Druid of Marvel

Chapter 1526: Big difference

Alvin stood alone on the top of a desolate mountain ...

In the collapsed expression of Wu Fengji's sister, he beat the other green dragon into a severe disability in rock music ...

When Alvin ordered the golden vine that had been encrusted by the "Big Rope", he bound a blue and green dragon with two bad ends ...

Wu Fengji looked at Alvin and seemed to be eager to try, then tried to kill the white dragon that had been controlled by himself ...

She uncomfortably signaled Bai Long to run away, then glanced at Alvin fiercely and said, "You just deal with the problem like that?

These are the only three living dragons in the world ... "

Alvin looked at the back view of the white dragon who panicked and fled away. He regretfully lost the crude mace in his hand ...

Walking to the head of the later Green Dragon, he opened his eyelids vigorously, watching the huge pupil of the dragon's eyes reflecting his "handsome" appearance ...

Alvin patted on the green dragon's crocodile eyelid with satisfaction, then looked at Wu Fengji and said with a smile: "The three remaining dragons do not mean they are 'good dragons' ...

Are you really sure that one person can control these three dragons? "

Saying that Alvin looked up and down again, Wu Fengji, who was heroic ...

He didn't know whether it was his own illusion. This Wu Fengji had a very surging vitality ...

She gave Alvin a feeling like a flaming flaming phoenix, and the wanton force even overflowed her body and surrounded her ...

Wu Fengji opened her hands generously, a large silver glare poured from her body, forming a phoenix shape on her back ...

Alvin seemed to hear a tweet from ancient times, and then watched the silver phoenix rise from the sky, the higher the higher, the bigger the bigger ...

Watching the clouds clear the way for "Phoenix", the phoenix that flew faster and faster exploded into huge fire after rubbing against the atmosphere ...

The horrible flamingo suddenly burst out after a quick swim on the top of the Himalayas ...

A large feather-like flame fell from the sky ...

When they approached Alvin, they turned into fine and warm sparks, and finally sprinkled on the Ares 4 ...

It makes Alvin look like a flame warrior from the myth, adding a dazzling brilliance to the God of War 4, which is domineering to the extreme ...

Alvin asked himself not the kind of grandiose ...

But Wu Fengji's strength display, as well as her control of power, did indeed allow Alvin to admire the five bodies!

The lethality of Alvin's magic must be far greater than Wu Fengji ...

But as a person who will be chased by his own magic, Alvin really has no face to say where he is stronger than Wu Fengji!

Judging from the strength that Wu Fengji showed at least these few minutes, solving those old dragons is really not difficult for her.

The only problem is that she wants to catch the dragon alive with a loss of control, without overwhelming power. This is very difficult and time-consuming!

The emergence of Alvin has solved a huge problem for the Sharp Gun Club and Wu Fengji ...

Looking at Angel's own shape projected into the air, Alvin smashed his mouth and smiled and said, "For the first time, I found that I still have room for improvement ..."

As Alvin looked at Wu Fengji smiling like a "life tutor", he shook his head and said with a smile: "I used to think I was handsome enough ...

Now I find that after more special effects, I can be more handsome!

I recorded what I just did ...

My daughter will go crazy when she sees it ... "

After listening to Wu Fengji for a while, she rolled her eyes with a strange expression ...

She reacted, the guy in front of herself is the strongest person on earth at this stage ...

Just destroyed him alone and destroyed more than 10 square kilometers of land. The mentality of the seniors who "rely on the old and sell the old" is not good in front of him ...

Wu Fengji waved his hand a little awkwardly, feeling a little indifferent to his strange performance just now ...

If Alvin is tossed away those terrible records, and those horrible combat videos ...

If he looks at the surface, he is too deceptive!

Younger but always a little greasy, nonsense joke comes out, not too annoying ...

Wu Fengji is one of the true powers of the earth, and she is always a little bit used to facing Alvin like this.

Watching Alvin take a selfie with his mobile phone sitting next to the heads of two giant dragons, Wu Fengji smiled and shook his head bitterly, saying, "I'm going to Kunlun to solve the problem there ...

Are you interested in visiting with me? "

Alvin shook his head when he heard it and said, "I'm not interested in Kunlun ...

Not even interested in their ending!

Since I discovered that the Demon Cave has some other functions, my last interest in the Kunlun realm has disappeared!

My only worry is that my friend Matt is still in Wanxian Cave ... "

Alvin looked at Wu Fengji and said with a smile: "Remember to take care of my buddy, don't let him die ...

That guy is a dead brain and a friend of Danny Rand ... "

Wu Fengji listened a little, then hesitated a moment and said seriously: "I don't know if it's a little late to say this now?

But thank you very much for your help!

I hope that the cooperation of the sharp gun will continue with you ...

There are too many dangers in China that we need to deal with, and your presence gives us a relaxed external environment. "

As Wu Fengji looked at Alvin, who was a little inexplicable about her "chase", she said a little helplessly: "You let us not always worry about the sudden emergence of a few lunatics to ruin the world ...

This is great, you allow us to focus more on our own things! "

Alvin looked strangely as if he was no longer in rhythm with Wu Fengji. He nodded humorously and said, "Let Zhang Qiang come to talk to me when something happens ...

Strictly speaking, my cooperation with the Sharp Gun Club is based on trust in Zhang Qiang! "

Alvin shook his head a bit awkwardly, and said with a smile: "I'm glad the earth has you and Gu Yi, such a strong man is walking ...

But I do n’t know if it ’s my own illusion ...

Maybe it's because I'm too handsome, I always feel a little out of place with you! "

Wu Fengji shook his head funny and said, "You are a weirdo ..."

He said Wu Fengji suddenly stepped forward and hugged Alvin hard, saying, "But I hope you will keep it!

Before you were 30 years old ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ lived what I wanted to be when I was 300 years old ...

It is a pity that the more you know, the more you carry, and the harder it is to want a comfortable life ... "

Alvin looked at Wu Fengji, who suddenly changed his temperament. He frowned and hesitated. He said: "Conscience says, I really think it is not difficult for me to cut people ...

I position myself as "Earth Fighter" ...

No one else can trouble a "beater" with world events! "

Speaking of Alvin's tall Wu Fengji, he raised his mobile phone and put his big face next to Wu Fengji's melon face. He smiled and said, "This 300-year-old beauty would not mind taking a photo with me Let me show off in the circle of friends? "

Until this time, Wu Fengji finally let go of the weird feeling that "everyone is not a world" in my heart ...

Alvin showed her another method of living, one that is not bound by power and responsibility ...

Make everything simple!