin makes it groan in pain, the young wolf made an angry howl at the two ghost wolves ...

The howling of the young wolf seemed to be the horn of war. A few later wolf began to pace slowly to find the attack position ...

Sabina knows the seriousness of the matter, it is one thing to leave herself a backhand to escape, but attacking the Peace Hotel is another ...

Seeing that Alvin didn't even care about the child, he knew that he didn't care about his strength at all.

She glanced anxiously at Edward, who was slowly returning to her normal face, and shouted at the wolves, "Don't do this ..."

Before Sabina's words were finished, a huge gray wolf head protruded from the alley on the side of the Peace Hotel ...

The real giant wolf, Messimos, looked at a few of his own, and he uttered a cheerful howl, shaking his head out of the alley ...

Several horse-sized giant wolves looked at the real giant wolves who were 3 meters tall and 6 or 7 meters in length. They were surrounded by their teeth, back to back, and screamed with a shriek ...

The emergence of Messimos did not destroy the fighting will of those giant wolves. No matter what, it seems that they always have the courage to face the same kind of ...

But when the 5-meter-tall chimp Caesar appeared, a significantly younger wolf in the giant wolf group began to growl with anxiety.

Caesar shoved a pumpkin into his mouth, and the chewing juice splashed, and the orange pumpkin juice covered the corners of his mouth, making Caesar particularly terrible.

Caesar, the second strongest gorilla in New York, swallowed the pumpkin in his mouth, and a pair of thick forelimbs like Roman stone pillars walked a few steps on the ground and came to the wolf ...

Looking at a few "wolves" that were shrinking, Caesar looked around with a dignified mouth, and then made a huge roar at them ...

The splash of pumpkin juice wetted a giant wolf's face, but it didn't dare to move in the slightest.

The majestic Caesar turned his head and looked at his partner, Mesmos, and proudly uttered a "chuckling" laugh. He trot in two steps and bumped his tongue as if he was Husky's Mesmos. Follow up ...

Alvin covered her face a bit embarrassed and sighed ...

The two super beasts that looked like "everywhere invincible" just a few seconds ago are like two under-aged silly children mingling together. You hit me, I scratch you. Happy ...

Several giant wolves looked at each other, and they began to think slowly that Sabana was near.

It's weird and terrible here, it's better to retreat first!

When they acted, a drum-like heavy hoof sound came out of that terrible alley.

The headed wolf can't wait to sigh "How else?" And led his brothers to start shrinking, ready to see what terrible things this time.

Anyway, I ca n’t beat one, but one more is just a few more ...

With all expectations, the wild boar-sized Triceratops Wilde rushed out in the alley with paved pavement.

Then Wilde, the two mutant brothers, rushed into the presence of the giant wolf, and thought of looking up at them ...

Looking at several giant wolves larger than the horse, staring at his eyes inconceivably, Wilde made an emergency brake, and passed the giant wolves in high speed ...

Then Wilde roared like a duck in his mouth, rushed to the two tall brothers, and his two front hooves lifted up on Mesmos's fat **** ...

Nick also wanted to cheer on his reserve horse, but when he saw that Wilde was extremely immature, Nick shook his head helplessly and said, "I don't know if Wilde can grow up ...

The stupid swollen dragon in Stark's house is braver than it! "

Little Ginny pulled Nick's arm excitedly and said with a smile: "Nick, you can do it. Wilde is the best dragon, you are the best dragon knight!"

Said Little Ginny waved at Da Bai, who walked along the wall under the window, and shouted, "Da Bai ..."

Alvin anxiously looked at the fat white that was no longer bear-shaped, maintaining the shape of the national treasure, shaking it to his side, hitting Hatch, and then shaking the fatty meat that was radiating with oil and water, Then he sat on the ground with his buttocks, which was a platform for his little brother ...

Hearing Xiao Jinni's shout, Da Bai turned to look at the little master with the big peanut eyes in the black eye sockets, waved the bear's paw, and said hello.

Alvin kicked anxiously annoyingly, only responsible for the coquettish stupid bear ...

Glancing at Groot looking at the situation from the alley, Alvin shook his head sympathetically at a few giant wolves and two little vampire lovers.

This lineup is a bit too cruel even for the living people on their side!

The square-faced vampire Edward finally recovered from his serious injuries. He glanced at the terrible beasts and looked at Sabina with an incredible look. "What the **** is this place?

What are you doing here?

Come back with me, Bella, Carlisle is looking for a friend trying to reach an agreement with that lunatic Russell.

What he is going to hunt are those violent giants, not us ...

You renamed Sabina to join the Agents Organization, UU Reading www. uukanshu.com does nothing for our situation! "

Sabina bit her lower lip and looked at her "country boyfriend". He lived so long that he had lost his curiosity about the world.

Edward didn't know such a famous place in Hell's Kitchen, which made Sabana even more determined to continue her career.

"We must have someone come out and integrate into this world, otherwise we cannot coexist in harmony with humanity.

Edward, I love you because you are human ...

I love the entire Karen family!

But if we continue this way, we can only be slowly squeezed to the edge of the world.

We don't **** blood, we were all human.

We have the right to find a place in this world! "

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