Druid of Marvel

Chapter 1521: Powerful Tomahawk Academy

Alvin clasped his ears and turned off the communication from Zhang Qiang ...

When the greedy **** prevailed in the situation, he began to fight the ideas of these dragons.

Alvin ignored this guy's unreasonable request ...

Now it is the most important thing to meet the demand of the big chain!

A meteor shower caused a huge change in the terrain of the sandstone plain ...

Alvin was warned not to bomb the ground with meteors ...

In the face of another pit that constantly spouts out of "Yangyu", he can only transfer the air and space aircraft carrier and bombard the pit with saturated artillery fire, delaying the speed at which the "Yangyu" is coming out ...

Only in this way can we strive to catch up with the time after we have delivered the goods!

The second big kid kidnapping "Dai Bai" started to mean a little bit familiar ...

The fat bear tightly locked the dragon's neck and controlled it to start diving towards Alvin's position ...

The purple dragon without his brain instinctively roared in horror ...

Under the threat of death, the purple dragon's body has purple elemental energy constantly flowing out ...

Those purple energies with terrible crushing characteristics make the "big white" who has never been injured send a painful roar, feeling extremely angry for the hair on his belly being crushed ...

"Bai Bai" was driving the dragon's approaching dive to the ground. He took time to glance at his bare belly ...

"Ao ~"

The angry "Bai Bai" shouted at his boss, wanting Alvin to compensate ...

Alvin looked at the sharp dive dragon and "big white" ...

Looking at the "Dabai" pair, if you don't compensate me, I will kill the dragon and **** yourself ...

Alvin squeezed his nose and nodded in response to the unreasonable request of "Dabai" ...

Anyway, I will soon go to Hua Guo for a stroll, find it a fat and strong panda chick, and realize that the bear is happy, it should not be difficult ...

After receiving a satisfactory answer, "Dabai" shouted excitedly, squeezed the dragon's neck hard, and came to an air brake ...

Watching the dragon rush to the ground with its wings spread angrily, plowing a deep hole in the ground ...

Alvin directed Golden Vine to rush up ...

The golden vine enlarged the body to the thickness of the bucket, like a ferocious python wrapped around the dragon's body ferociously.

In theory, although golden vines are special in nature and have the special function of extracting energy, it is impossible to entangle monsters such as giant dragons ...

However, the golden vine branded with the character of ‘sleepy’ by the chain tycoon, this time was extremely tenacious ...

"Energy extraction" combined with the "sleepy" character soon made the purple dragon breath out of his chest, screaming "erh", a look that would cut off at any time!

He sent an excited "big white" like Erha who found the object, and let it rush to another pothole location, strangling the unearthed "Xiecu" ...

Alvin walked over to the dragon and smiled twice on the golden vine, then lifted his foot and stomped a few times on the ground, shouting: "Open the door and send the express!"

The orange chain is obviously a bit dissatisfied with Alvin ’s opportunistic approach ...

It slammed out of the soil, lifted Alvin, who was proud, and locked the purple dragon's neck instead of the golden vine ...

"Wow" ...

With the orange chain shaking his body ...

Alvin didn't know if it was his own illusion ...

He seemed to see a ribbon of intricate patterns appearing inside the dragon's body, cruising in mid-air, and then slowly escaping into the air ...

"Huh ~

Rebellious with a blood oath, he thought that opportunism could get rid of the oath ...

Now that the star core has recovered, I still want to escape ...

Damn it! "

Before waiting for the curious Alvin to ask the question in his heart, the orange chain dragged the purple dragon to the "ruin" of the big pit.

Watching the purple dragon scream, it was dragged into the ground ...

Alvin doesn't know how he feels in his heart ...

It turns out that "Guardian" has never been far away. Even in the darkest moments, some people are guarding the core of the earth.

For those "celestial beings" who have created the earth today ...

Alvin can only express his respect!

Watching that big pit "remains" restores calm as the dragon disappears ...

Alvin let out a long sigh of relief, and then ran towards another big pit.

Solved there, he could free his hand to go to Kunlun to see.

After solving the remaining three-headed dragons, Kunlun's affairs will be over!

When Alvin was on his way ...

Zhang Qiang watched through the drone, watching Alvin make a few nonsense to the void, and then the purple dragon fell into the ground as if dragged by something ...

Faced with this supernatural picture, Zhang Qiang frowned at Alvin and murmured, "Who are you talking to?"

As Zhang Qiang looked at Wu Fengji, who was entangled with the blue dragon in the distance, he hesitated, picked up the communicator, and said, "Chairman, you better hurry up!

Alvin has killed two dragons ... "

Wu Fengji, who was on the back of the blue dragon, was surprised, and then said angrily: "What a joke?

It takes a few minutes to kill a chicken. "

Zhang Qiang shook his head helplessly and said, "President, Alvin is obviously not the kind of person who has patience with monsters ..."

Wu Fengji listened, pulling the barb on Lanlong's neck with his left hand, and thumping **** the root of Lanlong's ear with his right hand ...

Massive "power of iron fist" spewed out into the blue dragon's brain ...

Zhang Qiang looked at his president desperately, he sighed helplessly ...

Ever knowing that the old dragons are transferring their souls, the sharp gun will be preparing!

In the face of these brainless dragons, this president, who has the same power, can control them through some kind of mystery.

As long as these giant dragons are alive and under the control of Wu Fengji, they will continue to create "iron fist" ...

The sharp gun will gain more power!

But now it seems that the idea that the sharp gun would want to capture all the dragons has failed ...

The Battle of Kunlun, when Alvin was on his way ...

A large number of powerful teams gathered in the small camp of Tomahawk Academy ...

All the gangsters have sent their best gunmen ...

Chief George George, the New York police officer, sent an entire emergency team ...

The domineering gangster even called Fox to explain to her that if there were no people, he could send thousands of policemen over ...

Byrne, the temporary commander ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ looked at a large group of heavily armed gangster gunmen in the delta than the delta ...

There are also the New York emergency teams that voluntarily rush to the front line ...

He sighed helplessly and said to Bucky, "Should I resign?"

I can't seem to do this job!

Now that Nick ’s little **** is over here, it ’s more useful than me!

Those gangster **** are simply sturdy and unrecognizable!

The gangsters in Hell's Kitchen are all in this configuration. How did the police get through all these years? "

Bucky glanced at the embarrassed Berne and said indifferently: "Then you get Nick's little bastard, I guess he will be happy to help you!"

Byrne listened, rolled his eyes, and said, "NO, if I did this, his father would expel me ..."