Druid of Marvel

Chapter 1526: Meet Wu Fengji

Zhang Qiang listened to Alvin's slightly ironic words ...

He smiled and shook his head bitterly, as if he had taught Alvin a jerk, and he understood why the days of Nick Fury were so sad ...

Obviously now Alvin is ironically ordering his soldiers to protect Kunlun's utilitarian ...

This guy's moral standards are erratic ...

In the face of "outsiders", such as the moon Attila, although he also sympathizes with them, but he will never have such complaints.

But when facing the earth, Alvin obviously didn't like utilitarian rescue, even if he knew it was the right way.

Faced with this kind of Alvin, Zhang Qiang can only smile with a bitter smile: "Brother, I also want to solve the crisis without a soldier, but I am not you ...

Kunlun is very important for the future strategy of the Gunslinger Club!

And they are also Chinese, do I have to watch them all rush into the Wanyao Cave and die? "

Speaking of Zhang Qiang looking at one person and three dragons still fighting in the distance, he hesitated and said, "Alvin, do me a favor ...

You have killed the souls of those old dragons, and killed two dragons ...

Can we help our president to subdue the remaining dragons?

Our president has a way to control the dragons that have lost their souls ...

With them, the earth has a powerful inheritance! "

Alvin looked up at the sky, and a white dragon and a green dragon fought together ...

Another blue dragon is struggling desperately trying to get rid of the silhouette on his back ...

After thinking a little, Alvin understood Zhang Qiang's idea ...

Things have come to this point, Kunlun must accept the jurisdiction of the Divine Gun Club ...

I rushed into the Wanxian Cave to kill myself, obviously not as good as Wu Tingji, who is also "iron fist", entered the Wanxian Cave ...

There were a lot of people in Kunlun, and Lin Shaoqing pushed Danny Rand out ...

This guy pushed Danny Rand, not only to destroy the image of those old dragons, but also to let "iron fist" lead Kunlun to get the best treatment.

Although Wu Fengji is also an "iron fist", after all, he has left Kunlun for many years. Even for several generations of Kunlun, no one knows that such an "iron fist" exists ...

Tens of thousands of people, all kinds of natural ...

Want to manage so many people, make them convinced, and willing to work for the sharpshooter, naturally need a lot of means!

Alvin asked himself that there was no reason to break Zhang Qiang's plan!

He glanced at Matt with a strange expression, and then said to Zhang Qiang: "I find a hill, you let your president lead the dragon ...

I can help you to trap them and give you time to solve the problem of Wanxian Cave!

It was Danny Rand ’s stunned head that led us, and we better hurry ...

This is the case, no matter who it is, the fewer you die, the fewer you die! "

Not long after Alvin finished speaking, Zhang Qiang sent a coordinate ...

Alvin asked Angel to plan a route for herself, then glanced at Matt, and said, "If you want to go to Wanxian Cave, I won't stop you ..."

As Alvin stretched his hand on Matt's shoulder, he drove the "tyranny" to form a combat uniform similar to Batman's armor ...

Driving "tyranny" to Matt's chest, formed several runes FAL (Far) to increase strength, and formed several runes KO (Ke) to increase agility on his legs ...

Take a look at the blind Matt who is even better than Batman ...

Alvin nodded with satisfaction, smiled and found out one or two authentic runes THUL (Shuer) and patted on his guide stick, adding 30 points of freezing attack to him ...

Looking at Matt's eccentric expression, Alvin said with a smile: "We are friends, I can't watch you blindly ran in to deliver food ..."

As Alvin put his arms around Matt's shoulders, he took out his phone and took two tough photos with the newly-promoted Batman ...

Then I pushed on the back of "Batman" and rushed towards the route planned by Angel ...

While running, Alvin looked back a few times ...

Blind Matt really wears Batman's armor like this ...

Bat, this blind hero seems to be more suitable!


The sharp gun in the sky will be inside the spaceship ...

Zhang Qiang watched the dozens of staff ahead monitor through hundreds of planes, watching the battle situation of the entire Kunlun battlefield ...

Almost every second, an information officer receives a note from the staff, and begins to notify the mobile fighters in the Ten Thousand Caves, and orders the transfer of some people ...

The staff team in the entire command room has been staring at the surveillance video, summarizing the information in front, and trying to control the fighting rhythm of the Wanxian Cave.

The complex terrain in the Ten Thousand Caves makes the Mobile Gunfighters of the Gunslinger Club scratch their heads ...

Only in the headquarters where information is gathered can the most effective commands be issued, so that those powerful mobile fighters can maximize their combat capabilities ...

Zhang Qiang looked at the number of casualties still climbing tenaciously. He shook his head irritably, picked up the communicator, and said, "President, Alvin is in place ...

You must rush to Wanxian Cave as soon as possible to solve the battle there! "

Wu Fengji, who was fighting with the Blue Dragon, listened for a moment, then she resolutely began to adjust her tactics, and forced the Blue Dragon to fly toward the low altitude ...

"Have you talked to Alvin?

These dragons are very useful to us, this is a power that can be passed on for a long time! "

Zhang Qiang nodded and said, "In some things, Alvin is more reliable than most people ...

He promised to help, so he will not lose his faith! "

Wu Fengji stood up from the back of Blue Dragon and looked at the top of a snowy mountain in the distance. She thumped the wings of Blue Dragon to help it adjust its route manually ...

Watching Alvin stand on a vacant hilltop with a sledgehammer ...

Wu Fengji glanced at the blue dragon under his feet with a wry smile, then said to Zhang Qiang with a little uncertainty: "Are you really sure that Alvin is reliable?"

Whatever I think, I think he wants to smash these dragon heads ... "

Zhang Qiang sees through the screen that Alvin has been trying to wave the super sledgehammer in his hand, looking for a feel ...

Looking at the sledgehammer that was bigger than the car, Zhang Qiang reluctantly picked up the communication and shouted, "Brother, can we stop it?

This thing will kill the dragon!

They are now protected animals ... "

Alvin heard that, irritably, let the "tyrannical" turn the super sledgehammer in his hand into a large mace ...

Then Alvin looked at the Blue Dragon whose sky was rushing in his direction. He said impatiently: "You haven't killed this thing, how do you know if you will be killed ...

This kind of thing is much stronger than you think!

Quickly let it down, and I promise not to kill it! "

Alvin's words just fell, and Blue Dragon flew towards his location under the pressure of Wu Fengji ...

Looking at the blue dragon at a height of tens of meters without any thought of landing, Alvin impatiently drove the upgraded golden vine into the sky ...

The thick golden vines wrapped around the blue dragon's neck and pulled down forcefully ...

The messy blue dragon that had been flying was completely out of balance ...

It took Wu Fengji on his body, plunged into the open space at the top of the rugged mountain, and set off a large area of ​​dust ...

Watching the golden vines start to wrap around the blue dragon like a python, Alvin waved his mace for a few steps, and came to the side of the blue dragon that kept rolling ...

While the blue dragon turned over and tried to crush Wu Fengji, Alvin jumped loudly to the blue dragon's chest, and the thick mace covered with power runes was hammered at the root of its wings ...

A horrible sound of "click" ...

The Blue Dragon instinctively uttered a painful wailing, the entire left wing was pulled down, and he could only swing vigorously ...

Alvin looked at the blue dragon who couldn't even turn over with a smile. He shouted his horn and walked up a few steps. Another stick beat the blue dragon's right wing ...

When passing by the blue dragon's chest, he looked at the huge claw-like claws ...

In line with the concept of "come here", Alvin violently beat two horrified claws into crushing fractures ...

Looking at the enthusiastic Alvin, he smashed a blue dragon's hind leg from "reverse joint" to "positive joint" ...

Wu Fengji struggled a bit under the blue dragon's body and shouted at Alvin: "Don't let it be too bad ...

Otherwise, we still have to heal it! "

Alvin listened, he smiled and nodded, struggling to "correct" the direction of the joint of Blue Dragon's other leg ...

After glancing at his masterpiece, Alvin patted the blue dragon who had been **** by the five flowers and could only scream ...

Then looking at Wu Fengji wearing silver light armor, he smiled and said, "Generally I think dead monsters are" good "monsters ...

But I believe Zhang Qiang, your sharpshooter club has never let me down! "

Wu Fengji nodded when she heard it. She looked back at the golden vine that bound the blue dragon and said a little strangely: "Your vine is very powerful ...

But can it bind two dragons at the same time? "

As Wu Fengji looked at Alvin with a strange expression, she smiled and shook her head, saying, "These dragons are so important to us ...

You may have heard that I am actually ‘Iron Fist’ ...

And I know there is no indoctrination from these beasts, just using the keel can't completely inspire the power of "Iron Fist"!

You should believe that we are not doing this simply to pursue individual power!

This is what our ancestors left us to inherit ...

Even if they deviate, we should pull them back to the original path. "

Alvin listened. He looked at Yingzi Sashuang. He looked nothing like the hundreds of years old Wu Fengji ...

After carefully looking at it, Alvin said with a smile: "Of course I believe you!

Guarding such a place in China can also make people live and work in peace and contentment, you are really amazing!

It ’s me, and in the face of 36 monster caves that can only be guarded but not played, I might be crazy ... "

Alvin smiled and arched his hand at Wu Fengji ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ said with a smile: "I am a friend of Zhang Qiang ...

Don't know what to call you?

It ’s a little rude to call you senior, and you ’re getting a little bit of President Wu ... ”

Wu Fengji smiled boldly. She spread her armored wings and sprinted toward the edge of the mountain. While laughing, she cried: "You have encountered the magic rope, right?

I have also encountered ...

Otherwise, call me "Sister" ...

You must not suffer! "

Alvin smiled and shook his head, shouting: "'Sister' ~

How do you maintain?

Let me introduce my fiancee ...

If the power of "Iron Fist" can be a beauty, can I get a little for my fiancee? "